Trump Cleans the Augean Stable
Donald Trump, the brash, rough-edged New York billionaire, schooled on the streets of Queens, where he rubbed elbows with hard-hat construction workers, came out of right field to pull off an upset victory of historic proportions last night.
Beginning a year and a half ago, during the nomination process, Trump was the only candidate funding his own campaign so he could craft positions and a message of his own. Unlike his big-donor-controlled GOP competitors, he opposed job-killing globalization and unbalanced trade deals, to uncontrolled immigration and open borders, and frivolous foreign wars and "nation building" which sapped our resources and the strength of our military. His simple message promising to bring back good jobs, rigorous vetting of refugees and new immigrants, and establishment of a secure southern border touched a cord with an electorate still suffering economically from the Great Recession.
With his simple, straight forward message, a year and a half later he turned the map red. He helped sweep in Republicans down ticket and he decisively conquered the most powerful and corrupt political machine in recent American history. In achieving this, he over-turned the well-arranged, cozy relationships between banks, Wall Street, government and the long-entrenched and donor controlled Democrat and Republican parties. His win gives us all hope. It upended the reign in Washington of the Wall Streeters and bankers, the neocons, the big donor class, the 'pointy headed" elites, the Washington lobbies, the entrenched establishment in both parties, and the mass media which colluded with the latter to maintain a sinister power structure which ignored and abandoned a vast swath of American citizens.
From the beginning,Trump almost singlehandedly fought off sixteen well-heeled and politically-connected Republican candidates. Throughout the campaign he battled the Democrats, the billion-dollar Clinton political machine, the mass-media, Hollywood, academia, Wall Street and the bankers, and a large majority of the "nevertrumpers" of his own party. There is not a modern politician I can think of who could have weathered the onslaught, the slime, innuendo, sex charges, the mud-throwing and the attempts at delegitimization, other than this tall, tough, flaxen-haired man from Queens. Bravo Mr. Trump.
On his side, he had only his determination to win, his own wealth, and a few stalwart politicians, such as: Rudy Giuliani, Mike Pence, Senator Sessions, General Flynn, and Newt Gingrich. He received no major editorial endorsements, and the support of only one media outlet (which wavered cowardly at times). His main and unwavering support was the mass of the American people who believed in him and his bring back jobs, control the borders and make America Great Again.
In the process of these herculean battles, Trump (with some help from Julian Assange of Wikileaks) exposed the corruption of Washington, the venality of the Clintons, the biased, unethical and craven main stream media, the politicalization within the Justice Department and in the leadership of our revered FBI which as a result of its head, at times became only an arm of the DNC. Even the power of the President was arrayed against this candidate. Mr. Obama entered the election fray with unseemly and inappropriate speech laced with ad hominem attacks. Trump's desperate opponents, including the President, only exposed the ugly under-belly of a corrupt system. The expose underscored the famous quote of Lord Acton who so well and succinctly stated that: "power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." The Clinton0-Bush0-Obama administrations had reached a stage of such advanced political putrification, so severe as to require it to be extirpated like a cancerous tumor.
But Trump's revolution not only exposed the weakness and political corruption of the system and its players, but also our democracy's great strength. The Trump win last night is a testament to one type of "American political exceptionalism". It is the only kind we have. We are not the best in everything. Far from it. But on rare nights like last night we can all be proud to be Americans. In this country, like no other, the people can rise up and vote and truly manifest their will. . And last night it was the American people who spoke out loud and clear. The spirits of our great and wise founders of yore, who fought so courageously for our freedoms, and tormented and aroused by the Clinton-Bush-Obama years can again rest comfortably in their tombs secure in the hope of continuity and good health of the political system they left in our care.
Trump the billionaire non-politician is our new leader.. He needs all of our support and good will to succeed.
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