Tuesday, October 20, 2015




Way back in September, I was impressed by a little comment that Trump made, almost as an aside, during the early days of the campaign. At a speech in Dallas, he remarked about the Capital which as all could see was (and has remained) completely sheathed in scaffolding...obscuring the lovely white dome. The $60 million dollar renovation has been taking a long time. Many think too long. Some have claimed that the construction firm doing the work have a contract which states that are ready to take the scaffolding down during the January inauguration in 2016. Then for an additional fee of a million dollars they will replace it and complete the job. Remarking about this typical example of Washington inefficiency Donald Trump said: "See that dome in Washington?" "If I get elected, I will let the scaffolding stay up. But you know, I would have made a better deal. I would have made them work faster. Made them get it done. If I was in charge, we would not have to take it down then put it up again." The Donald the added, "Can you believe they never thought of that?" It was true. No one had asked that question. The Washington insiders are not spending their own money...so who cares? It was a question that no one else would have asked. Donald Trump did. That impressed me. He is not the "business as usual" candidate.

Yes, knowing the bureaucracy of Washington, we can all believe that story. And of course we also know what to think about the ready reaction and defensive response of those in the establishment. Soon after these remarks were published the architectural firm contracted to complete the renovation reassured any and all questioners that the project "was on schedule" and was to be completed BEFORE the inauguration. We will see.

But now every time I see that iconic dome--a common image featured in our tv news reports from Washington, I think of Mr. Trump and his unorthodox question----- and his practical solution. His answer: Make them work faster, increase the workforce, and get the job completed on time.

Donald Trump is riding high in the polls. The people seem to love it. The establishment types are shaking in their boots and plotting his downfall. Out here in the countryside we all enjoy the sound of the delicate china smashing in the halls of the establishment. We relish the response concerning the King's new clothes, "Sorry, but he ain't wearing no clothes". But mostly, we enjoy hearing someone state out loud what we all know are the facts. Americans love the unvarnished truth. That is what attracts the voters to Trump's band wagon.

Concerning truth-saying the Democrats are as guilty as the the Republicans. They are the Tweedle Dee of the " Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum" establishment. Foolish Obama, decided to play the establsihment white guys game when he was elected. He refused to deal with the "past" when he took office. He didn't dare state the truth about the former administration. The Republicans lie and the Democrats kept mum. Perhaps understandably the GOP hid the facts about the failures and foibles of the George Bush administration. Then, as they did with the "weapons of mass destruction lies", they fostered and polished the Republican myth that " Bush kept us safe". It took Donald Trump, a brash, billionaire, New York businessman and real estate developer to smash the Bush "kept us safe myth". He simply said it out loud on a tv interview. "He didn't keep us safe. The towers came down during the Bush Administration. It was on his ((Bush's) watch. That is not keeping us safe." ( loosely quoted) . That was gratifying to hear for a knowing observer. Finally.

Candidate John E.Bush, (Jeb) Darling of the donor class didn't know enough to let that dog lie. He seems determined to defend (again) his brother George W. on every count. The day following Trump's barb, JEB published a more detailed, ad hominem attack on Trump with a more detailed replay of the Bush family myth. That gave Mr. Trump the opportunity to twist the embedded blade another half turn, widening the bloody wound. Trump simply stated the truth, the documented and verified claim that JEB's bro was not only to be held responsible for the Twin Towers going down but, even more egregiously, he was remiss in his Presidential oversight responsibilities BEFORE the 9/11 attack. Trump reminded us all that before 9-11 there was ample evidence in our intelligence reports that an attack was being planned by Bin Laden. "They knew it was coming," he charged. Recall the unopened and unread Daily Briefing book?

And why is Mr. Trump able to speak so frankly? He is not a bought and paid for candidate...like ex-candidate Walker, Marco Rubio and JEB Bush. He has no control strings and can tell it like it is...He is responsible only to the grassroots voter...not one of the 150 families of the donor elite class which today control too much of our political life. This is supposed to be a democracy where the voters have their say...not an oligarchy for few billionaires.

Keep it up Mr. Trump. You are remodeling the entire Republican Party, and perhaps the nation.....for its own good.

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