Friday, November 11, 2016


Germany Selfishly Fears It May Have To Defend Itself: Callls "Trump a political catastrophe"

Der Speiegel, (Nov 10, 2016) the German news magazine, ranted on and on about the danger of the Trump victory. They dramatically reprised a long list of Clinton-derived anti-Trump election hyperbole, as if it was established fact. They have had no contact with the man and know little of his actual agenda. They get a failing grade for journalism 101 as a result of having jumped to one-sided conclusions fed to them only by the opponent's camp in a tough, messy election year. But their lop-sided view is really the result of blind FEAR. They see their world "threatened" by being forced to actually defend themselves. They refer to this as "a dangerous phase of instability" but the instability is a domestic financial one. The fear of increased expenses. They fear the "new world" in which they may have to pay for NATO and the American military umbrella under which they cower. "The fact that Trump has indicated that he will demand that European NATO allies pay more for US military protection" terrifies them.

Having traveled for many years in Europe, and been impressed mightily, especially in Germany, with their infrastructure, their broadband wifi, the bustling economy, an economy in which each small town has its own "pet" (and protected) industry, their wonderful healthcare system, their long vacations and desirable lifestyle---I can understand their concern. It is the American citizen who is paying for their defense. We pay so they can focus their wealth on their lifestyle, and expansive welfare. While in the USA we are struggling to make ends meet, we suffer with crumbling infrastructure, off-shoring of well-paying jobs, shorter more difficult lives, so we look over there with envy. They can have their pleasant lifestyle because we pay for their defense.

More than one third of our government tax funds go into supporting a bloated military which is tasked with world protection. We have military bases all over Germany and Japan and in every nook and cranny around the world. It is not just "Fortress America" we protect, the US citizen is burdened with the protection of the entire western alliance and then some. Our American taxpayer foots the bill. "It ain't fair!" Not when our people are suffering.

Perhaps, its time that Germany and the rest of Europe, got off the US military dole. Lets bring all our boys home. Its been seventy years they have been there spending money that goes into the Germans national coffers. Perhaps its time for the germans to pay for their own defense. They would have to dig up about one-third or more of their tax income to cover an expanded military and their fair share of NATO. That may mean a less affluent lifestyle and more taxes for Germans. Perhaps when one has to actually put their hand down into their own pocket to fund some foolhardy military adventure, such as destabilizing the Ukraine, or the over-throw of Gaddafi in Libya, or Assad in Syria, the Germans and other Europeans may pause to assess the costs to their own taxpayers. Perhaps under those circumstances we might witness less dumb military adventurism on both sides of the Atlantic....and that would be a good outcome.

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