President Biden comes to NYC talking “gun violence” rather than “lawlessness” to attempt to obfuscate and diffuse the surging crime wave in the City. He is not here to help city residents , Asian, black, brown and white, beset by surging crime, but only to help himself and his falling poll numbers. Don’t expect any improvement in the City’s lawlessness and crime wave.
Instead of facing up to the real crime problem Biden comes to give his many detractors the impression he is “doing something”. Sadly Biden’s “doin’ somethin’ ” is comparable to a surgeon attending a patient with a blood/spurting femoral artery who ignores the wound, but prescribes a diuretic to control hypertension to stop the bleeding.
Mayor Adams will be right there along side of Biden. He is excellent with the bell toned rhetoric…but he will also mouth the phony “gun violence” ploy along with the “big guy”. Perhaps it’s the game he must play, but as a police officer he must know it will not solve his crime problem.
Guns have been a problem in NY since the 1950s or earlier. Too many guns are not new a new problem. Past mayors faced with the same “gun problem” knew how to control crime as well as criminals. Not today.
In the past, illegal guns mostly stayed in the drawer, the closet, or among dust balls under the bed. Taking a gun out onto the street was to risk arrest and a stiff jail sentence. On the street a peace officer might notice that bulge in a jacket or hip pocket and conduct a “stop and frisk”. Today there are no officers on patrol, and if one is there they would studiously ignore any “tell tale” bulges knowing how fruitless and dangerous such an encounter might be. It’s a free for all for the criminals on the streets. We do not need “gun control”, we need control of the “perps” that use guns.
Furthermore, “gun control” will not address the underlying culture of violence and lawlessness. The city and our nation has espoused a new and dangerous (not to say deadly) excuse for or analysis of criminality. The dangerous idea that criminals are the “victims” of society. And as victims of imagined inequity they are only “taking back” what they are “owed”. This new Orwellian age philosophy has infected the thinking and decision making of the politicians and “elites”.
This pernicious idea is the underlying cause of the present crime wave. It must be addressed and refuted as a fallacy before real change and improvement can occur.
The philosophy of “victimhood” is the reason one billion dollars has been cut from the city police force budget. It is the direct cause of the unprecedented ambush attacks on police. It is why recruitment is at a low ebb. Why the police are demoralized, demeaned as criminals rather than the often heroic crime fighters that they are. It’s political effects can be seen in in the election of DA s and prosecutors who do not prosecute crimes.
It’s economic effects can be seen also in the darkened stores, middle class flight, fear to travel on the subways, businesses moving out of town, and resulting poverty and falling tax revenues ….and ultimate dystopia!
The phony rhetoric you will hear today from Biden and Adams about “gun control” will not stem the tide of physical attacks on the subway, or of being pushed to the subway tracks, or being slashed by crazed knife-wielders, or will it address the jumping of turnstiles, the rapes, the robbery, panhandling, constant pilfering from stores, as well as the smash and grab mobs which terrorize shop owners and the public. On the streets autos and trucks speed, park illegally and run red lights all manner of crime has increased in this city. The politicians will promise some “pie in the sky “ reforms…(like Biden’s fatuous, empty, ineffective plans to stem the tide of illegal immigrants on our southern border by sending our VP Harris with billions of dollars to Honduras and Nicaragua to encourage the migrants to stay home.)
But get ready NYC, Joe Biden is coming and he is prepared to give out other useless cures like a diuretic or ACE inhibitor pill to a bleeding patient!
Don’t let him get away with it.
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