Friday, April 29, 2022


President Biden Creates the “Disinformation Governance Board”—April 2022.  An act that will live on in infamy. 

Those in power have always sought to control information and what they call the “truth”— their truth.  Controlling information is essential to keep tyrants in power.  George Orwell wrote about a fictional “Ministry of Truth” in “1984”.  That was a fictional account of tyrannical government. But fiction is just another way to expose reality.  In the real world Josep Stalin had a ministry of truth in the USSR,  Chairman Mao in Communist China, Adolph Hitler had Goebbels in Nazi Germany, and now Joe Biden has his “Disinformation Governance Board” in the USA.  The concept of mind control and control of “disinformation” is not new.

In 1633 the Roman Church and its powerful leaders were confronted with the “dangerous ideas” of scientists Copernicus and Galileo. These two Renaissance intellectuals upended the erroneous concept that the Earth was a stationary body at the exact center of the known universe and all of creation revolved around it.  That was a key idea which supported the Church’s  anthropocentric philosophy of the time.  Copernicus proposed a heliocentric (sun centered) cosmos in 1545 and Galileo provided the proof for this theory in 1610 with observations made using a new instrument—the telescope. It was clear that the Earth was not the center of the universe. Earth was only a minor planet which rotated on a tilted axis and  revolved around the Sun. The Sun occupies the “center” and the Earth revolves around it. 

The Roman Inquisition (an early “Disinformation Governance Board”) investigated Galileo’s writing and his thoughts and determined that these ideas were dangerous “disinformation”.  (The Roman Church was forever after that pilloried and embarrassed for this act of anti-science intellectual tyranny.) The Roman Inquisition investigated Galileo’s writings and found him guilty of “heresy’.  He was slated for condemnation and death (his penalty was later commuted to life in prison). The Church prohibited Galileo from speaking about his ideas on astronomy,  writing, or publishing what they termed his “lies”, and prevented him from disseminating his dangerous “disinformation”. The Roman Inquisition held him in jail, and later in house arrest until his death.  

Until recently the Democrats held tight control of their favored “truth”. They used it, the pandemic and the connivance and cooperation of the legacy press and electronic media to shoehorn their candidate into office in the  2020 election.  In recent days an existential fear has gripped the denizens in the bowels of DC’s progressive power centers.  The potential loss of media giant “Twitter” appears to be passing from their control.  With “Twitter” potentially open to “free unbiased speech for all”, the illusion of an independent,  believable “free press” so useful to the Democrats to control the agenda and political narrative will evaporate. To offset that loss, the terribly weakened progressives under Biden have conspired to institute a more blatant, more exposed way to control information .  Pushed into the proverbial corner, they have been forced to create  a “truth ministry” a “disinformation control board” their last hope to cling tenaciously and precariously to power.   Without this desperate act they will be exposed as mendicants, incompetents and tyrants.  


The Biden administration now has its own  model of a 17th century Roman  “Inquisition” and “Index” in its newly created Disinformation Governance Board.  What is “disinformation”?  What  banned ideas, speech, pronouns, dangerous words, and “fearful” information will it decide is dangerous?   What are they afraid of?  Only political demise. 

  I suspect the radical elements in Biden’s close circle have never bothered to read the Constitution and its First Amendment on Free Speech. 

Take note that the Disinformation Governance Board is a part of the massive, muddled, mendacious government agency, known as the Department of Homeland Security.  This bureaucratic behemoth under the control of the now infamous Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has in barely a year and a half treacherously erased the USA border, so there may soon be no “homeland” and it will definitely have no “security”.   It is ironic that Secretary Mayorkas should be overseeing a “Disinformation” or “Truth” Board since it is his agency which has so consistently and continuously prevaricated, concealed information, and blatantly lied about its acts,  its failures,  and its criminal polices regarding illegal immigration on the the southern border. 

