Wednesday, March 2, 2022


 Ideologue: An often blindly partisan advocate of a particular ideology. An impractical theorist, a fanatic, a zealot.  

February 27, 2022

How did we get here? At home, we suffer from surging inflation, disruptions in supply chains and scarcity. Fuel oil and gas prices at the pump seem to rise exponentially.  Here too a horrible pandemic, now waning, but still out of control, stalks our vulnerable elderly.  A fearful-crime wave plagues our cites, and our southern border lies  open to uncontrolled illegal migrants, human traffickers and drug smugglers. 

How did we get here?  The answer to that question may lie with our aged President, Joe Biden, who it now seems is too old, infirm and unsteady to lead the nation on his own. As a result he has surrounded himself by young,  left-wing ideologues  who have taken charge of his presidency, and it is these few—unelected impractical theorists who now call the shots.  

Besides not warning the voters that he would serve as a mere mouthpiece for the fanatical left, the President misled the electorate in 2020 by claiming  he would heal the nation, and govern from the middle as a moderate.  By handing over the reins of leadership to unelected zealots, he failed to honor his campaign promises. Instead he initiated both political and legal campaigns to further  antagonize, demean, and shut out half of the electorate…some 70 million citizens,  who did not vote for him.  As a result, Joe Biden has become rather than the healer he promised, he has  exacerbted political division and racial animus. Biden has become the chief divider rather than healer in almost every aspect of government policy:  “open border” and illegal immigration, surging violent crime in our cities, racial discord, abandonment of law and order polices, support for police defunding, raising taxes, encouraging excessive debt, fostering excessive spending, encouraging increases in cost of fossil fuels, supporting bogus claims of alleged racism and inequality, and implementing a weak and uncertain foreign policy which has among other issues led to unprecedented war in Europe.  

As Joe dozed his presidency away on the Oval Office couch or on his beach hideaway in Delaware, the partisan, impractical novices old Uncle Joe handed power to, with their still-damp Harvard sheepskins in tow, (too often the result of out of control affirmative action polices) have from the beginning with adults missing from the room have encouraged and instituted impractical radical fringe left polices.  These untested novitiates made decisions based on radical theories and polices which were the cast-off socialist policies relegated they lifted from the dustbins of history.  But being young and ideological (as well as self-righteously and sophomorically assured that they were right and everyone else was wrong) in power as a result of a weak president they foisted these outdated ideas on the American people.  Sadly by any measure, our present economic suffering here,( and existential threats to life and liberty in the Ukraine) attest to the fact that they have all dramatic, tragic failures when removed from chalkboard theory in the classroom and instituted in the very much more complex “real” world.  

What about our surging inflation?  In the first heady days the ideologues in the Biden Administration hit upon the idea of discouraging fossil fuel investment by closing oil lease purchases and chilling new development, investment, as well curtailing current production. Their “ green” goal was clearly to limit fossil fuel consumption and raise prices, and thus encourage the use and development of “good” renewable energy sources. Yes they intended to raise prices on fuel….being unaware of the pernicious threat of that act on the cost of living and the awful specter of inflation. Because of their  inexperience and youth and having never experienced or had even heard of inflation—an economic threat which had not existed in their lifetimes of the last 40 years. But they stupidly encouraged inflation. The result: with our cheap oil and gas off the market, we had to turn to Russia and the Middle East for absolutely essential fuel sources which, in spite of chalkboard theory, continue to sustain and supply almost all domestic use, industry and our essential military. 

