Thursday, October 6, 2022


President Biden’s radical agenda—an experiment with America— has been an utter and unmitigated failure. Biden was elected in 2020 by a nation in the throes of a pandemic, and won with questionable election practices in some states with the slimmest of margins.  The electorate gave the new president no mandate for change.  Yet he forged ahead to institute a fringe-left agenda based on far-left, socialistic, radical, economic and social experiments almost all abandoned in the 1940 and 50s as impractical and unworkable.    

His policies on energy, the economy, the pandemic, domestic issues, immigration and foreign policy have all blown up in his face.  Biden reduced national security, weakened the economy,  generated a massive surge of inflation and divided the nation into two angry camps.

His “green” agenda on climate change was intended to defund, weaken and undermine the formerly robust and healthy US fossil fuel sector. This inane policy immediately led to higher gas prices and set off an inflationary spiral. Today we suffer from  a level of inflation (at over 8% ) that this nation has not experienced in over four decades.  This insidious loss of purchasing power reaches into everyone’s pocketbook, where it reduces the value of your pocket cash, your salary, your hard-earned savings and 401Ks.     But it is worse.  Inflation and attempts to control it lead to even more damaging consequences—recession. Recessions dry up business activity, stall growth, cut jobs, and eliminate opportunities.   Joe’s policies are the direct cause of these economic disasters.

In the field of foreign policy, today for the first time in decades we are faced with a growing and dangerous war in Central Europe and with an unprecedented threat of a nuclear exchange.  This conflict is one in which our President has abandoned and ignored diplomacy and  has instead focused on intensifying and expanding the conflict by feeding one side with massive deployments of military hardware, intelligence, and technical advisors.  The US has in effect entered the war as a belligerent, a dangerous policy that can easily blow up into a hot war with nuclear armed Russia.   He has abandoned any efforts at diplomacy.  His passive behavior coupled with intemperate rhetoric has only prolonged a dangerous threatening war. While his “drunken sailor” largess has cost us nearly $70 billion dollars, donated to a nation that is well known as the most corrupt in Europe. Where have those funds gone?  Could these massive funds have been better spent on our festering problems at home ?

The Biden foreign policy fumbles are not confined to Europe. In the western Pacific, the isolated nuclear armed nation of North Korea threatens Japan (and potentially the USA west coast) with flyovers of nuclear-capable ballistic missiles. At home while doing every thing in his power to undermine domestic oil production, in the Middle East, Biden humbled himself to foreign dictators to pump more oil, (in an effort to lower surging gasoline prices domestically). The OPEC nations have utterly and ignobly ignored his pleas and instead lowered  production by 2million bbl per day.   

Just as he has driven our own nation into two angry camps his penchant for causing divisiveness has encouraged a similar pattern abroad. His multiple faux pas abroad have driven Russia, China and other non-allied nations into closer cooperation and opposition to US leadership.  

Biden’s “open border” immigration policy is now an infamous scandal of incompetence and stupidity and needs no further explanation. His so-called “more humane” policies at the border have resulted in a humanitarian, legal and political disaster, as millions of illegals swarm into the nation under the umbrella of criminal gangs associated with drug and human traffickers. These inhumane evildoers (who have locked and suffocated hundreds of migrants in parked and abandoned 18 wheelers on hot southwestern highways) profited massively as a result of the Biden “humane” border policy. 

Biden supports the radical progressives who clamor for “equity of outcomes“ (rather than “equality”). These radicals insist, with no poof, that our nation is “racist” and thus all of its judicial and policing policies are invalid since they result from “racial discrimination” and .  This fact free and false revision of American history and smear on America is dangerous to our citizens of all races. It egregiously  makes victims of one group and smears others as indefensible racist—all with no facts for support. The resulting inane policy—of releasing dangerous criminals back into the street after arrest with no bail— has resulted in the highest spike in violence, and criminal behavior in this nation’s history.  The primary and principal function of government is to protect its citizens from harm.  Criminals and violent offenders  must be separated from society to protect the innocent.  Incarceration is an essential tool to protect all citizens of all races from those who commit violent acts..  Certain racial groups do commit more violent crime. That is a sad fact. We must deal with that fact reasonably and fairly and not falsely ascribe these hard statistics to some other implausible cause—such as institutional racism simple to fit into a preferred narrative.  It is always easier to blame some one else for failure…it takes honesty and courage to face up to the facts.

In only less than two years Joe Biden has made our nation and our world a more fearful, more dangerous, more expensive and less optimistic place. He has reduced our incomes and savings by close to 10%. Our future looks less and less hopeful.  He has made our walk or ride to work more fear-filled and dangerous. And under Biden we now lie awake at night and worry about the unimaginable horror of a possible nuclear war.   

Any rational person must conclude that we are much, much worse off than before Biden’s progressive experiments. 

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