Finally, it seems all the wobbling wheels, of this administration have fallen off: foreign policy disasters, economic crises, loss of credibility,  domestic cultural chaos, crime waves, shortages,  unprecedented increases in inflation, decline in the GDP and now a17th century style inquisition to control what people can think and say, so all the corruption and failures of the Biden Administration  will be characterized as “disinformation” and never enter into public discourse. 


Tuesday, April 26, 2022


 The French had their election on Sunday.  Now comes the time of “buyers remorse” and the recriminations. The French legacy press, the French establishment and even distant foreign nations, and many of the “27”, all had their harsh words attempting to undermine the so called “far right” or “frightening” nationalist-populist candidate Marine Le Pen.  The National Rally candidate was universally demeaned in the legacy press. She was “Trumped” with phony charges of being a Russian stooge, as well as a “crook” who was being “investigated” by the EU for misappropriation of funds.  But even with the biased and vicious press, the unfair questions, and the fake news attacks more than 42% of the French electorate voted for Le Pen.  Who were they?  Typical French workers, the small businessman and woman, farmers, the exurbanites, those with lower incomes and the young.   In other words the “forgotten of France”.  More than 13 million French voted for the so called “far right” candidate.  The Macron voters were mostly the urban, upper middle class, the pensioners and elderly, and those connected to the Parisian establishment.  Almost 9% of the votes that were cast were protest votes. Those protest votes were by those who would not vote for Macron. The French needed a  change, they got a return to control by the Parisian oligarchy, and liberalism which has angered and divided the nation over the last five years.  

Looking at this election from the across the pond from America….one can not but liken it to our 2020 election——and the Biden disaster which followed. For La France we hope that does not happen to our oldest ally.   

Saturday, April 23, 2022


 According to Elon Musk, the richest man in the world: “The woke ‘mind virus’ is making Netflix unwatchable.” Elon Musk, Twitter, April 19, 2022. 

Yes, I agree, a “mind virus” seems to have affected those who bring us Netflix.  Too many Netflix offerings these days  are more like social propaganda than entertainment.  One result is that the streaming giant lost subscribers for the first time in its history—dropping 200,000 just this last week (Tuesday April 19,2022).  

I was one of these folks—tired of paying an increased  streaming fee and finding little to watch.  With its unprecedented loss of subscribers, Netflix stocks took a steep hit and are down 35%.  The company still remains a giant in the industry with 200 million subscribers world-wide.  According to Britbart’s John Nolte, (20 April, 2022) “Elon Musk is Correct etc...” Netflix still pulls in $2.5 billion per month from its subscribers.  But a giant that is no longer growing, will in time be called something other than the world’s leader. 

Though there are other causes, one clear reason for this decline is certainly its determined and staunch “wokness”.  Being ‘woke’ (i.e. alert to injustice and racial discrimination) is commendable—to a point.  But subscribers exposed to such persistent, dogmatic themes to the near exclusion of everything else, come to realize that the Netflix experience departs radically from “entertainment”.  As a former fee paying member, yearning for entertainment, it became  clear that Netflix’s offerings in recent years were increasingly focused on  “woke, gay, white-guilt, male-bashing, anti-Christian, anti-family” fare (See Nolte: 04-29, 2022).  The experience often felt like a “Ground Hog Day”revival.   The Netflix executives, their authors, and editors were clearly involved in something  other than pursuit of simple ‘entertainment”, seemingly having taken up some kind of CIA-like “enhanced interrogation” or Chinese “re-education” program.   

It is interesting to note here, that although “woke themes” for our domestic audiences are prominent (some say 50% ) in the offerings of Netflix and other streaming services, these same themes miraculously disappear from the films and stories offered to the giant and lucrative Chinese audiences and those of the Middle East. Thus one can conclude that these social themes are not essential or integral to the story line.  They can and are regularly removed.  So why is Netflix targeting only American audiences?  Do they have some hidden political motive? 