The immigration scandal on our southern border, screaming for attention was compeltely ignored by the Administration which has permitted a surge of millions of new illegals to enter the USA in the last year, via the  much denied but all too evident “Biden Open Door Policy”. This is simply another example of bad ideology gone awry—the result of blind partisanship  winning over sane reasonable policy  and the trashing of the well being of the nation as a whole.   Again the far left Biden team precipitously overturned the sensible practices of the last administration, during which illegal immigration, human trafficking and drug smuggling were under control. The Biden team unceremoniously dumped working systems to replaced those with what they termed more “humane” policies . These new ideologically driven  policies were not humane—they encouraged human traffickers, brutal coyotes, sexual abuse of minors, enriched the drug cartels and others as they exploit those who would leave their homes and make the perilous journey north.  Biden’s left wing supporters favor an “open border” to foster and encourage their own concepts of what the USA’s “ethnic diversity” should be.  And perhaps as well were motivated to generate more left wing voters in red states. 

Then too. in those early days of “Biden disasters”, there is the great “elephant in the room” which we can not ignore or navigate around: the foolhardy, precipitous, poorly planned, nationally embarrassing—and deadly—retreat from Afghanistan .  This watershed event laid bare to all who watched with jaw agape, this government’s ignorance, incompetence, and simple stupidity as it unfolded on the tarmac in Afghanistan.  The scenes  shocked the world and revealed the weak, pusillanimous, bumbling nature of the Biden White House (and more dangerously alerted our enemies to Biden’s timidity and weakness).  

Our military,  reputed as the world’s most competent force, was sullied as the government forced it to abandon billions of dollars worth of high tech weaponry to the Taliban, as it ordered our military to desert US citizens, dependents, children, and our Afghan allies on the Kabul tarmac as we flew off in disarray.  As our giant  C17 cargo planes taxied off to safety.  desperate Afghans clung to the plane’s landing gear only to fall to their deaths as the planes rose in the air .  Sadly, this national Biden fiasco also took the lives of 13 brave young US servicemen and women who were killed among many others in a terrorist bomber attack at the unsecured civilian airport.   In a post bombing “face saving” attempt to exact retribution on the terrorists, the Biden team OK’d a poorly conceived retaliatory drone strike,  but instead of enemies, these government incompetents killed a large family group of innocent Afghans.  

The catastrophe of the Biden Kabul retreat stands as a paradigm of the lack of competence and limits of the Biden team’s ideological driven, poorly conceived and  precipitous polices which were replayed over again in all of its acts over this last perilous year.   And more seriously, and  sadly, it set the stage for our alert foreign  enemies to take advantage of these weaknesses…as in the Ukraine, and now perhaps elsewhere. 

In regard to the pandemic is it necessary to rehash the lies, missteps and simple stupidity regarding how these untested. “leaders” in DC politicized and mis-handled the awful Covid pandemic?  I think not. Perhaps it will, suffice to say that with all our high tech, and advanced medical technology, the USA remains as virtually the only “advanced” nation with the worst record of mortality due to Covid.   Furthermore, the near million dead from Covid 19 in the USA the world’s most technologically advanced nation, exceeds almost all of the other Western advanced nations. Even when we evaluate Covid mortality per unit population, the USA ranks very near the “top”  with only Peru and Burundi suffering more dead per unit population.  And for a President who politicized this tragedy and campaigned with a promise to “better protect” the nation from horrors and inroads of the pandemic. The results show that was a hollow promise. It  is sad to report that many more citizens died during the “leadership” of this new President, than under the past one.  

So where are we?  We have a government in the hands of incompetent ideologues…yes the exact opposite of those who we need—-those who are flexible and responsive to change and adapt to circumstances.  As a result are confined in a vicious cycle of repeating failed polices. 

President Biden, though infirm may stumble along for three more years: and we have no choice but to hope he does. Sadly for us, one of Biden’s most irresponsible bad decisions was his choice of VP.   We as a nation may in the next three years be faced with what we may term unhappy choice of the “fry pan or the fire”.  So for the survival of the nation—it’s now past time that our President manfully took charge of a failing administration—and fire those ideologues in his cabinet and inner circle who have so far served him so poorly.   It is time to make a new start.  

Perhaps his salvation (and ours) may be found were he to go back to the early promises he made to the heal a divided polity, and to be the President and leader of all of America…red states and blue.    

We can hope.

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