Or The Source Vector For Trump Derangement Syndrome
Franklin Graham, the evangelist and son of the late Billy Graham, claimed in a recent interview (Nov 21, 2019) that vilifying the President of the USA —the all too prevalent goal of the main stream media (msm)—is almost “demonic” in character. To many, that seems an apt description of the frenzied, fierce, irrational and, yes fiendish opposition to President Trump which seems to some may suggest the action of some superhuman power.
Sadly, we can not ascribe demonic possession to the editors of the NYT or Washington Post, though that would simplify the answer. But excluding that reason, we can still wonder what does motivate them to such frenzies of hatred? ( Think of poor Robert Dinero who has apparently descended into actual incarceration for psychosis). Why do they abhor Donald Trump so much? We must harken back to the now infamous 2016 election, to better understand the cause of this widespread mental state often diagnosed as Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).
President Trump won the 2016 election in an Electoral College landslide, turning the nation red by winning 33 out of the 50 states. He took the votes of 63 million citizens, or just about one half of the national electorate. His election was an astounding shock to those in the government-industrial media establishment who could not have imagined in their wildest dreams that they would ever lose control over their system.
Thus no demonic intervention, but the circumstances of Mr. Trump’s election, and the disruption of the status quo is what aroused the ire and brought on a Black Plague-like infestation of TDS in the establishment, the media, the entertainment industry, academia, as well as much of the civil service corps in Washington and both the Democrat and Republican parties.
The disease symptoms first presented as shock. Why? Blame it on the pollsters. Every pre-election poll (save one) assured the Democrats that they would win handily. But they were terribly wrong. It was Mr. Trump who won—wIth a popular message of change, that resonated in the hearts and minds of average working people—particularly in the rust belt states.
In the campaign Mr.Trump was out-spent and opposed in every conceivable way on his journey to victory. His only asset was the 63 million voters —who doggedly—though secretly—supported him . (The Democrats won a few million more popular votes in their sanctuary states and cities and urban enclaves where our loose system of voter identification—more attuned to rural communities—can be easily circumvented in the densely populated Democrat-dominated immigrant communities where illegal immigrant voters often cast ballots with the “wink of the eye “ of voter registration officials. These “other” votes could have easily added up to the popular vote differential the Dems won.) Even with all this against him— Trump turned much of the nation red. His win was spread broadly over our wide and diverse nation. ) The US system of elective representative democracy won handsomely. The people spoke with their ballots and their candidate was elected.
So what caused TDS? I like to apply Newton’s. Third Law here—it functions in human interactions as well as in physics—“for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”—. The unexpected and shocking election results generated a massive —reaction on the left—a sense of resentment in the corridors of opinion, and politics. These elements, dispersed through the body politic like an anastomosing river system found themselves impotent and powerless (not to mention the loss of cushy jobs and contracts) as result of this revolutionary election. And what turned the knife in the wound—was that the winning votes were generated by a former Democrat demographic— the ignored “irredeemables” in flyover country. The Trump ascendency also revealed the weaknesses of traditional media (NYT, Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN etc etc etc) which could print reams of paper, incessantly jabber and wail on TV all they want but in this case were powerless to change the course of political events to their liking. The USA is a real democracy where the voters actually have power. The establishment supporters of the status quo were revealed as toothless tigers—who in their magnificent high rise-buildings, wood-paneled offices and with their attendant high paid staff could be ignored with impunity, then turned aside by “irredeemable voters—in places like Wilson SC or Altoona PA.
Trump turned all these fancy folks into losers, impotent in the face of an aggressive candidate with a popular message. The main-stream-media, the entertainment industry, academia, DC elites and all the rest felt the sting of the loss of power. Here then are the vectors of infections for the TDS outbreak — the source of their demonic hatred. Trump exposed them as unimportant. Their response was an FBI “insurance policy” resistance through various attempts at delitgitmization, the 25th Amendment,and even a palace coup d’etat. For the return of the status quo Mr. Trump had to be delegitimized. His perfectly legitimate win had to be turned into —“the result of Russian collusion” —a laughable charge with little evidence to support it other than the fact that it was so appealing in that it provided a excuse for the terrible loss.
But a closer look at this charge exposes its weakness. Both candidates and Congressional campaigns spent more than $5 billion dollars for the 2016 election, while estimates from the Mueller Report suggest the Russian effort (if it actually occurred) may have spent $1 or 2 million dollars. Assume it was the latter: 2 million/5 billion = 2/5000, or 0.0004, that is two dollars for every five thousand dollars we spent. Try that idea on. Go into a market place you with 5000 bucks and the other guy with 2 dollars. Who comes out better equipped? Another way to look at it: for every dollar we spent, the Russians may have spent 4/100th of a penny!!! I don’t call that significant.