These observation support Elon Musk’s contention that “wokeism” is making Netflix unwatchable.   Hence its loss of viewership and crash of stock prices.   Perhaps the “woke mind virus” affecting Netflix will soon have spent its force, and like  coronaviruses slowly evolve into a less lethal form which does not require the excessive level of political correctness and alertness to perceived injustices as practiced by Netflix today.   

Thursday, April 21, 2022



If any phrase fits better than the Democrats being “Hoisted on their own Petard” (blown up by their own explosive charge) I don’t know of it.  The well known quote from Hamlet has often been applied to circumstances  where a perpetrator is undone  by his/her own evil machinations.  Today, after almost two years of experiencing the Biden Administration flounder from one disaster to another, the polls indicate a likely massive realignment of voters in the 2020 midterms.  The  “neoprogressive”  Biden team brought this all on themselves. The Dems are facing the results of the abject failure of their far left, political-fringe policies. 

The problem is their basic premises. Government can not spend its way out of inflation, ignore criminality and fail to protect the innocent victim, or undermine the nation’s energy security.  These are the precepts of the incompetent. 

Biden policies engendered the inflationary spiral.  Inflation is the result of too many dollars chasing too few products, in a period of high demand.  The Dem policy of pumping  almost four trillion dollars into the economy—put trillions of dollars in the hands of consumers and set the stage for the highest inflation in 40 years.  To make matters worse the ideologues in the party insisted on ”cutting the legs” from under the fossil fuel industry.  This created a scarcity of a basic product and a rise in fuel that resulted in higher prices for almost every other product or service of the economy. High gasoline prices tipped the scales into “ Bidenflation”. 

Then, an absentee and novice Transportation Secretary—ignored the impending problems of our complex, long and uncertain supply chains. Scarcity and empty shelves resulted.  This uncertainty added to the already intermittent supply of electronics parts, paper products, and manufactured items. The largess of trillions of dollars in cash Biden doled out in the economy chasing after scarce goods led to  massive almost unprecedented inflation—which 

plagues us all to this day. Later, Mr Putin added fuel to the inflationary fire Biden started. 

Their ‘woke” policy  to curry favor with the Black community, one of their core constituencies, led to a counter productive “defund the police” policy.  This mindless ploy to patronize elements of a bedrock constituency  was encouraged and implemented by the Dems and spread like wildfire through the Blue wards and cites across the nation.  The results were predictable.  Police forces, legally, morally and politically weakened simply were not as effective in preventing violent crime. The “Defund”movement led to an unprecedented 30% increase in violent crime in many cities.  The impact of this social disaster was, as expected, more intense within the inner cities and crime-prone Dem core constituencies. As a result, Black and Latino voters—who need police protection more than others —and are the  key elements for Democrat reelection— both reacted with a ten percent (10%)  or more drop in support for Dem candidates.

Democrat ideologues also plotted to increase “diversity” and perhaps undermine the power of the GOP in red states. They instituted a ‘secret’ and unstated “open border policy”. This plan permitted immigrants to swarm across the southern border. Once in the USA, they  were given cell phones, and bus or airplane tickets for secret night flights to quickly transport them out of the embarrassing mob scenes which developed at the southern border into less visible venues in various interior towns or cities. There they could disappear in the crowd . 

These acts have long term consequences.  Democrats now have to face the political results of these “seat of the pants” solutions,  as resentment to hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants enter communities unprepared for them.  

If the Democrats are “blown up” by these schemes and machinations as expected in 2020, then you, my readers, will completely understand what Will Shakespeare meant when he stated:

 “For  ‘tis the sport to have the engineer hoist with his own petard”…”and blown to the moon” ….O ‘tis so sweet when in one line two crafts directly meet.”  Hamlet: Act 3, Scene 4.

And for me, it will be “so sweet” to see those progressives sent on their way  when the results of the 2020 vote pour in this November”   

Sunday, April 17, 2022



"La candidate nationaliste conservatrice à la présidence française Marie Le Pen fait l'objet d'une "enquête" de l'Agence anti-fraude de l'UE pour détournement de fonds."

