Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Trump was right again.  It was soon after election eve the new President claimed that undocumented voters in California, New York and other states probably accounted for the estimated 2.9 million votes---Clinton garnered  in the 2016 election over Trump--to famously win the popular vote (but dramatically lose the election).

Today, "The Sacramento Bee" published a report entitled " Undocumented immigrant driver's licenses near a milestone in California".  What was this milestone?  That there are nearly a million "undocumented" (illegal) immigrants who were issued California driver's licenses under Assembly Bill 60.  This law was passed in 2013 and its provisions  demands only that applicants for a driver's license prove their identity and California residency.. It ignores  their legal status as citizens and the fact they they may have slipped into the nation illegally.  California is one of ten states which permit this.  So in California there are essentially no major differences between a legal US citizen and an illegal alien who has broken the law to enter the country.  They seem to have all the rights of citizenship and none of the trouble and bother of going through the formality imposed on those who enter this nation legally.

There are those who claim that  Assembly Bill  60 had generated advantages to the state. Some tout the figures which suggest that there have been fewer "hit and run" accidents. Others hail the suggestion of more organ donors.  But the S Bee article makes no mention of how the new law may affect illegal voting in the state.  

It seems clear that in a state with a million illegal immigrants who have a drivers license---there is little that would prohibit them to register to vote.  No one at the polls asks for a voter's birth certificate or citizenship papers.  Who would stop them at the polls?   Furthermore, you can be sure there were many Democrat officials in the state who encouraged these illegal immigrants to register to vote--and vote Democrat.

 President Trump was roundly criticized for his suggestion that the popular vote might have been his too, were it not for these illegal voters...His detractors claimed he was  "lying". It seems those who made that claim were the dissembles--mendicants--not Trump.

Saturday, July 22, 2017





Inexplicably the clowns in the Republican led Congress have permitted a situation to develop which will present their own President with a difficult and perhaps embarrassing decision to make.  With the GOP in control of both houses---one wonders (but then again this is Washington DC swampland) how this situation was allowed to get this far?    The "Russian Sanctions Bill" will propose a ramp up of new sanctions against Russia, Iran and North Korea.  This Congress with its 18% approval rating, Maxine Waters type wing nuts and nut jobs on the left and right, and its failure to accomplish anything of consequence in the last six months, has no credibility with the public---least of all on issues of foreign affairs which should  be left to the executive branch--the President---where the Founders directed it.

Mr. Trump should forthwith veto this thoughtless legislation as incursion and usurpation of his authority to conduct foreign affairs.  That function is thankfully the sole responsibility of the executive branch.  The President can not and should not be handcuffed in decisions of existential import  by the silly, parochial and uninformed members of Congress--many of whom don't even bother to read the bills to which they sign their names.

Mr. Trump needs flexibility in his dealings with Iran, North Korea and with Russia.  Let's not tie the hands of a great deal maker---that's just what the people elected him to do.

Friday, July 21, 2017


Apparently there is no limit to the depths of stupidity that members of the House and the Senate will go.  The voting pubic must be well aware of the venality, stupidity and self-serving behavior of our representatives. They routinely give Congress an approval rating of less than 20%. Now that is what you call having no confidence in your elected officials.  But some times a particularly idiotic bill or proposal comes our of the Halls of Congress that still shocks one and must be commented upon.

Take for instance the latest bit of insanity from the House and Senate---the so called "Israel Anti Boycott Act" which seeks to criminalize anyone who supports the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS).  This international movement seeks to use peaceful, economic pressures to end the sixty year Israeli occupation of disputed territories in Palestine and the West Bank and end human rights abuses against Palestinians. Whether one agrees with the purpose or validity of the BDS movement is of no consequence here.  The problem is legislation which imposes stiff fines and threat of a long prison term on the basis of how a person thinks or with whom they associate.  That is a clear violation of our First Amendment Rights of freedom of speech and association.  We must protect these rights fiercely regardless of how we may feel about the pros or cons of BDS.

