Sunday, October 11, 2015


The GOP, perhaps because it was vainly struggling to compete with the Democrats, moved off into the desolate, right-wing " political steppes", riding off into a cloud of red dust with the hordes and ghosts of Ghengis Khan. The Party deserted members of the vast middle class and working class family, friends and neighbors.

The recent spectacles of the 2016 GOP field of candidates for the Presidency has revealed a mind-set in the modern Republicans so radical one wonders how they could be expected to be elected, and if they were, how could they possibly govern a modern nation? According to multiple polls, the likes of the illogical, simplistic, naive, unsophisticated, uninformed and bigoted Dr. Ben Carson, have actually garnered the allegiance of a large chunk of the GOP primary voters. This phenomenon has made me think. What group of citizens could possibly support a candidate who promotes such simplistic, illogical, and yes radical views?

What I have concluded is the following. This is undisputed, the Republican Party is, as presently constituted, established to solely to support and perpetuate the aims and purposes of the affluent and super affluent--the 1%. THE GOP WORKS ONLY FOR THE WEALTHY. That fact is a terrible handicap when it comes to elections. It is clear from their pronouncements that the GOP's main goal is to reduce taxes for the affluent, increase the profits of the wealthy, and radically cut government domestic spending, and any other expenditures that might serve the rest of us. While cutting government spending, the GOP hypocritically FAVORS lavish SPENDING on Wall Street, big banks, big business as well as the energy, military-industrial complex which are owned or operated or supported by the elites and affluent. The result is a shift of tax burden to the hard pressed middle classes and increasing levels of income and wealth disparity. This is not good for our economy. So why would anyone of the working and middle classes support such a candidate? There IS no natural support for their positions.

In a perfect world, where the UNVARNISHED TRUTH must be told, Republicans would have to clearly state: WE WORK ONLY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE WEALTHY. In that world who would support them? Their actual client base is so small. Unfortunately for them, if ALL of the super wealthy, disgustingly wealthy, industry CEOs, bank officials, Fortune 500 managers, company presidents and high officials, came out in droves to vote Republican, they would not have enough votes to win a county supervisor's post. The Republican brand would die out. They would not be heard of again.

To survive, the Republicans, have to corral the support of the little guys too. For this reason they have cobbled together, a COALITION OF THE EXTREME out of our political universe. The smartly dressed and coiffed "one percenters" under the GOP tent have coerced others to join them. They have gathereed in the old, the greedy, the bigoted, the ill-informed, ignorant, and easily led. They have welcomed in the know-nothings, the anti-science, anti-global warming, anti-gay, anti-abortion, religious fanatics, plain nut jobs, nativists, gun toters, war mongers and all other far right fringe elements that this great nation harbors in its nooks and crannys.

With this in mind, it becomes crystal clear why the Ben Carsons, Carly Fiorinas, and Donald Trumps are doing so well in polls of Republican primary voters. The GOP is simply gathering in any and all who will mindlessly go along with the one percenters, so as to make it possible for them to eke out a possible win in a national election. They need these little malleable folks to make it possible for them to continue working for the welfare of the super wealthy of this nation.

But it is a dangerous game they play.

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