Nationalist conservative candidate for French President, Marie Le Pen is being “investigated” by the EU Anti-Fraud Agency for alleged misappropriation of funds.” 

  La gauche française et ses réalisations à Bruxelles semblent tenter un « style Clinton – « Écraser » » de la candidate conservatrice et nationaliste française Marie Le Pen.  Selon les sondages les plus récents, LePen a une chance raisonnable de devenir président de la France lors des prochaines élections générales du 24 avril.

  L'establishment de gauche français est terrifié.  Comme d'autres progressistes, ils ont fait leur chemin depuis longtemps.  Ils créent le scénario, puis publient des articles de presse et des médias pour rendre ces scénarios crédibles.  Cette situation pourrait partir en fumée si Le Pen est élu.  Les universitaires, les riches élites de Paris et des environs et leurs médias et conspirateurs semblent tirer des leçons de Madame Clinton qui, en 2016, a lancé une série d'accusations criminelles aux motivations similaires (maintenant révélées comme fausses) contre l'ancien candidat (futur président) Donald Trump.  Son stratagème sinistre, antidémocratique et traître a finalement échoué et elle a perdu les élections.  Clinton s'est caché avec plusieurs bouteilles de bon Chablis français - pour ne pas refaire surface - jusqu'à tout récemment.

I read today, April 17, 2022 that the French media platform, Mediapart “alleges” that Mdm. Le Pen “personally misappropriated about 140,000 Euros of public funds from the European Parliament” while MEP Le Pen was in office between 2004-20017.  The EU investigators claim the have “uncovered ‘some’ alleged irregularities”.  These “alleged charges” appear highly suspicious.  These seem just the “monkey wrench” you might throw into a tight election a week before election day, if your candidate was faltering in the polls and likely to lose.  

The French Left and their accomplices in Brussels seem to be attempting a “Clinton style— ‘Trumping’” of the French nationalist, conservative candidate Marie Le Pen. According to most recent polls, LePen has a reasonable chance of becoming President of France in the upcoming April 24 general election.

The French-left-establishment is terrified of Le Pen. Like “progressives” in the USA,  they have had their way for a long time. They create the story line and then pump out press and media reports  to make those progressive ideas seem true or believable.  They disdain those who work with their hands, raise the food, plow the fields, sell the products, clear the streets, protect the citizenry, and pay taxes to make France the cultured affluent nation it is. To these elites. these people 

are the “deplorables” who are only to be tolerated. Their needs, desires, fears are unimportant.  In a presumed democracy their political issues are deemed “invalid” or “unacceptable” and are ignored. 

Those circumstances may change, if the people vote to elect Le Pen.  The academics, the executives, the wealthy elites in and around Paris and their media and corporate co-conspirators seem to be taking lessons from the USA’s Madame Clinton,  who in 2016 launched “allegations” and similar charges (now exposed as false) against former candidate (later President) Donald Trump.   Her sinister, anti-democratic and treacherous scheme ultimately failed—and she lost the election.  Clinton went into hiding with several cases of good French Chablis—not to resurface—until just recently. 

This “political slime story”, breaking now about Le Pen only days before the April 24 election is so Clintonesque it could almost have come directly from an illicit email server in  Chappaqua, New York.  The “allegations” smell of fear, fraud and corruption. France the birthplace of democracy,  which claims to be an indivisible, secular, and social Republic, governed by law— should not permit its election to be soiled by the likes of American style political chicanery.  

Friday, April 15, 2022



Disincentivizing vicious human traffickers: that is the key!

“Our compassion is infinite, but our capacity to help is not.” UK,  PM Boris Johnson, April 14, 2022

Almost thirty thousand people have been smuggled across the English Channel into the UK in the last year. That figure is up 30%  from the 8,500 of the previous year.  The crossing can be dangerous in the small boats, human smugglers pack to the gunwales to make the voyage.  In November of last year, 27 young children, women, men, and elderly, drowned when their small boat sank in a heavy storm mid-Channel.  

