Stop and Frisk, racial profiling or criminal profiling?
The fact is, hypocritical progressives welcome and adamantly support actual racial profiling, as used by Harvard, Yale and USC to open academic opportunities for minorities, but they fiercely oppose any profiling policy when it is used by the police to protect innocent civilians.
So sad for the new “tough on crime-talking” NY mayoral candidate Eric Adams who has been in office only a few weeks, and now actually has to do something about out of control violence in New York City. Adams has been faced with a wave of violence in his first few weeks in office. Violence on the subways ( slashing, rapes, murder, riders being pushed in front of on coming trains), and on the streets and busy avenues where random daytime shootings, stray bullets kill children and adults, and most recently the purposeful targeting of police with deadly ambushes. Violence has gone off the charts.
Adam’s response has been a lot of campaign style rhetoric including a new “blue print” to attack gun violence. But as an initial supporter, I’m not convinced yet he has the moxie to get the job done. So I’m sad to find Adams, only a few weeks into the job, emanating those faint but troubling signs that he may be out of his depth. His “doing something” has been mostly pie in the sky plans, blaming guns not perpetrators for crime, asking “help” from DC, and more campaign style rhetoric (although it’s polished and uplifting for the moment) but will do little to actually get the gun toting perps off the street. But we all do know what should be done.
Like the Democrat’s failed response to the southern border immigrant surge—-we all know how to fix the problem—but the “progressive” ideologues in powerful places prefer other outcomes. Adams who was a cop himself..knows this too. But can he overcome their opposition?
Then too the problem today (after Deblasio) is bigger and more entrenched now than it was in the past. Even the illegal armament facing Adams’ police force are no longer simple “six guns” or “Saturday Night Specials” but literal machine guns (such as the Glock .22/.45 cal with illegal rotary magazine) that can spew forty lead rounds in as many seconds, as well as military style assault weapons, like the AK47. The former “tommy” gun weapon was what was used to kill rookie NYPD cop, 22 year old Jason Rivera, and critically wound officer Wilbert Mora.
But even though these permissive circumstances have been left to fester over the last eight years by the previous mayor, the solutions are well known. Hizzoner must get his new administration to abandon the “no bail” policy, charge juveniles who carry weapons as if they were adults, and encourage elected AGs to actually prosecute crimes as laid out by the state legislature. They must go after “out of control” street gangs and the “smash and grab” mobs as well. These policies—so far unmentioned by the Mayor—would go a long way to solve the problem. But sadly (like the effective southern border wall) these ideas are all adamantly opposed by the powerful entrenched ideologues of the left. Then there is Stop and Frisk.
Stop and Frisk, is a proven way to gets the guns off the streets and lock up those thousands of gang members, mentally disturbed, street predators and thugs that illegally carry weapons and are likely to commit crime. Stop and Frisk saves lives but is most effective in the minority communities where the guns are. It saves young black lives where this violence is rife.
But the powerful and many of the Mayor’s Democrat supporters characterize this workable and practical policy as evil “racial profiling”. Even though candidate Adams actually supported the policy, we now hear little of it in his plans. While most police professionals and those in favor of practical and effective solutions support it as a means of reducing violent crime, saving lives, and characterize it only as a form of “criminal” profiling, with no racial element.
Stop and Frisk if implemented, can be one of the factors that saves the City from decline and a future as a Chicago-like dystopia.
The fact is that so called “progressives” welcome and adamantly support actual racial profiling as used used by Harvard, Yale and USC to open academic opportunities for minorities, but they fiercely oppose it when it is used by the police to protect innocent civilians (and yes heroic cops who put their lives on the line when they go to work each day).
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