Saturday, May 15, 2021


 The SARS Covid 2 pandemic has been and continues as the most serious threat to this nation since WWII.  The virus pandemic has killed 500,000 of our US citizens, created a social and cultural nightmare of fear and isolation, upended our economy, had disturbing effects on our 2020 elections and killed almost three million others ( and counting)  around the world. Yet there seems little appetite in the US politicized press and media to address the cause of this political, cultural, economic and social catastrophe. One wonders why?

The recent dust up in the US Senate between Dr. Anthony Fauci and Senator Rand Paul, MD regarding the origins of the virus revealed the existence of  documents which EXPOSE a financial  connection between the Wuhan Virology Lab in Wuhan China and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease  ( NIAID) which is headed by  Dr Fauci

There are two theories for the origin of the virus. The government (and Dr Fauci) have supported the hypothesis that the source of the virus was the Wuhan “wet market” where caged animals are kept for slaughter and sale as food.  This theory attempts to posit a complex route of transit over great distances and through several animal species from bats in caves in distant south China’s Yunnan Province ( over @900 miles distant )  to Wuhan where the outbreak first occurred.

We now know that Wuhan Virology Lab has been collecting bat viruses from bat-dung in far away Yunnan for years. And these collected samples remain stored in the Wuhan lab ( just where the outbreak occurred) and where “gain of function research” (GOF) has been carried on from at least 2014.  These GOF experiments actually attempt to genetically modify viruses to make them more infectious to humans.  It is clear that if these “super viruses” ever escaped,they would  cause a  world embracing pandemic, (just as we have experienced in 2019). It is apparent to many scientists and others that the potential threats of such GOF research clearly outweighs the vague possible benefits.   

And if the 2019 pandemic occured as a result of a lab accident we must change such practices and limit GOF experiments. 

But what we did not know is that Dr Fauci and his NIAID organization supported the dangerous —irresponsible —research in Wuhan prior to 2014. But even more egregious, after  the Obama Administration withdrew funding based on the potential dangers of such research and the poor reputation of this lab for safety, Dr Fauci continued his support and relationship with the director of that lab.  Documents from the lab and from the NIAID now clearly indicate that in 2019 it was Dr Fauci —who restored financial aid to this lab—though indirectly— and with no assurances that the WIV would not continue on its dangerous “gain of function”research. 

Can we trust this eminent doctor who refuses to explain why he continued funding Chinese research?   Can Dr Fauci compromised as he is by his support of dangerous foreign research, be trusted to give sound advise concerning the critical question of  the origins of the virus and  how the “spill over” from a bat virus to a human virus occurred?  

We deserve to know why US tax payers are funding virus research in China ? .. 

We must insist that Fauci come clean and answer honestly. “Why did you fund the research at the Wuhan lab?

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