Friday, September 26, 2008


On September 18, 2008 the Kieth Olberman Show aired a clip of Gov. Sarah Palin and her husband Todd, as they climbed up an airplane ramp to depart from a campaign venue. The segment, somewhere in the middle of the program, showed a fleeting glimpse, of Govenor Palin's back. Mrs.Palin, who was wearing a gray, tight-fitting, silk-jacket, faced the camera as she waved to the assembled crowd below her on the tarmack, then turned to enter her plane. As she did, the upper portion of her back came into clear view. The angle of the light and the smooth-silk garment she wore revealed the contours of a rectangular object which appeared to be a common wire-receiver taped in the hollow of her upper back. Based on my observations, it was probably an inch wide and six or seven inches long. The object was located in a position similar to the one observed on President Bush's back duirng the 2004 debate with John Kerry. It looked like a common wireless receiver and battery pack--though longer and narrower than the one used by Bush. Apparently she had just come from a speaking engagement, if so it suggests she may be taking transmitted information or is being promted electronically by her handlers. Since the question of her preparedness for the VP position is so prominent in the news (and I strenuoulsly object to the People being hoodwinked) I think this observation deserves a closer look.

So if there is anyone out there that has seen this film clip, please drop me a line or perhaps has some contact who could pass the information on to someone with access that film clip. The VP debate is only a short time away.

After I posted this (above) I came across this interesting piece by Keith Thomson ( see:: who has some interesting observations and up-to-date research on the subject.

Addition: Posted October 6, 2008. During the Palin-Biden debate a fleeting glance of the same mysterious rectangular bulge appeared on Ms Palin's back. So far there have been no other reports of this interesting phenomenon that I know of.

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