"La candidate nationaliste conservatrice à la présidence française Marie Le Pen fait l'objet d'une "enquête" de l'Agence anti-fraude de l'UE pour détournement de fonds."
“Nationalist conservative candidate for French President, Marie Le Pen is being “investigated” by the EU Anti-Fraud Agency for alleged misappropriation of funds.”
La gauche française et ses réalisations à Bruxelles semblent tenter un « style Clinton – « Écraser » » de la candidate conservatrice et nationaliste française Marie Le Pen. Selon les sondages les plus récents, LePen a une chance raisonnable de devenir président de la France lors des prochaines élections générales du 24 avril.
L'establishment de gauche français est terrifié. Comme d'autres progressistes, ils ont fait leur chemin depuis longtemps. Ils créent le scénario, puis publient des articles de presse et des médias pour rendre ces scénarios crédibles. Cette situation pourrait partir en fumée si Le Pen est élu. Les universitaires, les riches élites de Paris et des environs et leurs médias et conspirateurs semblent tirer des leçons de Madame Clinton qui, en 2016, a lancé une série d'accusations criminelles aux motivations similaires (maintenant révélées comme fausses) contre l'ancien candidat (futur président) Donald Trump. Son stratagème sinistre, antidémocratique et traître a finalement échoué et elle a perdu les élections. Clinton s'est caché avec plusieurs bouteilles de bon Chablis français - pour ne pas refaire surface - jusqu'à tout récemment.
I read today, April 17, 2022 that the French media platform, Mediapart “alleges” that Mdm. Le Pen “personally misappropriated about 140,000 Euros of public funds from the European Parliament” while MEP Le Pen was in office between 2004-20017. The EU investigators claim the have “uncovered ‘some’ alleged irregularities”. These “alleged charges” appear highly suspicious. These seem just the “monkey wrench” you might throw into a tight election a week before election day, if your candidate was faltering in the polls and likely to lose.
The French Left and their accomplices in Brussels seem to be attempting a “Clinton style— ‘Trumping’” of the French nationalist, conservative candidate Marie Le Pen. According to most recent polls, LePen has a reasonable chance of becoming President of France in the upcoming April 24 general election.
The French-left-establishment is terrified of Le Pen. Like “progressives” in the USA, they have had their way for a long time. They create the story line and then pump out press and media reports to make those progressive ideas seem true or believable. They disdain those who work with their hands, raise the food, plow the fields, sell the products, clear the streets, protect the citizenry, and pay taxes to make France the cultured affluent nation it is. To these elites. these people
are the “deplorables” who are only to be tolerated. Their needs, desires, fears are unimportant. In a presumed democracy their political issues are deemed “invalid” or “unacceptable” and are ignored.
Those circumstances may change, if the people vote to elect Le Pen. The academics, the executives, the wealthy elites in and around Paris and their media and corporate co-conspirators seem to be taking lessons from the USA’s Madame Clinton, who in 2016 launched “allegations” and similar charges (now exposed as false) against former candidate (later President) Donald Trump. Her sinister, anti-democratic and treacherous scheme ultimately failed—and she lost the election. Clinton went into hiding with several cases of good French Chablis—not to resurface—until just recently.
This “political slime story”, breaking now about Le Pen only days before the April 24 election is so Clintonesque it could almost have come directly from an illicit email server in Chappaqua, New York. The “allegations” smell of fear, fraud and corruption. France the birthplace of democracy, which claims to be an indivisible, secular, and social Republic, governed by law— should not permit its election to be soiled by the likes of American style political chicanery.
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