Our US press today —affected as it is by Trump derangement —is as “free “ as that of the former Soviet Union or present-day Communist China. Apple and Google know what China is like. They can not write about certain subjects: like Tiananmen Square or democracy. While here in the USA our formerly free media can only describe the events in Portland and Kenosha as “demonstrations “ even as violent mobs systematically crash their vehicles into store windows, then run in to loot clothes, jewelry,, furniture and TV sets while others seem to take pleasure in simply trashing and burning. Then they assault anyone who would attempt to stop them from their destruction, maiming and killing as they go about their violent way. But the “free press“ prefer to ignore —these fearful and troubling events—! Why?
Early on Democrats encouraged and facilitated these “demonstrations”..convinced that the George Floyd tragedy would play into a winning 2020 election strategy. Their plan focused heavily on getting out the black vote. They are fixated on the 2008 election when Obama did it, getting something like 97% of the black vote. But In 2016 Hillary was a loser—only polling 91% of black votes. The difference of 6% was key to winning or losing the election—or so the Democrats assumed. So ginning up the black vote—by encouraging and stirring up blacks to demonstrate was a strategy the Party initiated as it began the campaign for 2020. The obedient left wing media marched in step with the Democrats tailoring their stories to fit the Dems political strategy.
But after letting this destructive genie of violence and chaos out of the bottle—and blatantly encouraging black Congressmen and women and democrats of all stripes to make fiery speeches which were intended to sustain the demonstrations —but instead of a “voting stimulus” these demonstrations almost immediately morphed into fearful terrorist acts of increasing violence, death and property destruction. .
As in all conflagrations—once started they becomes difficult or impossible to contain. When these events took a violent turn elements of radial elements of the BLM movement and the Antifa terrorist groups infiltrated legitimate protests and began using social media to organize and direct these more violent riots. The Democrats, their financial supporters and a complicit media preferred to ignore the drastic turn to violence and chaos. Democrat mayors and governors foolishly aided the violence, by instituting no cash bail, and pulled back police presence as well as abolishing use of standard methods of crowd control. Some cities followed demands of violent thugs and voted to defund police. Their actions only encouraged and facilitated more violence.
The radical fringe elements BLM and Antifa now as leaders of mob participants Introduced ideas on how to avoid arrest, how to play the role of peaceful demonstrator while throwing bricks, gasoline bombs, and using laser lights to blind police officers. The BLM and Antifa strategy sessions included plans for setting up targets areas for confrontation with police, planting caches of bricks, frozen water bottles and tools to cut wire fencing and bats to beat foolish store owners who may want to defend their stores and livelihoods.
As in all conflagrations—once started they becomes difficult or impossible to contain. When these events took a violent turn elements of radial elements of the BLM movement and the Antifa terrorist groups infiltrated legitimate protests and began using social media to organize and direct these more violent riots. The Democrats, their financial supporters and a complicit media preferred to ignore the drastic turn to violence and chaos. Democrat mayors and governors foolishly aided the violence, by instituting no cash bail, and pulled back police presence as well as abolishing use of standard methods of crowd control. Some cities followed demands of violent thugs and voted to defund police. Their actions only encouraged and facilitated more violence.
The radical fringe elements BLM and Antifa now as leaders of mob participants Introduced ideas on how to avoid arrest, how to play the role of peaceful demonstrator while throwing bricks, gasoline bombs, and using laser lights to blind police officers. The BLM and Antifa strategy sessions included plans for setting up targets areas for confrontation with police, planting caches of bricks, frozen water bottles and tools to cut wire fencing and bats to beat foolish store owners who may want to defend their stores and livelihoods.
But there is always political tipping point. When the Democrats pollsters finally realized last night (Augustus 25-26) that the Portland, Chicago, Kenosha, etc etc. riots were no longer a good way to get out the black vote but instead giving them a black eye and hurting them in the polls they changed the tune they were humming. Intensifying violence exacerbated the negative effects on voters and as riots became more violent it was impossible to claim that these black shirted mobs wielding bats and Molotov cocktails and threatening police with lasers and military style weapons were simply “peaceful demonstrators”.
So it was Tuesday night (8-25-20) that ultra liberal, TV host Don Lemon of CNN (a TV personality with a near fatal case of Trump derangement syndrome)-spilled the beans on the Dem strategy, when he unequivocally, clearly and concisely stated: -“the Kenosha demonstrations have to end if Biden is going to win”.
After Don Lemon underscored the negative impact of the “violence is good black vote policy“ on prime time TV—Joe Biden Poked his head out of his cellar bunker chimed in hours later with his first comment to even recognize the existence of the months old rioting in cities. Joe’s response suggests he is alive and able to follow directives —now to change his story—from his left wing handlers Hi that his political re-programming into some form of political Manchuria candidate seems to be working fine. His handlers succeed in getting him to mouth the new policy message which he is now required to repeat: “No more violence guys”. His distance programming by radio messages seems to be effective even at the subterranean depths of his basement bunker.
Lemon’s comment was revealing on another level too: how CNN edits news into propaganda. The Don Lemon TV broadcast was made in conjunction with a direct feed-chiron (that rolling banner across the bottom of the screen) coming in directly from riot torn Kenosha, Wisconsin. In big capital letters the rolling banner described the “violent protests in Kenosha” right below Lemon’s image. But almost as soon as it appeared, the the word “violent” was miraculously erased from the rolling banner leaving only unmodified“protests” .
Someone behind the scenes—the CNN program producers “—aware of CNN and Democrat propaganda protocols, immediately scrubbed out the offending word. So the National TV audience was able to clearly saw how news was “edited” at CNN from simple information from a reporter in the field to left wing propaganda—right before their eyes!!!
After Don Lemon underscored the negative impact of the “violence is good black vote policy“ on prime time TV—Joe Biden Poked his head out of his cellar bunker chimed in hours later with his first comment to even recognize the existence of the months old rioting in cities. Joe’s response suggests he is alive and able to follow directives —now to change his story—from his left wing handlers Hi that his political re-programming into some form of political Manchuria candidate seems to be working fine. His handlers succeed in getting him to mouth the new policy message which he is now required to repeat: “No more violence guys”. His distance programming by radio messages seems to be effective even at the subterranean depths of his basement bunker.
Lemon’s comment was revealing on another level too: how CNN edits news into propaganda. The Don Lemon TV broadcast was made in conjunction with a direct feed-chiron (that rolling banner across the bottom of the screen) coming in directly from riot torn Kenosha, Wisconsin. In big capital letters the rolling banner described the “violent protests in Kenosha” right below Lemon’s image. But almost as soon as it appeared, the the word “violent” was miraculously erased from the rolling banner leaving only unmodified“protests” .
Someone behind the scenes—the CNN program producers “—aware of CNN and Democrat propaganda protocols, immediately scrubbed out the offending word. So the National TV audience was able to clearly saw how news was “edited” at CNN from simple information from a reporter in the field to left wing propaganda—right before their eyes!!!
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