Friday, August 7, 2020


This says it all:   Joe Biden —has gone to his knees for the new left Dems when he abandoned his support for the Hyde Amendment (forcing Catholics and others of faith to go against their conscience when their tax dollars are used to pay for abortions which they oppose). 

Catholics were once a solid voter block  for the Democrats.  But that was in the 1960s   Today’s practicing  Catholics are excluded from the New Left Democrat Party. For good reason. The modern Democrats have moved so far left they have left 40 to 50 million Catholic voters on a dusty roadside-as their shiny NewLeft Dem (with yellow lettering “Black Lives Matter” ) bus roars off down the road into the eastern socialist sunset.

Catholics today face the reality of the Far Left New Dems who have torn up  the Hyde Amendment (terming it quaint and outmoded). While  they avidly support abortion on demand, taking innocent life  in the last trimester of pregnancy, birthing a vital infant only to set the infant aside —to die “comfortably”.

Today’s Catholics find the Dem leadership (Biden, Pelosi, Cuomo. etc etc) all “Catholics” in name only—who seem to have formulated their own “religion” of the left.  These hypocrites  openly cater to  anti religious zealots,  express disdain for conservative sexual values, support rampant promiscuity.   They oppose judgeship candidates who have ties To religious organizations such as the Knights of Columbus, as they  give  open support to violent mobs who deface churches, throw paint on religious statues, burn churches, attack the clergy, and defame the Church.

These “catholics” abandoned the precepts of their faith long ago for political expediency and vote harvesting—a existential necessity in a party which  looks askance at religiosity.of any stripe. But they continue to Claim identity as “Catholic” even as they undermine the values, life-ways and federal laws which protect the adherents of that faith.

When not facing voters at a ballot box these apostates undermine and attack the the very values of the faith they have for all practical purposes they abandoned .  They attack  the Hyde Amendment, ignore  family values of home, hearth, child raising,  religious education,  opposition to rampant promiscuous sexual  behaviors and show disdain for the religious fervor of the the faithful. Treating these faithful as somehow less deserving of political support or as “irredeemables”

A real practicing Catholic has no place in the tiny tent the modern Democrats  have erected around their minority demographic—anti God, anti Bible, pro-abortionists, pro LBGTQ+ community, pro sexual predators, religious iconoclasts , “antifa“ -supporting mobs, and church and priest haters.

Biden —who has dropped to his knees to the powers of the new left —supporting  every far left, anti Catholic  nail and plank in the New Democrat Far left  platform.  Yet when called out on his abandonment of religious principles by the President,  he has squealed like a stuck pig.

Biden has long ago made the hypocrites’ choice of hanging on to “I’m a Catholic” for votes only.  Don’t fall for his hypocrisy .

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