The Clinton-Obama, NSC, FBI. plot to take out the President by stealth in a palace coup failed but the plotters persisted for over three years to find something that would “stick to the wall”. Now they are scheming with a phony impeachment process which like past schemes of the left is showing signs of collapse. In spite of the unending attacks; the President, in his unconventional, outside the box manner has kept the economy humming, jobs growing, unemployment down, and our GDP ten times greater than that of the so-called ‘progressive“ EU. As well as these hard to face facts the Democrats, under the influence of fringe left 2018 newcomers to Congress, have fielded a group of non-entities as 2020 presidential contenders. The facts are clear—the party of Andrew Jackson’s is on its way to defeat. The only way for Democrats to ever take over the executive branch (and get to appoint a Supreme) is by outright chicanery. That is what they are up to: weaponizing the power of the House to impeach for short term political purposes
How did they come to this sad end? It began with the now infamous “insurance policy” (call it what it is a“palace coup” ) of Clinton, Obama, Brennan, McCabe, and Strzok which gave life to the Russia-Trump collusion scam and led to the two-year embarrassingly uneventful Mueller Probe which proved nothing about Mr. Trump, but exposed the extent of hubris, corruption and perfidy of the unelected, and unaccountable “deep state” The Russia collusion scam failed, and the conspirators moved on to a more recent attempt at unseating a validly elected President. This new attempt is the “Trump-Ukraine Telephone Conversation-whistleblower scam.” The whistleblower has now been outed as a charter-member of the “smarter than the voters” civil servant corps the NSC-Brennan cabal and the deep state,. He is a known Clinton-Biden protege who conspired with Rep. Schiff to compose and publicize a document claiming wrong-doing on the part of the President.. This the latest iteration of the “Mccabe’s insurance policy”. The scheme is beginning to have the same shop-worn appearances as the “Rocky”III and IV” movies. We know the plot and the finale. It is the voters’ whose interest and belief in the validity and justification of such charges which are fast fading.
As this “Rocky drama” was slithering its way through the halls of
DC other factors were playing out to worry the Dems as well.
The President has continued to hold on to his core constituency of 40-50% of probable voters. These citizens —the unredeemables—have not wavered. Economic numbers for the nation have held up too. High rates of employment, excellent stock market, our GDP has held at almost 2% in this last quarter while the rest of the western wold (EU) is struggling to rack up a GDP of 0.2%—-or only 1/10 of our growth. Actions in the Middle East, the wise pull back from Syria, as well bringing terminal justice to the head of ISIS (Mr. al Baghdadi). All these events add luster and substance to Mr. Trump’’s achievements (accomplished against all odds) and add to the election problems for the Democrats in 2020.
The other barriers the Democrats face is: the fatal weaknesses of the Democrat slate of candidates. Who can the Dems put up against a sitting President with such good basic economic numbers? Apparently they have no one with stature or appeal to the nation’s general election voters. This is what is giving Ms Pelosi and her big donors le tremblement nerveux! Who can they to throw into a battle with tough, battle-scarred, inscrutable, unpredictable and now—post-impeachment —gored and fighting mad Mr. Trump?
Their lineup: The diminutive, gay mayor of a small western city with very big unsolved problems. An elderly, (76 year old) avowed socialist who has just suffered a heart attack. A wonkish elderly, (70) US senator who used phony claims of racial minority status to gain a position in an elite university, and who spouts off trillion dollar plans for every problem She has lots of untried plans and a check box mentality but not an ounce of practical executive experience. With this candidates “plan” we would add the 25 million citizens who are presently not covered by health care to a free for all system and in the process destroy the system for everyone and at a cost of $3-5 trillion dollars annually. That would be like thinking that giving a patient who needed only an inexpensive pacemaker a heart transplant instead. Another elderly (candidate, (78 )is a gabby, gaff prone former VP who was passed over the last election, and who is often confused, and fragile and he comes with a trailer-truck load of embarrassing baggage/. And these are the present top polling leaders the Dems have put forward ! There are several other “not ready for prime time candidates” each with his or her own special idiosyncrasy—they all espouse, open borders, abortion on demand at the third trimester, free college, forgiveness of education debts, reparations for Afro-Americans, abolishing ICIS, and the Second Amendment, school bussing to control race disparity, etc etc, One of this group even favors a policy of giving a $1000 monthly stipend to every US citizen just for“crazy” money. .
The Democrat bigwigs realize that the field of candidates is a sure win for the opposition.
These same bigwigs realize that under these circumstances the only possible option the Democrats have for unseating Trump in 2020 is prostituting, and corrupting Article II of the US Constitution. That is turning the impeachment powers of the House of Representatives into a political weapon to smear the President just before the 2020 election in the hopes to weaken him before the voters go to the polls.
Pelosi is using impeachment as a political tool. That she will be remembered for and history will not treat her kindly.
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