Wednesday, November 6, 2019




Favor:   “something granted out of goodwill or justice not for remuneration or pay back in kind.”

The three ring political circus we are experiencing in Washington DC and in the media world is a replay of the events leading up to the jaw dropping release of the Mueller Report.  The left is presently in a hyper frenzy of expectation and anxiety.  Finally, after so many disappointments —the collapse of the corrupt Clinton dynasty and the  disappointment of the 2016 election, the failure of a palace coup via the 25th Amendment, the anxiety and disappointment of hanging on every leak and cryptic revelation for two years only to become embittered and disheartened by the “no collusion conclusion” of Mr. Mueller’s $35 million dollar report. This new iteration of a coup attempt carries the heavy burden of the left’s drastically shattered hopes. Their desperation is disgusting and palpable.  

With this  new iteration of the McCabe “insurance policy”, known as the “Ukraine-telephone-call-whistleblower-impeachment investigation”  hope rises again in the heaving breasts of the Democrats, progressives, urbanites, the propaganda laced media, and the denizens of the deep state.  These obsessed and vengeful folk have convinced themselves that —this new “investigation” will achieve for them the “justice” (and revenge) they giddily dream of. It will result in overturning the valid election of 2016 and they will finally feel the uplifting satisfaction of  disenfranchising the 60 million plus “irredeemable”  voters of this nation who they think  had the temerity and stupidity to cast a ballot for Mr. Trump.

But their hopes are like that of the rock climber whose piton has just broke loose, his foot slipped off his last toehold, and raw fingers grip frantically for purchase on a tiny overhead ledge.  For this individual hanging precariously over the abyss, even a  rotted oak twig growing out of a fracture joint in the smooth rock face looks like salvation.  

But it ain’t. 

The Dems with Mr.Schiff in the lead schemed, plotted and conspired with a CIA-Brennan protege-hideaway-to generate a “whistleblower” complaint.  The scheme collapsed when the President actually released the transcript of his conversation which exposed the venality of the complaint and revealed that the plotters  are like our rock climber grasping at rotted twigs and straws. They have no case.   If they think that the truth-challenged, “we have the proof of Russian collusion”- Representative Schiff will lead them to their goal of taking down a sitting  President, they are indeed deluded as their rolling eyes, tremors and hypo thyroidal behavior suggests   

For the rest of us—we  need not pay a whit of attention to these phony and meaningless Schiff depositions and revelations or his malicious leaks.  Who cares what some ambassador, Joey Jones or Tom Smith thought about what the President wanted or what they thought he said?  

We have the actual transcript.  We know what he said. 

The President asked for a FAVOR from the Ukrainian President to investigate issues related to corruption in the Ukraine and in regard to an actual quid pro quo Biden event of the LAST election. 

To attempt to make an impeachable offense out of this telephone call is ludicrous. It will not fly.  If the Democrat strategy is to misuse (politicize) the sacred constitutional power of the House of Representatives to impeach a president—- by weaponizing that power into a cheap, phony political tool to attempt to gain some electoral advantage in the 2020 (one year away) election—that is truly criminal.   It is hypocrisy that such a perversion of the House powers would  be the same allegation of criminality  that the House is attempting to pin on the President.  Now that would be a real reason for impeaching  both  Mr. Schiff and Ms Pelosi.  

Mr. Trump will pass on into our history as our  45th President as either a one or two term president. His story will be told.  But the  behavior and misbehavior of Mr. Schiff and the Democrat leadership in the House  are such an  embarrassment and threat to the nation and most seriously to the legitimacy and acceptance of our elections that they will live on in infamy as that of  a cabal of incompetent ring masters of the 2016-19 circus of House idiots—hopefully never to be emulated.  

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