Tuesday, November 15, 2016



The famed 19th Century, London based, Baptist-Minister, Charles Spurgeon once said: "Revenge, lust, ambition, pride and sell-will are too often exalted as the god's of man's idolatry..."

Adam Smith, stated in the Wealth of Nations: " The overweening conceit which the greater part of men (and women) have of their own abilities is an ancient evil remarked by the philosophers and moralists of all ages."

The Democrats and their supporters are reeling, unable to accept the devastating electoral and political defeat by novice politician Donald Trump. Party officials, the media, the punditry, Academia, Hollywood and diverse Clinton supporters are in denial. Some have inadvertently encouraged the anti-Trump demonstrations and vandalism plaguing the streets of some inner cities. The demonstrators, however, should be directing their ire, not at the GOP, but at the Democrats who failed their supporters and the nation as a whole.

The effective functioning of our Republican system of government relies on the existence and paeticipation of two effective, responsive, political parties. Democrat officials failed the Nation in this last 2016 election. Party elites chose a candidate behind closed doors and foisted her on the public. They bent the rules, lied, and cheated to win her the nomination. During the election, American voters rose up against this Party candidate and handed out a devastating rebuke. As a result, the Dems are in tatters. Leaderless and demoralized, party officials are now desperately scraping around in the bottom of the personnel barrel for someone---anyone---to prop up as a face of opposition. The perfidious, foolhardy behavior of the Democrat insiders and elites have weakened the fabric of a great nation. Our system functions best with a competent and effective counterweight to the party in power...The Democrats in their haste to crown a flawed, unpopular candidate failed us all.

Much of the blame for this tragedy can be laid at the pant-suited legs and swollen feet of former First Lady Hillary Clinton. Though damning culpability also lies with the weakness and stupidity of party leaders; the President, who carelessly pushed this woman of only middling abilities, but towering ambition (and powerful wealthy connections) along the "cursus honorum"; to elites, and insiders who established a coronation system for this candidate rather than exposing her before the party voters, to the infamous "super delegates" who insured her victory, and to all of those who cheated and schemed to put a flawed candidate up as the nominee of the national party.

But it is sad and frightening that the underlying cause of this massive political disaster can be primarily ascribed to one woman's overweening, towering, immoderate, plethoric, unwarranted, unjustifiable AMBITION to be the FIRST FEMALE president. She and her misguided facilitators dragged the nation through this mess as a consequence of simple self-serving behavior...and no one had the courage or good sense to stop her.

She convinced herself she deserved it. It took two massive campaigns, and the expenditure of nearly a billion dollars to finally persuade her otherwise. Thankfully, her fellow citizens, both male and female soundly rejected her, not once but twice.

Democrats get your house in order!

Monday, November 14, 2016


TRUMP MUST BEWARE OF THE QUICKSAND IN DC SWAMP. Now that Mr. Trump's presidency is a reality...the hard part comes. Trump defeated one party decisively and has taken the other party prisoner. He has all his enemies on the run...but has to understand his mandate for change and continually remember who his real clients are. He has to serve their interests and if he does, perhaps he may be even elected to a second term.

The President--elect has to remember who elected him to this august position---and what THEY want. The so called "populism" he espoused during the campaign--the "movement" is real. The people elected Trump to control our borders, slow immigration, get the economy moving again, bring back good paying manufacturing jobs, staunch the power of the big donor class, and move away from globalism and damaging trade policies which drain wealth from our nation. These are his goals. These should be held against his forehead like the phylacteries observant Jews wear at morning prayer.

Trump has to remember that he is heading up a movement bigger that Jeff Sessions, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell or the wild militant--John Bolton who is decidedly not a member of the Trump movement. (So an emphatic NO! to any suggestion of him as Secretary of State). These folks are all part of the failed, elite, GOP system that the people decisively rejected in the primaries and then again in this last decisive national election. Trump may need them and their expertise on how the system works, but any he embraces must be held at arms length and ultimately must be bent to HIS will....not the other way around.

Time...and the names of those he will surround himself with...will reveal where Mr. Tump is heading. Will he abandon his "movement" for a few congenial hand shakes and slaps on the back and the good will of the swamp denizens, or will he drain the swamp and make it dry land for the people who elected him?

Don't go the way of Obama who had a mandate too....and became a wuss for the elites, the Clintonites, the big donors, and the party machine. He gave up his mandate to settle for a failed presidency, a phony Nobel Peace Award and the sobriquet of "first black" president. He served himself and forgot the people. .

