Monday, November 14, 2016


TRUMP MUST BEWARE OF THE QUICKSAND IN DC SWAMP. Now that Mr. Trump's presidency is a reality...the hard part comes. Trump defeated one party decisively and has taken the other party prisoner. He has all his enemies on the run...but has to understand his mandate for change and continually remember who his real clients are. He has to serve their interests and if he does, perhaps he may be even elected to a second term.

The President--elect has to remember who elected him to this august position---and what THEY want. The so called "populism" he espoused during the campaign--the "movement" is real. The people elected Trump to control our borders, slow immigration, get the economy moving again, bring back good paying manufacturing jobs, staunch the power of the big donor class, and move away from globalism and damaging trade policies which drain wealth from our nation. These are his goals. These should be held against his forehead like the phylacteries observant Jews wear at morning prayer.

Trump has to remember that he is heading up a movement bigger that Jeff Sessions, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell or the wild militant--John Bolton who is decidedly not a member of the Trump movement. (So an emphatic NO! to any suggestion of him as Secretary of State). These folks are all part of the failed, elite, GOP system that the people decisively rejected in the primaries and then again in this last decisive national election. Trump may need them and their expertise on how the system works, but any he embraces must be held at arms length and ultimately must be bent to HIS will....not the other way around.

Time...and the names of those he will surround himself with...will reveal where Mr. Tump is heading. Will he abandon his "movement" for a few congenial hand shakes and slaps on the back and the good will of the swamp denizens, or will he drain the swamp and make it dry land for the people who elected him?

Don't go the way of Obama who had a mandate too....and became a wuss for the elites, the Clintonites, the big donors, and the party machine. He gave up his mandate to settle for a failed presidency, a phony Nobel Peace Award and the sobriquet of "first black" president. He served himself and forgot the people. .

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