Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Newest revelations indicate that elements of the the government itself—the FBI, CIA, Obama Administration, Clinton sympathizers and the Clinton Global Initiative  colluded in an attempt to help Hillary Clinton into he White House and hinder the Trump candidacy.  After the election, during the transition, this effort intensified when investigations into “collusion with the Russians” to affect the election morphed into the Mueller special counsel investigation.  FISA court spying episodes on Trump and his team and the firing and indictments of some Trump associates characterized this period of harassment of the new administration.  We now know, as a result of Congressinal investigations, that there is no evidence of “collusion with Russians” to affect the election by the Trump, but a great deal of evidence (Strzok-Paige-McCabe-Comey-etc etc etc) collusion within the government to affect the elction, and continuing illegal and unconstitutional efforts  to develop evidence to use in a Trump impeachment.  The effort continues as I write this.

But how did it occur?

It all had to do with the erroneous election polls.  All the polls had Mr Trump losing in a massive landslide.  Most polls a week before the electi0on showed him with no more than a 30% chance of winning.  But they were all wrong.  Many people did not reveal to pollsters their actual voting preferences were.  The pollsters also have a difficulty predicting the results in the electoral college.  Trump won by electoral wins in 30 of the 50 states.  He came close to winning in the (meaningless) popular vote too,  He lost there  by only two or three million votes.  It was a far closer race than any of the polls indicated.    (Trump claimed, probably correctly, that many of those pro Clinton votes were cast by illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities.)

How and why did the organs of government turn on Trump?  Before the election elements within the deep state, the government, the democrat machine and the seat warmers in DC were all assured of a Clinton win.  If they were to put their thumbs on the scales of the election process...who would know? After the election with a Clinton one would investigate any mproprieties or illegalities (or treason).  All acts of collusion to “help” Clinton the “righteous” and deserving candidate would be met with a wink and a nod and perhaps a promotion to a better position or higher pay for the “collusion” perpetrator, his or her spouse or his or her child or sibling. (That’s how the nepotistic system works in DC)   The FBI anti Trump crowd (Strzok-Paige) were so certain of a Clinton win they stupidly and unconcernedly  conducted all of their potentially treasonous discussions on their office equipment...unafraid that it might recorded and exposed.

But on election night all these “perps” literally wet their pants when the election results were announced.  Trump won!  These deep state, activist-colluders were now in dire jeopardy.  They could expect no pat on the back or promotion for their perfidy...but their acts of interference in an election could be exposed as illegal—or worse. They could lose their jobs, their spouses (working in some other cushy govement job) would be tarred as well,  and they might have to actually remove  their kids from the private academy into the public schools.

So what did they do during the transition?  To protect themselves from eventual exposure as anti-Trump activist, they intensified their effort to undermine the new President.  Among other things they used the phony Steele Dossier, to gin up FISA court spying on the new administaripon.  They colluded to protect themselves and their jobs.  At this point they were engaged in actual illegality as they colluded with others in the government in an attempt to undermine the legitimacy of a legitimately elected President.

That’s how it happened.  A story of self serving acts, greed and corruption in the DC swamp—much of it the result of inaccurate and misleading poll numbers.

Sunday, January 21, 2018


i was embarrassed again by our USA media...of all stripes...left right and independent.  They can’t get a story right anymore.

Let’s ignore the fake news our US press publishes about President Trump. But a story which appeared on CNN, FOX, the New York Post and elsewhere about a foreign figure ignored the facts and used the imagery to advance a prescribed view that the author prefers.  Some describe this as fake news

The published pictures showed bare chested President Putin of Russia, lowering himself into a body of icy water on January 19, 2018.   As he plunged into the icy water, he ducked under and emerged into apparently frigid air.


Left out of the all of the stories  was the essential (and ignrioed) religious aspect of the piece.  None mentioned that in the Russian and Greek Orthodox faiths January 19 (of the West’s Gregorian calendar) is the celebrrated as the Feast of the Epiphany.  That religious holiday occurs here in the West on January 6, in the Gregorian calendar we use.  Putin was simply taking part in a very common religious ceremony.