Friday, November 11, 2016


Germany Selfishly Fears It May Have To Defend Itself: Callls "Trump a political catastrophe"

Der Speiegel, (Nov 10, 2016) the German news magazine, ranted on and on about the danger of the Trump victory. They dramatically reprised a long list of Clinton-derived anti-Trump election hyperbole, as if it was established fact. They have had no contact with the man and know little of his actual agenda. They get a failing grade for journalism 101 as a result of having jumped to one-sided conclusions fed to them only by the opponent's camp in a tough, messy election year. But their lop-sided view is really the result of blind FEAR. They see their world "threatened" by being forced to actually defend themselves. They refer to this as "a dangerous phase of instability" but the instability is a domestic financial one. The fear of increased expenses. They fear the "new world" in which they may have to pay for NATO and the American military umbrella under which they cower. "The fact that Trump has indicated that he will demand that European NATO allies pay more for US military protection" terrifies them.

Having traveled for many years in Europe, and been impressed mightily, especially in Germany, with their infrastructure, their broadband wifi, the bustling economy, an economy in which each small town has its own "pet" (and protected) industry, their wonderful healthcare system, their long vacations and desirable lifestyle---I can understand their concern. It is the American citizen who is paying for their defense. We pay so they can focus their wealth on their lifestyle, and expansive welfare. While in the USA we are struggling to make ends meet, we suffer with crumbling infrastructure, off-shoring of well-paying jobs, shorter more difficult lives, so we look over there with envy. They can have their pleasant lifestyle because we pay for their defense.

More than one third of our government tax funds go into supporting a bloated military which is tasked with world protection. We have military bases all over Germany and Japan and in every nook and cranny around the world. It is not just "Fortress America" we protect, the US citizen is burdened with the protection of the entire western alliance and then some. Our American taxpayer foots the bill. "It ain't fair!" Not when our people are suffering.

Perhaps, its time that Germany and the rest of Europe, got off the US military dole. Lets bring all our boys home. Its been seventy years they have been there spending money that goes into the Germans national coffers. Perhaps its time for the germans to pay for their own defense. They would have to dig up about one-third or more of their tax income to cover an expanded military and their fair share of NATO. That may mean a less affluent lifestyle and more taxes for Germans. Perhaps when one has to actually put their hand down into their own pocket to fund some foolhardy military adventure, such as destabilizing the Ukraine, or the over-throw of Gaddafi in Libya, or Assad in Syria, the Germans and other Europeans may pause to assess the costs to their own taxpayers. Perhaps under those circumstances we might witness less dumb military adventurism on both sides of the Atlantic....and that would be a good outcome.

Thursday, November 10, 2016



The democrats and their supporters are wailing and gnashing their teeth. The loss was shocking, more so when the political technicians, the polls, the media, academia, and the politically connected and powerful were so hubristically sure of their right to win. But the devastating loss the Democrats suffered was brought on themselves. This major loss is a self inflicted wound. They had a failed coronation..not an open nomination process. It was a major mistake.

Trump turned the country red. His coat tails were long and he enhanced down ticket elections for his party. The Oval Office and both houses of Congress are now in the hands of the Republicans. Republicans dominate the state houses too. You have to go down to the level of alternate alderman and dog catcher to find some elected democrats. It didn't have to be this way.

But the loss of the White House is all the result of Democrat Party weaknesses, corruption, tunnel vision, and stupidity.

The Democrats fielded a corrupt, failed candidate. And she took the whole party down with her.

Unlike the wide open Republican nomination process---the Democrats had a coronation. Senator Sanders, a Independent Socialist from tiny Vermont, fighting an uphill battle was, unbeknownst to him, categorized by the insiders as "only a straw man" who was encouraged by the party insiders so he could be openly defeated by Hillary. The party needed to make it appear that she was legitimately nominated. Without Sanders it would have been too obvious a sham nomination. What actually happened during the course of the the election cycle was that Sanders' popularity surged beyond that of Clinton. He began to believe that he could really win. He almost did...until the party operatives undermined his candidacy to assure his loss. He never had a real chance....and his "damn your emails" statement revealed he was never going to go for anyone's jugular....especially Hillary's.

The Democrat nomination process was a sham. The propositioned, pre-acclaimed, pre-certified, pre-accepted candidate, with the billion dollar bankroll, the Clinton machine, an army of Clinton-Foundation-paid operatives, and unwarranted but widely touted "experience" also came to the election with an enormous pile of ugly baggage, a non-existent set of basic policies, a weak ability to express herself and relate to the citizenry, an aversion to communicate with the Press, and a penchant for secrecy. She also had "likeability", trust, and honesty issues.

