It's a story as old as politics itself. In the late Roman Republic it was the Optimates (elite, wealthy, old families) who battled the Populares (the rest of the Roman people including the tribunate and the people's assemblies) for political power, sometimes to the death. Today, we see that same conflict play out between the elite, super wealthy, donor class and the rest of the nation (small businessman, professionals and working classes and poor) as they vie for political ascendency and control,over government policies. In recent times, it has become all too apparent that the donor class choose the candidates and control the political agenda by application of big wads of cash. This practice is even openly defended by the political establishment of both parties as a form of free speech. Such overwhelming power by the few is rightly resented by those of us who were raised to treasure our vote as meaningful, and our nation as a democracy.
The sad effect of this system of political control by the donor elites is the effect on the Republican Party (and Democrats too). The demands on policy by the donors have pushed the GOP farther and farther to the right. Its agenda is now so close to that off its large donors and so far away from that of its voters and general members that not one of its establishment candidates who mouth the polices they must (to maintain their financial support) are supported by more than single digits in the polls.
After fifteen years of a senseless, unfunded $3 trillion dollar war, continued foreign military imbroglios, a stuttering economy stuck in the doldrums, (an economy which floats the hedge fund magnate yachts into high water, but has kept the work boats and row boats still inundated), a $19 trillion dollar debt, an immigration crisis, healthcare fiasco, collapsing infrastructure, and political dysfunction in Washington---- the people are clearly dissatisfied with government as it is. In addition, due to modern technology and access to instant media we all have a clear recognition of the political might of the oligarchic donor class simply with the click of a mouse or the touch of an iPad screen. That over-weaning power is also manifested in the hand-kissing and kow-towing of prospective candidates before moneybag donors like the Adelsons, Koch brothers and others. The citizenry are now aware that before any human vote is cast a minuscule number of super wealthy, perhaps 100-200 financially powerful individuals, have already decided as to whom the candidates will be and what policies they will support. They know this is not how a democracy should function.
The people have been left behind as the party led by its rich donors and controlers have moved radically rightward. Today, there is a nascent, nay, full blown rebellion against the establishment political parties and the donor network of the few which support it. It is the donor class against the people. Who will have control over the political agenda? The polls show who the people support.
Those who respond to the numerous polls indicate a clear aversion for the "puppet", "controlled", "programmed" candidates who can only run with the support of big donors, take the money and do their bidding. This "puppet"category of candidate includes all of the present Republican field (with the exception of Donald Trump). That group of candidates are all in single digits in the polls. The people are clearly rejecting them. The people are not willing to support the establishment puppet candidate.
The most recent national GOP a poll give Trump 32 % of the GOP voter electorate. Dr. Ben Carson gets 22 % ....all the rest except for Rubio (who just makes double digits), are in the single digit category. ( An even more recent national poll ( October 27, 2015) seems to indicate that Carson has a slight lead. His lead is within the margin of error. ). Right now more than 54% of the Republican voter pool favors Trump or Carson, two men who have no political experience and who are not supported by the elite donor class.
But when you look at a graph of the long term trends of the polling data one sees an even more striking picture. Trump and Carson's campaiang long poll data stand out over the other candidates. They rise steeply to the right, i.e. moving to higher percentages. Only these two are on a clear upswing. All the other candidates , including Rubio, are either in a steady state (level) or on a generalized downward trend, heading toward lower percentages . (See Realclear politics.com/polls, accessed October 25, 2015).
Political,pundits, Republicans Democrats, establishment types, media and others please take notice. The people are rejecting the present system of political finances...and the control of candidates and policies by a few high roll donors. The "optimates" have acquired too much power. The result of this in antiquity was the rise of the dictator Julius Caesar. Time to change.
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