British attempts at dissuading the smugglers at sea has met with difficulty, danger and legal resistance   

The common knowledge that all those entering UK illegally will be released into the country to await determination of their asylum status creates a powerful incentive for asylum seekers (and the human traffickers who profit from the desperation of others) to make that  dangerous and expensive crossing.  With the recent surge in attempted Channel crossings, something had to be done. Furthermore, it had become apparent that the increased volume in traffic across the Channel was the result of a burgeoning, highly profitable business in human trafficking.    Not the least concern was the enormous costs to transport, house, feed, and provide medical assistance to immigrants which is an enormous burden on the government and UK ratepayers. 

As PM Johnson stated, the capacity to help..has its limits.  Furthermore, “following the money trail” reveals that the compassionate British ratepayer who foots the bill for the costs of foreign asylum seekers are actually an integral part of the insidious business model and profit scheme of the foreign smugglers.  Those British pounds of the ratepayers are in effect incentivizing  those who encourage and profit from the smuggling of human beings.    

Thursday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson stated that the British government had a moral imperative to attempt to break the business model of the human smugglers. He described them as “vile people who abuse immigrants and are turning the Channel into a watery graveyard.”  By eliminating the incentive to cross the dangerous Channel into the UK,  Boris Johnson argues that the government will make it unprofitable to operate  a deadly clandestine cross/Channel ferry service   and “will save hundreds of lives.”

On Thursday (April 14, 2022) in a speech near the coast in Kent, a regular landing site for human traffickers, PM Johnson stated that the new government policy states  that “anyone entering the UK illegally, will be arrested, and swiftly and humanely removed to a safe third country, or the country of their origin.”  

To help facilitate this plan, UK, Home Secretary,  Priti Patel, signed a “partnership agreement” with the East African nation of Rwanda.  In this agreement, Rwanda would accept any ‘irregular entrants” arriving in the UK after January 1, 2022.  The government of Rwanda would be responsible to adjudicate the asylum seekers status, and determine if they would be permitted to enter Rwanda and remain there, and if not, would be returned to their home nation.

PM Boris Johnson has an actual  plan to end the profit in  human smuggling, disincentivize immigration, and save lives.  Unlike President Biden, who will not admit there is a surging (2 million and counting) USA immigrant problem—-and consequently he has no plan.   

Today, as Boris Johnson activates  his plan to discourage  illegal human trafficking, across the “Pond” in the USA on the same date, the “no plan Biden team” works for just the opposite outcome!!!  

It is reported today that President Biden reactivated clandestine night flights to

whisk away illegal immigrants, from border towns, to secret locations all across the USA.  In effect, President Biden, instead of disincentivizing human trafficking is completing the last leg of the brutal smuggler’s enterprise.  His acts encourage more illegal immigration, increase the death and brutality that are the result of the dangerous passage,  and force the the US taxpayer to pay for his grossly counter-effective policies. 

How much “compassion” can immigrants afford?   It is not “compassionate” to incentivize vicious human traffickers,  and encourage desperate immigrants into deadly situations. 

Friday, April 8, 2022



Or Annus Mirabilis to Annus Horribilis in One Election.

April 5, 2022

The Biden Administration was shoe-horned into power in 2020 by the unprecedented, shameful collusion of  main-stream media and political party operatives, “look-the-other-way-FBI”, questionable pandemic-era election practices, and a powerful cabal of mestablishment and government linked forces.  Once elected, it stumbled from one crisis to another from inauguration to the present period.   Today, we live in a world of frightful inflation,  looming scarcity, surging street crime, hysterical hyper-focus on racial and gender issues, a new Cold War, and fear of nuclear holocaust.  The Biden presidency has  moved from being a national embarrassment to an international threat to world stability. Overnight, our peaceful secure world has morphed into a Biden dystopian world of fear, insecurity and violence.  