There were available and are now many Democrats, male and female both, who have more and better experience, and would have been better candidates...but Hillary Clinton had taken up all the oxygen and all the money. The Democrats were too weak or too stupid to realize they were being taken by two "grifters". The nation may suffer for it.

For the welfare of the nation, for a more viable opposition party, and for the welfare of all our citizens...the Democrats must revise their nomination process. They must have a more democratic, open process with many debates. Yes it is messy and costly but it gives the people a chance to have their input. It is more democratic...and isn't that the way it should be for the DEMOCRAT PARTY?

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Trump Cleans the Augean Stable

Donald Trump, the brash, rough-edged New York billionaire, schooled on the streets of Queens, where he rubbed elbows with hard-hat construction workers, came out of right field to pull off an upset victory of historic proportions last night.

Beginning a year and a half ago, during the nomination process, Trump was the only candidate funding his own campaign so he could craft positions and a message of his own. Unlike his big-donor-controlled GOP competitors, he opposed job-killing globalization and unbalanced trade deals, to uncontrolled immigration and open borders, and frivolous foreign wars and "nation building" which sapped our resources and the strength of our military. His simple message promising to bring back good jobs, rigorous vetting of refugees and new immigrants, and establishment of a secure southern border touched a cord with an electorate still suffering economically from the Great Recession.

With his simple, straight forward message, a year and a half later he turned the map red. He helped sweep in Republicans down ticket and he decisively conquered the most powerful and corrupt political machine in recent American history. In achieving this, he over-turned the well-arranged, cozy relationships between banks, Wall Street, government and the long-entrenched and donor controlled Democrat and Republican parties. His win gives us all hope. It upended the reign in Washington of the Wall Streeters and bankers, the neocons, the big donor class, the 'pointy headed" elites, the Washington lobbies, the entrenched establishment in both parties, and the mass media which colluded with the latter to maintain a sinister power structure which ignored and abandoned a vast swath of American citizens.

From the beginning,Trump almost singlehandedly fought off sixteen well-heeled and politically-connected Republican candidates. Throughout the campaign he battled the Democrats, the billion-dollar Clinton political machine, the mass-media, Hollywood, academia, Wall Street and the bankers, and a large majority of the "nevertrumpers" of his own party. There is not a modern politician I can think of who could have weathered the onslaught, the slime, innuendo, sex charges, the mud-throwing and the attempts at delegitimization, other than this tall, tough, flaxen-haired man from Queens. Bravo Mr. Trump.

On his side, he had only his determination to win, his own wealth, and a few stalwart politicians, such as: Rudy Giuliani, Mike Pence, Senator Sessions, General Flynn, and Newt Gingrich. He received no major editorial endorsements, and the support of only one media outlet (which wavered cowardly at times). His main and unwavering support was the mass of the American people who believed in him and his cause...to bring back jobs, control the borders and make America Great Again.

In the process of these herculean battles, Trump (with some help from Julian Assange of Wikileaks) exposed the corruption of Washington, the venality of the Clintons, the biased, unethical and craven main stream media, the politicalization within the Justice Department and in the leadership of our revered FBI which as a result of its head, at times became only an arm of the DNC. Even the power of the President was arrayed against this candidate. Mr. Obama entered the election fray with unseemly and inappropriate speech laced with ad hominem attacks. Trump's desperate opponents, including the President, only exposed the ugly under-belly of a corrupt system. The expose underscored the famous quote of Lord Acton who so well and succinctly stated that: "power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." The Clinton0-Bush0-Obama administrations had reached a stage of such advanced political putrification, so severe as to require it to be extirpated like a cancerous tumor.

But Trump's revolution not only exposed the weakness and political corruption of the system and its players, but also our democracy's great strength. The Trump win last night is a testament to one type of "American political exceptionalism". It is the only kind we have. We are not the best in everything. Far from it. But on rare nights like last night we can all be proud to be Americans. In this country, like no other, the people can rise up and vote and truly manifest their will. . And last night it was the American people who spoke out loud and clear. The spirits of our great and wise founders of yore, who fought so courageously for our freedoms, and tormented and aroused by the Clinton-Bush-Obama years can again rest comfortably in their tombs secure in the hope of continuity and good health of the political system they left in our care.

Trump the billionaire non-politician is our new leader.. He needs all of our support and good will to succeed.