The Epipanhy—revelation of the savior—-and the arrival of the three Kings to present gifts to the infant  Jesus  is a one of the most holy  religious holidays in the East..  It is celebrated by Orthodox communicants throughout modern Russia, the Ukraine, the Baltic sates and in Greece and elsewhere.  In those nations celebrants typically take a winter plunge in the cold icy sea or in a river or lake.   In Greek communities on this date the celebration includes the tossing of  a crucifix  into the sea from a boat.  Communicants dive to retrieve the cross.  The plunge is a  remembrance of the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River.  Jesus began  his public ministry immediately after his baptism.   The plunge under purifying water symbolizes the new life which Jesus was to embark upon.  For religious Russians and other orthodox faiths this is a very solemn act.  Perhaps it was for Putin too.  But not many readers would have the least understanding of these facts.

There was no mention of the religious component of President Putin’s plunge in any of the articles that I saw or read,   They all reported only the “fake news”...the story that the “journalist” wished to peddle—-that Putin was again using any opportunity to show off his torso.



Both Bill and Hillary failed the honorable patriotism test.  History will treat them harshly.

Thinking back to the Clinton scandals and then to the present time, when our nation is being rocked by the fall-out from the Democrat scandals of the 2016 election.  An impartial observer reflecting on two of the main characters in this national tragedy must be shocked and saddened to realize the awful damage and disgrace that a politically active couple—smart, ambitions, money hungry, well-educated, but unscrupulous—-could impose on a nation.  It would be clear to this political observer that the Clinton pair are cut from the same  soiled and tattered cloth.

Bill’s response to the revelation that he was diddling a young, confused, innocent intern under his desk in the Oval Office was to lie.  His recorded bald face lies to the nation are often replayed.  He refused to take responsibility for his actions.  Unlike President Nixon who when his cupidity was exposed at least he had the honor and patriotism to save the Nation from embarrassment.  Bill chose to lie and force the House to impeach him and after the chaotic and awful process he ultimately remained in office—a disgraced President at the head of a weakened and chastened nation.   He could have bowed out and passed the office on to Al Gore who would have served honorably.  But Bill chose the self-serving, dishonorable course.  His spouse in 2016 faced with a similar decision of honor and decency  failed miserably too.

When Hillary was faced with a choice of conscience she, also lacking a moral compass, took the self-serving, selfish route too.  The patriotic, dutiful and appropriate response to Mrs. Clinton loss on election eve of 2016 should have been.  “We lost!”  “We fought a tough fight but the people have made their choice.”    But she chose otherwise. She chose to delegitimize the election, to undermine the new President and cast doubts in the election process as well.  Her actions weakened and hurt the nation.  History will treat he badly too.

The USA would might have been a much better place..had the Clinton duo never entered politics or perhaps even better had they been citizens of Venezuela or Belarus rather than the USA.

Friday, January 12, 2018




In a democracy the power to govern resides with the people, not with the administration, the media, the past President, or the establishment office-holders and seat warmers.  The citizenry—the people— decide at the ballot box who governs them.  To attempt to use the massive power of the government to manipulate election results or after the election scheme  to  overturn the manifest will of the people is an attack on the very basis of our political system. 

After more than a year of investigation, vituperation and revelations—-the charge Democrats leveled against the Republican candidate of “collusion with Russians to manipulate the election” has been shown to have no basis in fact.  But ironically the massive eighteen month long inquiry has exposed a massive scandal in Democrat ranks and the Obama Administration.  What we know now is that the Democrats and Obama Administration colluded  with foreign agents for hearsay information used by the Democrats to place their thumbs on the election scale in an. attempt to tilt the outcome to their candidate.  Then after the election the same materials were used to undermine a legitimately elected government. 

Overseeing championing and encouraging these unconstitutional actions was the Obama Administration which worked to undermine candidate Trump.  But  most egregiously AFTER the election, while Mr. Obama (the Constitutional scholar)  still controlled the levers of government power, the. Obama Administration ignored the hallowed  results of a legitimate election, as  he illegally used the massive and intrusive foreign intelligence gathering powers of the government to spy on a political opponent, colluded with anti Trump elements within the FBI and the Justice Department and supplied leaks to a complicit press and media to delegitimize the results of a legitimate election.  