This Israel Anti Boycott legislation must have been written by Bibi Netanyahu himself, it is so over the top.  The bill would levy a penalty of $1 million dollars and twenty years in jail for individuals or businesses which support or comply with the BDS movement.  When it was first proposed by Ben Cardin (D Md) a whole host of (43 of them) dummies including Rob Portman, Chuck Schumer, Marco Rubio and Maria Cantwell rushed to sign on as co-sponsors of the bill--without thinking and probably without reading the legislation.  These members of Congress in their rush to firm up their pro-Israel cred for the knee jerk voters in their states appear to have forgotten this is not Communist China, North Korea  or the old USSR where massive restrictions on FREE SPEECH, FREE ASSOCIATION AND FREE iDEAS were (and remain) common threats to the life and liberty of the citizenry.

However the US Constitution (First and Fourteenth Amendments) protects OUR rights of free speech and association as in "to associate with others for the common advancement of political beliefs and ideas."  The  Senators and Representatives who knee jerked their support of this legislation are clearly not so familiar with the US Constitution.  In their rush to be "staunch Israeli allies" they must have let this one slip by.  But WE CAN NOT LET IT SLIP BY or permit a Congress with an approval rating of 18% (or any Congress)  pass a bill which may put some of us in jail for 20 years for our speech and political beliefs.

Thursday, July 20, 2017



Trump has made good on another campaign promise.  During the 2916 campaign candidate Trump made clear that he was not a neocon foreign interventionist.  He was going to focus on making America great again---not frittering away our wealth and the life blood of our young men and women on foreign wars which cost us dearly and gained us nothing.   As a consequence, he was attacked and vilified by the foreign policy establishment--dominated by George Bush-Obama holdovers  and neocons like the Karan's, Kristols, Max Boot and Paul Wolfowitz. These are the "intellectuals"  who were always eager send US men and women to fight  any and every where in the world.  And these tough talking men were right there offering  to hold our coats while they made decisions to which battlefields to send our kids.  While their offspring were safely ensconced in some ivy-league college--ours were trading lead with sandaled jihadists in the desert.  The Obama appointed  heads of the CIA, FBI, NSA and similar federal organizations were and remain dominated by  these holdovers from the past and our disastrous foreign policy blunders.  They were mightily opposed to Trump's common sense plans for an American-centered foreign policy--- and for Syria.  These types have made Trump's first six months very difficult.  But Trump is forging ahead...continuing to make good on the promises.

I read today (July 19, 2017) in Aljazeera,  that President Trump has ended the CIA program to arm and train anti-Assad forces in Syria.  This important story was not available elsewhere in the mainstream media....where the focus is constantly on innuendo shaded to cast a negative pall over our President  Trump. In the  last few days these media outlets of shaded news have zoned in on another"secret" meeting between Trump and Putin. This encounter  was apparently held for a brief few minutes table-side among a crowd of other diners at the table where Mrs Trump (the FLOTUS) was seated next to Mr. Vladimir Putin--since they both speak German.

The now defunct and dumb Obama-CIA program which must have cost our taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars was supposed to train "moderate" rebel forces to fight against the Syrian (Assad) Army.  The so-called trainees and fighters were mostly rag tag radicals, many of whom  were part of other terrorist factions  They often took the weapons and cash supplied by the CIA and skipped off to join the ISIL forces.  The program was not a success.  Early on it served only to extend the carnage of the civil war--while Obama and Clinton hypocritically wrung their hands over the "loss of Syrian lives" they were contributing to.    The CIA program probably weighed heavily in the Russian decision to intervene in Syria .  Of those so called "moderate" terrorists trained and paid with US cash  which did not defect to ISIL, the remainder wound up in Aleppo...were they were mostly decimated when the Russian supported Syrian Army swept through that city.  

In this decision Mr. Trump has upended another ill-conceived Obama era program.




The Democrats are making this same mistake they made during the election.  They are concentrating on the "failures, foibles, fake news, and fantasy stories" of their erstwhile opponent, President Trump, and failing to address their own failures, poor choice of candidates, missteps and lack of "message" which led them into their greatest defeat in modern times

Our nation needs a viable opposition party for America to be great again.  The out of power, out of ideas, out of likable-candidate-Dems are not that party now.

