Monday, January 3, 2022


What is “gain of function” research ?

According to the National Institute of Health: “Gain of Function (GOF) research is focused on the enhancement and increased pathogenicity and/or transmissibility as well as expanding the host range of potential pandemic pathogens so as to better understand their threat.”.  (Meaning:  GOF  seeks to modify germs to increase the potential to cause more severe, more deadly disease and increase the potential for them to spread to more animal and human hosts.) 

Anyone, even non-scientists can understand how dangerous such research could be. 

A deadly virus pathogen modified by GOF study could accidentally infect a lab-worker, who might  pass the virus on to others outside of the lab, and initiate a world-altering deadly pandemic which could kill millions upon millions of people.  

That scenario above was in fact the very one described almost word for word by Dr Anthony Fauci in 2014 when, after a series of disastrous lab accidents in China and elsewhere the USA Obama government discontinued funding such research.

Then in 2017 during the Trump Administration the same Dr Fauci who appeared to support defunding GOF funding three years earlier because it was so dangerous …..worked to refund GOF research in China  (not openly and  directly but) by funding an intermediary organization which passed USA funds on to the  labs.  The fact that the virology  lab he supported in Wuhan in 2017 was located at the very source of the Covid 19  pandemic in China only adds to the suspicion that Fauci’s 2014 warning was a prescient one. 

After suffering through two years of this horrible  Covid 19 pandemic, (most likely generated just as Dr. Fauci himself warned)  and now entering our third year of unimaginable pain, death, suffering, psychological decline, and massive social and economic disruptions—— one would think we would have “wised up” and abandoned “gain of function” research to avoid future man made pandemics.

Well, you would be wrong.   For the USA government  continues to this day in 2022 to fund this extremely dangerous form of biological experimentation which seeks to create new, more deadly disease germs which can infect more diverse animal hosts and potentially escape to generate a new pandemic.  

Well, we now know very well what a horrible threat they do pose.  Are we all so stupid?  We should be calling our representatives and demand that our government  defund such research, particularly in foreign labs where levels of technical expertise are less robust and where oversight and control is limited. 


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