We all remember the bizarre case of the purloined Robert (Hunter) Biden laptop. Forgotten or abandoned in a repair shop by Hunter, for such a long time that the shop owner, unpaid and unable to contact its owner finally passed it on to others and then to the FBI.
The laptop hard drive proved to be a treasure trove of possibly illicit Hunter Biden business dealings. Many of which implicated his father, Joe (VP) in illicit profiting from influence peddling. During the 2020 election campaign, the NY Post investigated and ran a front page story on the embarrassing and potentially illegal evidences on the hard drive. They had convincing evidence in the form of documents, emails, photos of the owner, reports on business dealings and revelations of money laundering, as well of influence peddling by the Biden family with Ukrainian, Chinese and Russian powerbrokers.
But even in the face of hard evidence, the “main stream media”, government establishment and the elite “papers of record”— the New York Times and Washington Post, all claimed the laptop was a “fake” and the story was a “Russian disinformation campaign”.
They would not publish the story. Twitter and other social media even blocked the NY Post from their own Twitter account to prevent the story spreading. In the end, with the FBI ignoring the laptop they had in their vaults, and the media sitting on the story, the hot story eventually died with the outcome of the 2020 election. The Times and WaPo put a hard stop on a real scandal that would have embarrassed the Biden campaign, forced it to answer for its actions, and perhaps may have led to a very different election outcome in the very close race to defeat President Trump.
But just last month in 2022, both of these newspapers have revised their opinion of what “news” is. They both published their own stories on the NY Post Hunter Biden laptop scandal. They now claim that the laptop story is real and no longer “disinformation” that must be suppressed.
Could it be that these paragons of journalistic virtue were contrite and now want to clear their guilty conscience of their past politicized journalism and anti-democratic deeds. Do they want to turn over a new leaf? To actually publish real news which informs the public so that voters can make informed decisions about candidates and issues. In a few words from the Times’ mast head: are they ready to “to print all the news fit to print”. Yes?
Not a chance. These corrupt 4th Estate denizens are simply doubling down on the manifest powers of “regime change” and opinion control that for some reason the unwary public permits them to continue to wield.
This new story which they are selling presents Hunter Biden as a villain, and his father, the sitting President of the USA, appears as “the big guy”, a co-conspirator who always gets his “10% up front”. This is just a replay of the untrue: “its Russian disinformation” story. This is simply journalistic recidivism—they are keeping their thumb on the political scale.
The NYT, WaPo editors, writers and journalistic conspirators can read the Biden’s plunging polls and know the President has become a veritable “millstone” around the Party’s neck. For “their party” to survive, Joe must go before 2024. Thus the publication of the revised Hunter laptop story is simply a way to clear the slate for the 2024 presidential list. Old Joe has served his purpose. He was at the time, the only Democrat (barely) able to defeat Trump and with their connivance he did. His value to them and their purposes is now over. He is political dead meat. Giggling Kamala is dead in the water for 2024. The establishment elites are setting the stage for some other candidate. Joe got the news with the published stories that the “real big guys” do not want him on the 2024 ballot. He will cave to the establishment demands lsometime soon.
They may have someone else in mind…someone that they will lie for, twist the truth for and torture the English language for in their editorial and news pages to support.
But who can it be?
The former great PM of Germany, Angela Merkel, who spent her youth in Communist controlled East Germany once remarked about how one read Communist newspapers —in a nation which tightly controlled its media output. She said, to understand what was really going on, one had to ignore the story, and “read between the lines.”
I suggest that today, in the USA, we all have to learn how to read the “main stream media” like Ms Merkel “between the lines” to understand what is really going on. Perhaps we will learn what “they” are up to that way.
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