Ron DeSantis does not support the war effort in Ukraine. Most Republicans agree with him.
The Democrat press..that is essentially almost all of the media..loved it. They gleefully and in multiplicity reported that the most popular (not Trump) Republican, Ron DeSantis was being pummeled by his own Party. Or rather it was the “Republican establishment” who took Ron to the woodshed for having the audacity, the nerve, the temerity, to state the actual facts: “the Ukraine war is a territorial dispute,” and “the USA does not have a vital interest in Ukraine” .
Who were these so called “Republicans” attacking DeSantis? They are the old guys ( the Senate minority leader McConnell is 82 years old) that never supported the Trump revolution. They are the “neocon establishment” of the far right..the “war mongers” who only a few years back supported an illegal war of choice conjured up by Bush junior and his evil Rasputin, Dick Cheney. A dangerous pair, who blazed a continent-wide swath of death and destruction— all across the Middle East (Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria,) first in pursuit of non-existent weapons of “mass destruction”, then foolish, vengeance for 9-11. The madness continued with “reaper” drones used by President Obama (who one thought he should have known better).
What was the outcome of that war of choice? We wasted trillions of dollars, created mounds of US debt, ended millions of lives, revealed our nation’s deepest and worst character flaws, and dumped billions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere to increase global warming. We achieved: Niente’, nada, rien, tipota’, nichts!!!
The US has thankfully retreated from those bloody “theaters of war”, leaving behind billions of dollars in assets, millions in weapons, lost technology and war materiel, but with absolutely nothing to show for it…except an onerous and debilitating war debt, and the broken bodies of our young men and women who gave their all for their nation.
The real Republicans are the registered members of the Party who clearly disagree with their so called “leaders” and who wisely favor DeSantis and Trump, as candidates both of whom do not support the massive war effort in Ukraine. And how popular they are!
The most recent CNN polls suggest just what the GOP voters are thinking about Ukraine and wider wars. In a March 15, 2023, a CNN 2024 Republican Presidential national poll of Republicans revealed: Trump and DeSantis —both known to favor less support for Ukraine—received a total of 76% (DeSantis 39%, Trump 37%) while the “establishment” GOP candidates, Haley (4%) and former VP Pence (7%), were both in single digits. Not a good sign for the establishment wing of the Party.
The GOP voters have learned from our recent past and the Bush-Cheney wars that no benefits accrue from policies which aim to “create democracy by the muzzle of a gun”. These efforts cost thousands of billions and what do we the tax payers get for our sacrifice? Nothing! We are now well aware that the GOP “hawks” are not going to send their own children to war, or build the border wall along our southern border to control illegal immigration, or protect our cities, or improve infrastructure, or support healthcare, or our schools, or clean up East Palestine, Ohio and the polluted waterways —.
After, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria we know that that these GOP “establishment types” are not into “wall building” , or making America great again. These politicians ARE in the business of supporting policies which bring lucrative contracts and US tax revenues to the US Arms manufacturers like: Lockheed Martin (government arms contracts = $36 billion), Boeing ($31 billion) , Northrop Grumman ($28 billion) and more $ for UK and foreign firms too. These are the companies that make a massive profit from wars like Ukraine. More death and destruction, the better for them. Of course one hand washes the other and the arms contractors in turn support their Senators and House-members.
Ukraine is to these companies like the “chum” barrel of blood and guts, is to the deep sea shark fishermen, who dump chum over the side of the boat to draw predators into a feeding frenzy. The blood attracts the long grey predators, then seawater roils with red foam, snapping jaws and swirling tails. Soon the chum is all gone and the hungry, blood-crazed sharks begin attacking each other.
In DC and some cities in Europe this “war monger” feeding frenzy results —like at sea — in death and destruction. It is Ukraine, that is being torn apart. More weapons to Ukraine satisfies the likes of Boeing and Grumman and the “establishment” war monger Senators who take PAC money from them…but in Ukraine there is no electric light, no heat, and hundreds of young men die in the muddy blood streaked trenches each day.
End the madness…end the war, stop the escalation with new weapons which only extend the feeding frenzy. As DeSantis stated, we have no vital interest in Ukraine, our only vital interest in Ukraine should be to end the killing. But no effort is being made to that end…In DC the effort is only for greed, war manufacturer’s profit and politician’s reelection cash.
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