“Those hypocrites who claim a “moral imperative” to aid Ukraine, send weapons, then sit at home safely and watch as Ukrainians die.”
President Joe Biden created an economic and domestic disaster at home causing a southern border “stampede” of one million illegals; a national surge of murder, violence and lawlessness; “defund the police”; gas at the pump rising more than 100%; an end to the nation’s energy self- sufficiency with misguided “green” policies; an unprecedented 8.5% inflation rate, and wrecking the booming economy of the previous administration, to the point of stagflation and recession. Not satisfied with his domestic malfeasance, he turned his attention to foreign policy where he doubled down on the colossal disaster in Afghanistan, by turning his incompetence and that of his cabinet on to the innocent victims in the Ukraine.
President Biden, mumbled and stumbled into a proxy war in the Ukraine. He paid no attention to the valid pleas of Vladimir Putin who warned that Russia viewed the expansion of NATO into Ukraine as an existential threat to his homeland. Then he ignored repeated opportunities to deescalate the situation. The President shunned the opportunity for meetings and communications with Putin to discuss the issue of NATO expansion. He left the efforts for diplomacy to minor players, such as well-meaning President Macron in France, when he should have been in the lead. Instead of focusing on peace, he continued arming the Ukraine.
Not able to make Ukraine a NATO member—instead, he created a heavily armed and threatening (to Russia) military outpost for western expansion to the east. Then, as events heated up, he sat on his hands with no intention or plans of avoiding the obvious and troubling signs of an imminent, disastrous war in central Europe. Instead of seeking diplomatic solutions, he encouraged and supported military resistance in Ukraine which clearly would end badly for all.
Like giving brass knuckles to a frail grandmother. then encouraging her to go ahead and “take on the village bully”, Biden, armed the Ukraine, setting it up for carnage. He provided weapons, ammo, and critical intelligence to the Ukrainians, as he helped initiate a very dangerous “proxy war” with nuclear-armed Russia that had no possibility of a positive outcome for anyone certainly not for the USA or for Ukraine. His actions increased the possibility of nuclear exchange. His efforts foolishly increased the intensity, the loss of life, the possibility for nuclear exchange and an expanded and prolonged the war. But no one knows why we doing this? Who profits? Hunter?
Sadly, President Biden had a willing partner in this stupidity, in the form of a similarly incompetent leader: Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, a former TV comic and actor who “played” the role of “President of Ukraine” in a popular TV series. Zelensky apparently suffers from narcissism, unknown delusions, a Napoleon complex, and hero syndrome, who, for his own self-aggrandizement, led his nation into a disastrous, deadly, no-win calamitous war.
Mr. Putin acted as the brutal bully, but, it was Mr Zelensky who had the opportunity to save his nation from disaster, but chose not to. This act of stupidity generated 5 million Ukrainian refugees and many more displaced persons within the Ukraine. His decisions senselessly sacrificed the lives of countless Ukrainian men, women and children, the destruction of homes, urban centers, the bombing and devastation of businesses, manufacturing centers and critical infrastructure of his nation.
This man has been touted as a hero, but in reality is a danger to himself, to Ukraine and the world at large. A wiser, more confident and capable leader could have salvaged the honor, integrity and independent status of the Ukraine, prevented the invasion, and avoided the horrible death, destruction and carnage by simply assuring Putin of his intention to shun NATO and remain a neutral nation.
The Ukrainians fought bravely. And with the distinct advantage of USA high tech weapons and pinpoint intelligence data, they were able to stall the Russian advance. But at what cost? Tens of thousands killed on both sides, billions of dollars of damage to infrastructure, business and agriculture. The fallout of the war and the Cold War that emerged is a horror of sanctions and counter sanctions and have taken a terrible economic toll and will negatively impact the world economy. Then too there is a real threat of nuclear war. Those hypocrites who claim a “moral imperative” to aid Ukraine, send weapons, then sit at home safely and watch as Ukrainians die.
President Biden, as he did in Afghanistan, did not think through the wide-reaching economic effects of his ‘New Cold War’ and his proxy war and sanctions on Russia. He did not foresee the impact of war on Europe, its economy, and the economy of the USA and the rest of the world. The war in the Ukraine has restricted banking, international trade, petroleum and natural gas availability, critical supplies of commodities and food products. There is a developing crisis resulting from the shortage of critical fertilizer. This will impact world agriculture. More than one eighth of the world’s population (almost one billon people) are food stressed and go to bed hungry each night. Food shortages will occur.
It appears there is now no easy off ramp for the combatants, and their supporters. The war may last months or years. It is the Ukrainians and the world’s poor people who will suffer horribly from Biden’s “New Cold War”.
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