The Democrats take their name from the Greek words "deme" --or citizens, and "kratos" signifying power (to rule).  So literally they are supposed to be  the "party of the people", but they have become something else. The irony is that the American "people"--the voters turned the "party of the people" out of power.  But the Democrats can not seem to grasp that.  Ot that it is not the "intellectuals" who decide who rules--it is the citizen voter who wields that power.    For too long now the Dems have abandoned "the people" to become the party of special interests, --immigrants, minorities, the LBGT community,--academia, big donors, Wall Street,  globalistas, open border proponents, neocons, and the interventionist foreign policy establishment. They blithely ignored the terrible financial and social plight of vast numbers of struggling Americas--the "deplorables" of "flyover" country. These citizens--the natural (and former) supporters of Democrats voted for their opponent in droves.

The Party must purge the Clintons, who are again "hoovering" up cash and party-political power. They must develop--new leadership--with a message that will resonate with the American  people--all the people.

Oh Yes. And as for the continued wraithlike, hovering "helicopter mom" presence of former President Obama on the political scene--he is no help either. He too needs to fade into the sunset  for the benefit of the process of Democrat Party RENEWAL this nation so drastically needs.

Thursday, July 13, 2017





The only "collusion" that has been exposed is that of the vast state establishment and its subsidiaries against a legitimately elected president.

It is now (July 10, 2017) a bit more than eight months since the 2016 election. What have we learned about our nation, our government and our electoral system since that watershed election?  Events over that period have revealed to us that our Constitution truly does empowers this nation's citizens--through the vote.  Our voting citizens spoke to unseat a deeply entrenched, powerful, well-funded, but unpopular candidate and political party.  But it also revealed the frightening corruption of the vast "government-media-bureaucracy-complex" in Washington---and that this threatening evil, is more powerful and worse than we ever imagined.                                                                                                          

The first revelation is that our Constitution and our electoral system is sound. And yes(!) it  is exceptional.  There is no nation in the democratic world where a deeply entrenched political establishment supported by the deep state, the media, academia, and entertainment industry could have been turned out of office with such finality and certitude by only the determined and collective will of the people. On our USA Election Day there were no riots, no shots fired and no one was hauled off to the guillotine to end one administration and bring in another.  2016 was a peaceful political revolution. The will of the people was made manifest.    The Founders did their work well.  The nation's voters of this vast land expressed their will at the ballot box and elected their chosen candidate to power.  Mr. Trump reached the Oval Office against all odds. fighting an uphill battle against well-funded, powerful political foes, long entrenched political dynasties of both parties, the media, the entertainment industry, the politicized FBI and  intelligence agencies and the subterfuge and treachery of the Obama Administration as it left office.  Democracy prevailed in the 2016 election. We can be proud of our nation.

The other revelations are not so pleasant.  In the ensuing weeks and months since the 2016 election we have been exposed to the worst examples of what a powerful, corrupt and willful political minority will do to avoid having to actually turn over the great powers of the state to legitimately elected newcomers.  These elements defy the democratic ideals they claim to espouse by ignoring  their defeat at the ballot box--by ignoring the will of the people.  The events of these last months have exposed how corrupt, how complex, how much collusion and deception exists in our present system.   We learned that we can not trust the functionaries of the past administration. They cling to power like a tick to a fold of warm moist skin.   No we found that the last administration schemed and conspired to undermine the new administration. Those turned out of office have turned to"resistance".  Claiming that they know better than the 63 million Americans who voted them down.  The entrenched bureaucrats, losing party hacks, the media, and the leadership of the intelligence agencies all  seem to prefer a "dictatorship of the left" over a democratically elected Republican.

In this last election and its aftermath the ugly, complex interactions and evil nature of the vast government-media-bureauacracy of Washington has been exposed for all to see. In these first months of the Trump administration we are observing what occurs in a democracy where a massive political establishment makes common cause with powerful entrenched bureaucrats, leading media outlets, heads of the intelligence agencies, leaders of both established political parties , and the vast cemented-in bureaucracy in Washington to defy the will of the people.  In collusion with these powerful Washington elements are the entertainment industry and academia which have subsidiary and evil roles in the established order to protect.

This is the only  real "collusion" that has been made manifest since the 2016 election.

For the well-being of our nation, for our political survival these elements must end their resistance...Another election awaits us.  Let the people speak.