Or Annus Mirabilis to Annus Horribilis in One Election.
April 5, 2022
The Biden Administration was shoe-horned into power in 2020 by the unprecedented, shameful collusion of main-stream media and political party operatives, “look-the-other-way-FBI”, questionable pandemic-era election practices, and a powerful cabal of mestablishment and government linked forces. Once elected, it stumbled from one crisis to another from inauguration to the present period. Today, we live in a world of frightful inflation, looming scarcity, surging street crime, hysterical hyper-focus on racial and gender issues, a new Cold War, and fear of nuclear holocaust. The Biden presidency has moved from being a national embarrassment to an international threat to world stability. Overnight, our peaceful secure world has morphed into a Biden dystopian world of fear, insecurity and violence.
Before Biden or “BB” our lives and economy were the envy of the world. International relations were in a settled state. Our military and government leaders were both feared and respected. At home, we enjoyed a healthy level of economic stability, near zero inflation, energy independence and security from foreign and domestic threats. Crime remained relatively low. Police enjoyed the respect and support of our citizens. Suspected criminals were actually arrested, denied bail and held for trial, if they were violent offenders and a danger to society. Criminals were incarcerated to protect society. Citizens safely strolled urban streets. Race relations were amicable. We ignored the color of a person’s skin in awarding benefits, jobs, or university admissions. Citizens shopped without threat of violence. Store owners displayed their wares without fear of “smash and grab”mobs. Though our southern border was visited by seasonal surges of economic immigrants, these groups were largely kept under control by new physical barriers and reasonable government policies. The pandemic was a temporary threat. The nation was confident our pharmaceutical companies’ vaccines would be quickly available and eventually control the outbreak. In matters regarding children’s education, parents felt relatively confident of their prerogatives and input into children’s education.
After Biden or “A.B.” Less than a year after Biden or “AB”, we were rudely awakened to life in a Biden-generated dystopia. Schools no longer served as harmonious havens of intellectual growth, but battlegrounds were parents vied against teachers and radical educational progressives who claim they held power over a child’s development and education.
After the disaster of Afghanistan withdrawal, US leadership telegraphed its ineptness, weakness and uncertainty. When conflict broke out in Central Europe, President Biden irresponsibly ignored the role of world leader and peace maker. Foolishly, his intemperate comments and polices intensified the conflict and the economic fall-out for the world beyond Ukraine, creating unprecedented economic turmoil, scarcity of energy and raw materials and a massive world recession.
President Biden’s inflationary polices of cash “give aways”, his “bully pulpit” shut-down of the oil industry and “green initiatives” drastically raised the price of gas at the pump, and led to inflation at a 40 year high during Biden’s first year. Later, Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, Biden’s unwise foreign polices, linked with unprecedented war hysteria as a powerful US based Ukrainian propaganda machine drove Biden and other weak, vacillating world leaders to unprecedented punitive economic efforts. These hurt Russia, but intensified inflation and helped shatter European and US economies and led to a world recession.
Increased scarcity of foodstuffs, fuel, raw materials and fertilizer (most of which was produced in Russia) became the norm. Our once unipolar, harmonious world was divided into warring nuclear armed camps. Again, the awful fear of a nuclear holocaust and annihilation stalked our citizenry. On his watch Biden brought back the Cold War and a dangerous, divided nuclear armed world.
At home our southern border no longer served as a formal boundary— but an illegitimate international gateway into the interior of the USA. Immigrants from as far away as Africa, China and Ukraine enter illegally. They are met by “Biden Border Travel Agents” who hand out bus and airplane tickets, and a cell phone to each “undocumented”. In the dark of night, hoards of unvetted are ferried inland where they are dropped off at interior cities to covertly enter the general population. No one knows how many, who, or where, these potential “hard working citizens” (many or most) , “disease vectors” (some) , “drug mules” (?) , or “Fifth Columnists”(a few likely) are located.
In the “AB” world, the Chinese are now ready to absorb the island nation of Taiwan. During the US fostered, “war hysteria” in Europe, China fully militarized rocky-ocean-outcrops into full sized islands in the South China Sea. They built a massive arsenal of hypersonic nuclear cruise and ballistic weapons which surprised and shocked “experts” in the Pentagon.
Under Biden, a second Pacific war-front is festering on the Korean Peninsula. North Korea is now recognized as a major nuclear power. Ignored by the Biden team, the North Koreans threaten the Pacific Rim with new and longer range ballistic missiles to which South Korea has responded with conventional weapon threats.
These are the self-inflicted “AB” conditions of our new lives in Biden’s Dystopia. We can thank the cabal of elites who thought they knew better than 70 million American voters.
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