Governor DeSantis changed his mind again. In an interview last week with Tucker Carlson he sounded like a MAGA Republican. The next day the Dems and GOP hawks attacked him as if he was “Ron Trump”. He could not take that amount of heat. Back peddling at high speed, in an interview with Piers Morgan yesterday, he flip flopped again on foreign policy and now supports the GOP war hawks and Biden’s ‘blank check’ on Ukraine, vowing to “win” the war with Russia. Whatever that means.
Today, March 22, 2023, I read with dismay that in a Piers Morgan interview Governor Ron DeSantis just back peddled or flip flopped (again) on his Ukraine policy. He simply could not take the heat from the Swamp Dwellers. This is a major mistake. Waffling on foreign policy is the “third rail” in GOP politics. The 74 million-strong Trump voters will not support a “George Bush (daddy) style” GOP waffler. So who will support him? This may put DeSantis in the single digit poll category of ‘also rans’ Pence and Haley.
On Tucker Carlson’s recent show a few days ago, Ron sounded like a real MAGA Republican claiming that the Ukraine War was a “territorial dispute” and disagreeing with the “blank check” the Biden Administration has given Zelenskyy. Perhaps he was only attempting a typical politician deception by “threading the needle” between the establishment hawks and the majority of rank and file voting Republicans who do not favor an escalating war in Ukraine..and whom he must win over. It did not work.
Ron now appears as an untrustworthy candidate, a still a ‘wet-behind the ears’ country boy from rural Florida, who does not have foreign policy experience, or the cojones to stand up for his convictions and fight back. But worse, he could not take the heat from the main stream media and the GOP “establishment” politicians in DC, who pummeled him mercilessly as an “isolationist” and worse. He capitulated. But for the rank and file Republicans this was the worst possible out come. They know that these folks will be the very people he will have to put down and control were he ever to become an effective President. This is definitely not a good place to be in so early in his campaign.
If Ron can not ‘stand his ground’ now, he does not have the necessary qualities needed to clean out the Augean Stables in DC. The nation needs a real street fighter, one who could divert the flow of the Potomac River to deal with the incompetence, corruption, deception, nepotism, self-emolument, media-Justice Department collusion, and worse, infecting that horribly corrupt and decadent city, where the earth trembles each day from violent rotations emanating from the tombs of the Founding Fathers.
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