Furthermore, the Russians had no “friends” in Washington DC.—any spies had been purged long ago. It would have been in DC where they could have done some real damage. On the other hand the Ukrainians—didn't have much money to spend, but they also were highly interested in the outcome of the campaign—they favored the Obama/Clinton administration which had conspired to make a “regime” change in the Ukraine. However, due to these same Obama foreign policy many Ukrainian-Americans, Ukrainian sympathizers and others with pro Ukrainian policies had become embedded in powerful positions in the government. Just take a glance at the list of witnesses that Rep (D-Ca) Schiff placed in the public’s eye during his impeachment inquiry hearings. No question necessary there. Get the picture? .
That operation, the delegitimization of Mr. Trump began the day after election On that day—the FBI’s Strzok and Page put into play the “insurance policy” to deny Trump entering the White House or ejecting him if he did—and has continued to the present time.
That is the source of Trump Derangement Syndrome plague, the feeling of impotence in those who formerly wielded both political and public opinion power after an astounding loss. When the plague of TDS is combined with the reality of modern electronic technology (iPhones) which permits citizens to listen in on or read only those opinion pieces with which they agree—placing the person in a form of echo chamber which enhances and reinforces the message of hate—leading to chronic TDS and massive epidemics.
To assuage these feelings the anti-democratic forces of the left dragged our nation through the phony trumped up charges of “Russian Collusion” investigated and debunked by the compromised Mueller team. That report—with frail, incoherent Mueller as its apparent figurehead only in place to lend legitimacy to a cadre of Clinton establishment attorneys who spent $40 million to to produce 442 pages of documents that could find nothing and had to consummate their efforts with: “no American colluded with the Russians”.
On that very day of the release of Mueller’s report,—the second massive disappointment since the ‘16 election—a second attempt at a coup, or impeachment had its incubation. That event occurred when President Trump made an official congratulatory telephone call to the newly elected Ukrainian President. This second coup attempt —the Ukraine Telephone Scandal”—was hatched by a cabal of unhappy, disgruntled, coddled, over paid civil servants, many of whom had divided loyalties but strangely held elite positions in government. One of these activists heard rumors concerning the telephone communication between the President of Ukraine and President Trump, and with the aid of an Ukrainian-born interpreter (LtCol. Vindman) conspired and cooked up another phony charge against the people’s choice.
Using the same shop-worn reasoning these conspirators attempted to assuage their bruised egos and pocket books as they colluded with members of the Schiff led Democrat Intelligence Committee. They apparently conspired with Schiff or his close staff to compose a message “whistleblower” complaint so as to give impetus to another impeachment attempt.
The inquiry was based on almost laughable charges. That the President by encouraging investigation into corruption both past and present in Ukraine was in some way benefitting personally. Somehow asking for a “favor” to police your own nation prior to release of billions in US aid is “personal emolument” for the President. The Democrats in this matter are unwisely attempting to weaponize the legitimate impeachment powers of the House of Representatives—granted to the House by the Constitution to deal with “high crimes and misdemeanors—they debased for political purposes.
This scheme for impeachment is simply another effort by the TDS suffering Democrats to engender means of exacting vengeance for the humiliating defeat of 2016. This plan was in place since the day after the election in November 2016.
So that’s a bit of history we should all be deeply concerned about as citizens of this nation. It does not matter Democrat or Republican we are all threatened by this attempt at usurpation of power from within. The Russians may have made some feeble attempts at affecting the election. the Ukrainians with their 5th columnists who operated inside the White House were probably more effective. But it was the elite elements within the FBI, Justice and the Obama Administration and those in the the very halls of our own government who we must be the most fearful of. Can we claim we are a “democracy” when these events have so clearly exposed the evil power of the establishment elites who just happen to control the levers of power (but not the ballot boxes) and who want to disenfranchise a class of voters by means of impeachment because these hard working Americans happen to “have no college”, have traditional ideas about family, sexuality, believe in God, hate the idea of killing innocent unborn, realize that the economy works when we limit government interference, and when we permit entrepreneurs to keep most the money they earn and invest it. And when we don’t give up decision-making to a group of nameless, Ivy League-educated, “never-had-a real-job-in their life’, bureaucrats in Washington DC who think that they know better than 63 million American voters.
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