According to an address reported by the UPS (8-7-20). US Attorney General Barr spoke of our evolving legal and foreign policies regarding China. Barr stated that American companies should realize how they’ve gotten to be where they are. They are the world’s most advanced and profitable because their development was based on American economic policies which encourage entrepreneurial spirit, because of American military protection of our takers and because ofAmerican affluence and American cultural principles and constitutional rights.
According to an address reported by the UPS (8-7-20). US Attorney General Barr spoke of our evolving legal and foreign policies regarding China. Barr stated that American companies should realize how they’ve gotten to be where they are. They are the world’s most advanced and profitable because their development was based on American economic policies which encourage entrepreneurial spirit, because of American military protection of our takers and because ofAmerican affluence and American cultural principles and constitutional rights.
He could not be more correct. Unfortunately, American companies have little use for history or for historic indebtedness. They deal only in edit and bottom line. Their involvement in China has cost us dearly in jobs, wealth and in health. Our policies toward China,a nation which has emerged as one of our most pressing economic and military threats needs drastic reevaluation and have been under President Trump
But in regard to China the USA created the problem we face. Other than the development of the gunpowder for use in fire cracker displays in ancient times (and some claim- with little evidence— the creation of pasta, the Chinese have invented nothing.
Every modern technology China possesses—even their communist Marxist Leninist philosophy has been co-opted or stolen from the west. So there’s no “Chinese technology “ China is a construction of the west. It is a monster created by western greed and stupidity. Everything that they have is or once was ours.
These acquisitions were acquired either by outright stealing or by leveraging access to their massive markets (of 1.4 billion consumers) against the greed of American company owners looking to expand their markets and make a short term “killing”.
CEOs of elite US companies gladly handed over trade secrets, proprietary materials and even dismantled whole processing and manufacturing plants and transferred them to China for that access. In the process these CEOs made themselves rich as Croesus, as they dismantled and destroyed the economies (and communities) over vast swaths of our nation by transferring well paying jobs from the USA to China in the most massive transfer of wealth and technology in history.
Greed in the US business community and indifference and complicity in DC is the source of the problem we face with modern China. Other than the blatant greed of US businesses it was our political leaders of both parties took lobby money from these same companies to support the robbery of the American nation.
Joe Biden, President Obama, the Clintons and others were all in on these hugely profitable “deals making China our “trade partner” and giving them favored status. As US workers faced unemployment, despair and opioid addiction these Democrat “traitors to the American worker” made billions and millions lining their own pockets. as they colluded with China. To protect their profitable “China connection scheme” they advanced the fantasy that it was “Russia which was our mortal enemy”.
To our Democrat leaders in DC China was innocent of evil intent. It was simply a benign competitor. Remember all of these elite DC folks had economic ties to China —but Russia (no money to be made there!) was the “real” threat to us.
When in 2015 a GOP candidate came along pointing out the truth of China’s duplicity and the existential danger of the US policy of “Chinafication” they ruthlessly attacked this candidate as a “tool” of Russia and advanced the fabrication (supported and paid for by the Cintons) that this GOP candidate was under the control of Mr Putin. While, ironically, they were the Chinese culprits controlled by greed and Chineses demands.
It was the Coronavirus 19 which finally exposed the Chinese communist leadership for what they are. Mortal enemies attempting to brig down the USA as they strive for economic and military world hegemony.
When the Covid19 outbreak occurred in Wuhan Province China the Chinese government immediately hid the discovery that the former bat virus had developed the ability to infect humans and then transfer from one human to another. Chinese scientists who attempted to reveal this were arrested and silenced. At this time the government began secret attempts at corralling up world stocks of n95masks, gowns, ventilators and other equipment they knew would become needed and valuable.
They immediately tightly closed down infected Wuhan province. No one was allowed in and no one out to other Chinese cities. No planes left Wuhan for Beijing. But they did not restrict international flights in and out of Wuhan On those critical days infected Chinese travelled in the thousands to the USA and Europe!
The pandemic deaths the economic impact on he world is incalculable and right up there with World war.
Can we ever forget?
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