Covid in Asian Nations—Mortality Rates Lowest in World
Abstract: World nations experienced an average Covid related mortality per unit population of approximately 1000 deaths per million, while “western nations” suffered nearly twice as many deaths. Asian mortality is nearly half the world rate. Asian nations reported Covid mortality about one third of those in western nations. On average, for every one person who died in Asia from Covid, more than three people died in western nations from the same cause. While some results were extreme such as that the USA suffered more than 800 times the death rate per unit population than that reported in China. Analysis of Asian data indicates that China’s low rates are typical of surrounding Asian nations.
An initial review of recent Covid pandemic mortality rates indicate that Asian nations appear to have suffered a much lower rate of mortality per unit population due to the Covid pandemic than western nations (as of 2-10-22) For example: On February 10 , 2022, China reported 3.4 deaths per million due to Covid, while the USA reported 2765 deaths per million, or more than 800 times more deaths per unit population than China! That trend was reflected in many east-west Covid mortality results. To attempt to evaluate and confirm this more anecdotal that factual evidence, world Covid mortality, rates regularly updated and available openly and widely on the internet were downloaded, tabulated and examined more formally. (See Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center. (https://
World Nation Covid Mortality
A download of world nations (N=155) reporting Covid 19 mortality data per unit population was tabulated and general statistical parameters calculated. All national data refers to mortality per one million population of the source nation. Mortality rates ranged from the lowest, 3.3 deaths per million (Burundi) to over 6384 deaths per million for Peru. The world Covid mortality per million population summary results are: N= 155, Mortality mean μ =1090, Median= 621, Mode =13, Std/Dev σ =1241. A graphic distribution analysis of these data indicate that variables were likely not attributable to random variations but to other unknown factors. It did reveal that 68% of data points fell between -151 and 2331. While 95% of data points fell between -1393 and 3572. The distribution curve skewed sharply to right. Note data not posted here.
Asian Nation Covid Mortality
To attempt to document that variations are other than random forty-seven (47) nations characterized by the United Nations as “Asian” were culled out of the above world data tabulation and their mortality rates per unit population and statistical measures calculated. Of these, only thirty-nine (39) were available in the data bank as of February 10, 2022. See list of nations and data compilation below*. The statistics for Asian Covid mortality per million: N =39, Mean μ = 657, Median 433, Std Dev σ = 770, Range, 4123 (3.3 to 4126).
Western Nation Covid Mortality
Similar procedures for “western” nations which are here defined as those of the European Union, parts of Eastern Europe, as well as UK, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand. Twenty-nine (29) western nations reported Covid 19 mortality per million population as of 02/10/22: See data compilation below*. Western nation data summary: N=29, Mean μ= 1854 deaths per million, Median 1982, Mode n, Std Dev σ =1028, Range = 4304. Graph of distribution reveal that 68% of values fall between 811 and 2880 deaths per million.
These data reveal that world nations experienced an average Covid related mortality per unit population of approximately 1000 deaths per million population. While nations characterized as “western nations” reported a Covid death rate per unit population of close to 2000 per million (actually 1854), or nearly twice as many deaths as the world as a whole.
The average world mortality rate is 1.7 times (1090/657 = 1.7) or nearly twice the rate of that reported from Asia. In comparison, on average, Asian nations reported Covid mortality per million (657/1090=0.60) or only 60% of world mortality and about one third of those in western nations. (657/1854= 0.35 = 35%). Or on average, for every one person who died in Asia from Covid, more than three people died in western nations from the same cause.Also the low mortality rates per unit population reported from China seem statistically consistent with other far eastern nations.
What could cause such variations? Variations in the means of collecting data, definitions of mortality/morbidity and variations in technical and medical sophistication in some nations no doubt had an effect on reported information. But the statistics suggest other factors such as: genetics, average age of the population, percent co-morbidity, percent vaccination, percent urbanization, population spatial density, life style, population compliance or non-compliance with regulations, government philosophy regarding control, isolation, and vaccination measures, and previous exposure to similar viruses may have all contributed.
Perhaps further inquires should be undertaken to investigate these factors.
- Source Data Compilations.
Thirty-nine (39) Asian Nations (mort/mil) :Afghanistan=196, Armenia =2741, Azerbaijan=892,Bahrain=846, Bangladesh=176, Cambodia =182, China =3.4, Cyprus=634, Georgia=4126, India =370, Indonesia=534, Iran=1606, Iraq=625, Israel = 1031, Japan =156, Jordan =1327, Kazakstan =1009,Laos =81, Lebanon =1424, Malaysia=1003,Mongolia=662, Nepal=414, Oman = 824, Pakistan=136, Palestine =1109, Philippines=505, Qatar=231, Saudi Arabia=261, Singapore=154, South Korea=134, Sri Lanka=719, Syria = 176,Tajikistan =13, Thailand =321,Timor Leste = 94, Turkey =172, UAE =232, Uzbekistan =47, Vietnam=400, Yemen= 72 .
Twenty-nine (29) western nations reported Covid 19 mortality per million population as of 02/10/22: Austria =174 (Covid deaths per million population), Belgium= 2568, Canada=934, Denmark =673, Finland = 385, France 1893, Germany=1436, Greece=2277, Hungary =4316, Ireland= 1273, Italy = 2485, Israel = 1031, Netherlands= 1199, Norway=282, New Zealand= 11, Poland = 2823, Portugal = 1982, Romania= 3156, Russia = 2289, Serbia =2040, Slovakia= 3302, Slovenia = 2887, South Africa= 1647, Spain= 2022, Sweden =1590, Switzerland= 1503, Ukraine= 2448, UK = 2370, USA =2765.
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