Before Biden or “BB” our lives and economy were the envy of the world.  International relations were in a settled state. Our military and government leaders were both feared and respected. At home, we enjoyed a healthy level of economic stability, near zero inflation, energy independence and security from foreign and domestic threats. Crime remained relatively low.  Police enjoyed the respect and support of our citizens.  Suspected criminals were actually arrested, denied bail and held for trial, if they were violent offenders and a danger to society.  Criminals were incarcerated to protect society.  Citizens safely strolled urban streets. Race relations were amicable.  We ignored the color of a person’s skin in awarding benefits, jobs, or university admissions.  Citizens shopped without threat of violence.  Store owners displayed their wares without fear of “smash and grab”mobs.  Though our southern border was visited by seasonal surges of economic immigrants, these groups were  largely kept under control by new physical barriers and reasonable government policies.  The pandemic was a temporary threat.  The nation was confident our pharmaceutical companies’ vaccines would be quickly available and  eventually control the outbreak.  In matters regarding children’s education, parents felt relatively confident of their prerogatives and input into children’s education.

After Biden or “A.B.” Less than a year after Biden or “AB”, we were rudely awakened to life in a Biden-generated dystopia.  Schools no longer served as harmonious havens of intellectual growth, but battlegrounds were parents vied against teachers and radical educational progressives who claim they held power over a child’s development and education.  

After the disaster of Afghanistan withdrawal,  US leadership telegraphed its ineptness, weakness and uncertainty. When conflict broke out in Central Europe, President Biden irresponsibly ignored the role of world leader and peace maker. Foolishly, his intemperate comments and polices intensified the conflict and the economic fall-out for the world beyond Ukraine, creating unprecedented economic turmoil, scarcity of energy and raw materials and a massive world recession.  

President Biden’s inflationary polices of cash “give aways”,  his “bully pulpit” shut-down of the oil industry and “green initiatives” drastically raised the price of gas at the pump, and led to inflation at a 40 year high during Biden’s first year.   Later, Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, Biden’s unwise foreign polices, linked with unprecedented war hysteria as a powerful US based Ukrainian propaganda machine drove Biden and other weak, vacillating world leaders to unprecedented punitive economic efforts. These  hurt Russia, but intensified inflation and helped shatter European and US economies and led to a world recession.  

Increased scarcity of foodstuffs, fuel, raw materials and fertilizer (most of which was produced in Russia) became the norm.  Our once unipolar, harmonious world was divided into warring nuclear armed camps.  Again, the awful fear of a nuclear holocaust and annihilation stalked our citizenry. On his watch Biden brought back the Cold War and a dangerous, divided nuclear armed world.   

At home our southern border no longer served as a formal boundary— but an illegitimate  international gateway into the interior of the USA.  Immigrants from as far away as Africa, China and Ukraine enter illegally.  They are met by “Biden Border Travel Agents” who hand out bus and airplane tickets, and a cell phone to each “undocumented”.  In the dark of night, hoards of unvetted are ferried inland where they are dropped off at interior cities to covertly enter the general population.  No one knows how many, who, or where, these potential “hard working citizens” (many or most) , “disease vectors” (some) , “drug mules” (?) , or “Fifth Columnists”(a few likely) are located.  

In the “AB” world, the Chinese are now ready to absorb the island nation of Taiwan.  During the US fostered, “war hysteria” in Europe, China  fully militarized rocky-ocean-outcrops into full sized islands in the South China Sea. They built a massive arsenal of hypersonic nuclear cruise and ballistic weapons which surprised and shocked  “experts” in the Pentagon.  

Under Biden, a second Pacific war-front is festering on the Korean Peninsula.  North Korea is now recognized as a major nuclear power.  Ignored by the Biden team, the North Koreans  threaten the Pacific Rim with new and longer range ballistic missiles to which South Korea has responded with conventional weapon threats.      

