Thursday, April 21, 2022



If any phrase fits better than the Democrats being “Hoisted on their own Petard” (blown up by their own explosive charge) I don’t know of it.  The well known quote from Hamlet has often been applied to circumstances  where a perpetrator is undone  by his/her own evil machinations.  Today, after almost two years of experiencing the Biden Administration flounder from one disaster to another, the polls indicate a likely massive realignment of voters in the 2020 midterms.  The  “neoprogressive”  Biden team brought this all on themselves. The Dems are facing the results of the abject failure of their far left, political-fringe policies. 

The problem is their basic premises. Government can not spend its way out of inflation, ignore criminality and fail to protect the innocent victim, or undermine the nation’s energy security.  These are the precepts of the incompetent. 

Biden policies engendered the inflationary spiral.  Inflation is the result of too many dollars chasing too few products, in a period of high demand.  The Dem policy of pumping  almost four trillion dollars into the economy—put trillions of dollars in the hands of consumers and set the stage for the highest inflation in 40 years.  To make matters worse the ideologues in the party insisted on ”cutting the legs” from under the fossil fuel industry.  This created a scarcity of a basic product and a rise in fuel that resulted in higher prices for almost every other product or service of the economy. High gasoline prices tipped the scales into “ Bidenflation”. 

Then, an absentee and novice Transportation Secretary—ignored the impending problems of our complex, long and uncertain supply chains. Scarcity and empty shelves resulted.  This uncertainty added to the already intermittent supply of electronics parts, paper products, and manufactured items. The largess of trillions of dollars in cash Biden doled out in the economy chasing after scarce goods led to  massive almost unprecedented inflation—which 

plagues us all to this day. Later, Mr Putin added fuel to the inflationary fire Biden started. 

Their ‘woke” policy  to curry favor with the Black community, one of their core constituencies, led to a counter productive “defund the police” policy.  This mindless ploy to patronize elements of a bedrock constituency  was encouraged and implemented by the Dems and spread like wildfire through the Blue wards and cites across the nation.  The results were predictable.  Police forces, legally, morally and politically weakened simply were not as effective in preventing violent crime. The “Defund”movement led to an unprecedented 30% increase in violent crime in many cities.  The impact of this social disaster was, as expected, more intense within the inner cities and crime-prone Dem core constituencies. As a result, Black and Latino voters—who need police protection more than others —and are the  key elements for Democrat reelection— both reacted with a ten percent (10%)  or more drop in support for Dem candidates.

Democrat ideologues also plotted to increase “diversity” and perhaps undermine the power of the GOP in red states. They instituted a ‘secret’ and unstated “open border policy”. This plan permitted immigrants to swarm across the southern border. Once in the USA, they  were given cell phones, and bus or airplane tickets for secret night flights to quickly transport them out of the embarrassing mob scenes which developed at the southern border into less visible venues in various interior towns or cities. There they could disappear in the crowd . 

These acts have long term consequences.  Democrats now have to face the political results of these “seat of the pants” solutions,  as resentment to hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants enter communities unprepared for them.  

If the Democrats are “blown up” by these schemes and machinations as expected in 2020, then you, my readers, will completely understand what Will Shakespeare meant when he stated:

 “For  ‘tis the sport to have the engineer hoist with his own petard”…”and blown to the moon” ….O ‘tis so sweet when in one line two crafts directly meet.”  Hamlet: Act 3, Scene 4.

And for me, it will be “so sweet” to see those progressives sent on their way  when the results of the 2020 vote pour in this November”   

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