We have elections to revise and redirect our government. A class of permanent civil servant who undermines that function of our election, and attempts to make policy, strikes at the heart of our democracy.
The recent feeding frenzy of our news organizations, our elected officials and the “deep state” over the impeachment inquiry, related to President Trump’s August telephone call to President Zelensky of Ukraine, got me to thinking about our unelected and unaccountable cadre of coddled civil servants in DC, their hubris—overweening pride and self centered assumption that they know best and how their actions are an attempt to undermine our national elections.
The recent outing of E—- C———— as “The Whistleblower” in the impeachment inquiry has revealed to us all what a classic example of the “deep state” (species Civitas profundum) looks like . This individual is —like almost all of his genus —a young, prep-schooled, Yale and Harvard educated, Democrat-registered, urbanite from the coastal fringe (Connecticut), who majored in Russian and Ukrainian studies and globalism. He speaks several languages and is no doubt an intelligent and accomplished young man. With his advantaged background, he naturally migrated toward a career in government where young, white, male, Harvard-and-Yale-trained-language specialists seem to congregate. There, he moved up the ladder with ease, becoming a CIA analyst, working closely with the elites of the Obama team, such as Brennan, Susan Rice, and Joe Biden. Somehow he was transferred to the Trump White House where he rubbed shoulders with other Ukrainian specialists and partisans including Colonel Vindman. It is clear where this young man’s ideas and precepts come from. One can say with some certainty that he does not ever where a MAGA hat.
These deep staters all hold sinecure positions. They are coddled with generous salaries and benefits. They are domiciled together in the DC bubble where they often exchange ideas with each other. But such interchange functions server only to reinforce their existing set of precepts and premises, since they are all of one species and have all been trained in the same schools, and even dress, walk, talk, and act alike. Few if any of them have ever had to deal with actual physical or economic and difficulties of the real world such as job loss, economic and community decline and decay, violent crime, etc. etc. common in the world outside of the secure bubble in which they reside. This is their “deep state society”.
These people are specialists and believe that they are “special” too. They are convinced that they know better than hard working, average Joe or Jane —because they are the elites. They view these good folks as “untermench” who do not count in their white tower calculations. They are the wise leaders, and thus, ergo it follows logically they should be making the nation’s decisions.
But sad for them, the facts are that we all reside in a representative democracy in which —they have only one vote like the rest of us and we have elections to decide on who leads our nation and what its policies should be.
One might ask them : Why have elections at all if the deep staters know exactly what our domestic and foreign policies should be? Yes in a state controlled by a powerful and subversive cadre of civil servants who all tend to think along the same lines, we could do away with expensive, divisive elections— and just install “window dressing manikins” that would act as political “leaders” but who take orders from the nearest species of C profundum with the highest GS rating.
We have elections because in this nation the power to govern comes not from a specialized class of coddled citizen who happens to reside close to the levers of power, but from the people—THE PEOPLE. This is a nation of people power. A phrase that the Democrats like to use and repeat, but sadly to which they only pay lip service—and seem to forget what it actually means.
Our elections serve as a means of government to quadrennially revisit the needs and wishes of the citizens it serves. The airing of polices (and personalities of those elected) permit the executives of each new government to tailor its domestic and foreign policies to better serve its citizenry. Elections are necessary to modify and redirect policy where needed. The new administration, after an election has a MANDATE for change, That change and mandate is the basis—the foundation—the underpinnings of our national democracy. Without it we become what? An expertocracy? With political manikins who mouth well used shibboleths.
Those who would attempt to undermine the will of the people by undermining, ignoring or opposing the legitimate policies of ELECTED OFFICIALs and attempt to impose on us instead their own (static, self-serving, ) policies are the epitome of a dictatorship of the experts and the elites. They do no support but there’s ten our democracy.
Thus, this class of deep staters are in fact a subversive class of civil servants who would ignore the results of our elections, and the policy changes of a new government and in their opposition disenfranchise the very voters of this expansive and diverse nation. These deep state experts in their powerful but ill conceived attempts to ignore and undermine the policies of elected officials (who hold the PEOPLE’S IMPRIMATUR OF POWER) undermine the very nature of our democracy.
These subversives in our civil service—who forget that they DO NOT MAKE POLICY are the REAL threat to our democracy—not the Russians or the Chinese.
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