These are the self-inflicted “AB” conditions of our new lives in Biden’s Dystopia. We can thank the cabal of elites who thought they knew better than 70 million American voters. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2022



We all remember the bizarre case of the purloined Robert (Hunter) Biden laptop.  Forgotten or abandoned in a repair shop by Hunter, for such a long time  that the shop owner, unpaid and unable to contact its owner finally passed it on to others and then to the FBI. 

The laptop hard drive proved to be a treasure trove of possibly illicit Hunter Biden business dealings.  Many of which implicated his father, Joe (VP)  in illicit profiting from influence peddling.  During the 2020 election campaign, the NY Post investigated and ran a front page story on the embarrassing and potentially illegal evidences on the hard drive.  They had convincing evidence in the form of documents, emails, photos of the owner, reports on business dealings and revelations of money laundering, as well of influence peddling by the Biden family with Ukrainian, Chinese and Russian powerbrokers.  

But even in the face of hard evidence, the  “main stream media”, government establishment and the elite “papers of record”— the New York Times and Washington Post, all claimed the laptop was a “fake” and the story was a “Russian disinformation campaign”.  

They would not publish the story.  Twitter and other social media even blocked the NY Post from their own Twitter account to prevent the story spreading.  In the end, with the FBI ignoring the laptop they had in their vaults, and the  media sitting on the story,  the hot story eventually died with the outcome of the 2020 election.  The Times and WaPo put a hard stop on a real scandal that would have embarrassed the Biden campaign, forced it to answer for its actions, and perhaps may have led to a very different election outcome  in the very close race to defeat President Trump. 

But just last month in 2022, both of these newspapers have revised their opinion of what “news” is. They both  published their own stories on the NY Post Hunter Biden laptop scandal.  They now claim that the laptop story is real and no longer “disinformation” that must be suppressed. 


Could it be that these paragons of journalistic virtue were contrite and now want to clear their guilty conscience of their past politicized journalism and anti-democratic deeds. Do they want to turn over a new leaf?   To actually publish real news which informs the public so that voters can make informed decisions about  candidates and issues.  In a few words from the Times’ mast head: are they ready to  “to print all the news fit to print”.  Yes? 

Not a chance.  These corrupt 4th Estate denizens are simply doubling down on the manifest powers of “regime change” and opinion control that for some reason the unwary public permits them to continue to wield.  

This new story which they are selling presents  Hunter Biden as a villain, and his father, the sitting President of the USA, appears as “the big guy”, a co-conspirator who always gets his “10% up front”.  This is just a replay of the untrue: “its Russian disinformation” story.  This is simply journalistic recidivism—they are keeping their thumb on the political scale.

The NYT, WaPo editors, writers and journalistic conspirators can read the Biden’s plunging polls and know the President has become a veritable “millstone” around the Party’s neck.  For “their party” to survive,  Joe must go before 2024. Thus the publication of the revised Hunter laptop story is simply a way  to clear the slate for the 2024 presidential list. Old Joe has served his purpose.  He was at the time, the only Democrat (barely) able to defeat Trump and with their connivance he did.  His value to them and their purposes  is now over.  He is political dead meat.  Giggling Kamala is dead in the water for 2024.   The establishment elites  are setting the stage for some other candidate.  Joe got the news with the published stories that the “real big guys” do not want him on the 2024 ballot.  He will cave to the establishment demands lsometime soon. 

They may have someone else in mind…someone that they will lie for, twist the truth for and torture the English language for in their editorial and news pages to support. 

But who can it be?  

The  former great PM of Germany, Angela Merkel, who spent her youth in Communist controlled East Germany once remarked about how one read Communist newspapers —in a nation which  tightly controlled  its media output.  She said, to understand what was really going on, one had to ignore the story, and “read between the lines.” 

I suggest that today, in the USA, we all have to learn how to read the “main stream media” like Ms Merkel  “between the lines” to understand what is really going on.  Perhaps we will learn what “they” are up to that way.