Friday, February 18, 2022




Interesting fact: Covid mortality is so low in China that in  terms of unit population,  more people die of the annual flu in the USA (40 x more) than died of Covid in China.  Why?  

The common annual flu in the USA causes about 43,000 deaths annually (based on average figures from CDC for 2019).  In terms of mortality per unit population that is equal to about (43000/350,000,000 = 0.00012278 x1,000,000 = 123) or @ 123 deaths/million population per year from flu).  

As a consequence of the recent Covid 19 pandemic, Covid 19 and its variants caused the deaths of well over 800,000 US citizens.  The USA Covid 19 annual rate of mortality per unit population (assuming 400,000 deaths per year) is well over 1100 deaths  per million population per year.  (Note. The USA rate of mortality for the pandemic as a whole is close to 3000 per million, with Bulgaria and Brazil even higher) 

USA Flu deaths = 123/million population  per year

USA Covid 19 annual deaths = 1100/million population per year 

What is remarkable are the very high USA rates of Covid mortality (well above the approximate annual 1000 deaths per million population) rate.  In comparison China (and several other Asian nations) have reported  very low mortality rates, some well below 100 deaths per million population.  China in particular, with rates in the single digits, has reported one of the lowest mortality rates per unit population in the world.  

PRC (China): Covid mortality per million population = 3.4 (for pandemic)

Japan: Covid mortality per million population = 125 (for pandemic)

USA: Covid mortality per million population per year  = 1100

Thus, the Japanese rate of death per unit population is only a small fraction of of the USA Covid death rate. In fact, the death rate due to Covid 19 in Japan is comparable to the death rate of the annual flu in the USA.

China’s  death rate for Covid is even lower.  The PRC’s mortality rate for Covid is only a tiny fraction (1/3 of one percent) of the USA Covid  death rate.   Even compared to our death rate from the common flu, China’s Covid mortality of 3.4 per million is only (3.4/123 = 2.8% or) @ 3% of our annual flu mortality rate.  That is: ( 123/ 2.8 = 43.9) or @ forty four times more people die of flu in the USA annually  than died of Covid in China. 

China must be doing something right in controlling Covid mortality.   We should give them credit for their efforts in this matter, and examine more closely the causes for this interesting disparity. 

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