In a democracy the venerated election process which peacefully transfers the power to govern (held by the people) from one individual and his/her party to another was the focus of Obama’s  unconstitutional and possibly criminal efforts.  He and his minions conspired against candidate Trump and then after the election continued to collude to undermine and delegitimize President Trump  who was legally elected by the people.  In a democracy the power to govern resides in the people not in the administration, the media, the President, or the establishment office-holders and seat warmers.  The people decide!  To try to overturn the will of the people is an attack on the very basis of our political system.  The mantra of “protecting our election system from Russian intrusion”  proclaimed endlessly by the Democrats was pure hypocrisy.  For as they mouthed these charges Mr. Obama and the Democrats were secretly committing the very crime of collusion they were calling on the government to investigate further.   

Tuesday, January 9, 2018



We read little about the tragedy of Yemen in the main stream press.  That story does not sell copy.  But thousands of civilians—mostly women and children are suffering and dying there and our government and its Saudi Arabian ally are responsible for their deaths..  

Yemen is an Arab nation about the size of Iraq (think of Pennsylvania and Ohio together). It is a coastal nation, situated in the southwest corner of the Arabian peninsula with a shoreline which extends along the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean for more than a thousand miles.    Powerful, regional hegemon Saudi Arabia is its neighbor to the north, while Oman borders it to the east.  It’s inland capital city, Sanaa, is located in the north west of the nation.  It’s main port is Aden in the south, on the Indian Ocean.  

Yemen with its estimated population of nearly 30 million is the world’s most recent “basket-case” nation.    Its ‘basket case status’ derives from its unforgiving desert climate, inherent poverty, food shortages, lack of fresh water resources, a chaotic political situation, religious diversity, with a large Shia minority in a majority Sunni Moslem nation. it has a powerful neighbor—a political and military adversary— in the form of a Sunni Moslem Saudi Arabia.  The Saudi monarchy has initiated a brutal air war against the Shia minority which it sees as a religious opponent.  (The situation reminds me of the aggressive foreign policy Elizabethan England pursued against its Catholic neighbor—Ireland.)  

Saudi Arabia and its allies began its air campaign against the Houthis ( a Shia Moslem minority) in March of 2015.  The war began when Yemen’s long term dictator (Ali Abdullah  Saleh) was deposed and replaced by a Sunni candidate (Abdrabbuh Hadi) with strong ties to Saudi Arabia (SA).  The deposed president  (Saleh) joined forces with an insurgent  Moslem Shia minority (Houthis) and with the collaboration of the Yemen military took over government offices and large tracts of land around the capital city of Sanna.  The new president (Hadi)—seen as too compliant to Saudi was deposed from power and retreated to the port city of Aden, where he remains trapped and supported only by SA air power...but largely unsupported by the rest of the population.  With the uncertainty of which government ( Houthis-Saleh or Hadi) is legitimate—chaos reigns in much of the rest of the nation where various terror organization hold sway.  

The inhumane Saudi air campaign to dislodge the Houthis from power and restore their candidate (Hadi) has caused tens of thousands of civilian deaths.  Unable or unwilling to mount a ground campaign against their Shia enemies, the Saudis have continued their brutal air war of attrition which has had no significant impact on the political situation, which has decimated civilian targets, infrastructure, agriculture, water access and exacerbated the decline of Yemen into another failed state in the Middle East.  

Human Rights Watch has documented nearly sixty incidents of “unlawful” airstrikes by SA which killed nearly 800 civilians.  These Saudi aerial attacks hit hospitals, markets, schools, civilian factories, warehouses and mosques.  A recent (2017) air strike on a crowded funeral cortege killed at least one hundred attendees.  Targeting  purely civilian sites is designed to weaken, demoralize and terrorize the civilian population...These acts of SA are in violation of internationally recognized“laws of war” and are considered war crimes or worse. Yet the Trump administration and our Secretary of Defense—General Mattis—one is is certainly fully aware of the illegality of these acts, continues our unwise and shameful support of Saudi Arabia’s war.    While the Trump Administration supports the actions of a despotic regime in Saudi Arabia, the Trump administration continues to hypocritically badmouth and incite against the Shia Moslem state of Iran—which has no history of violence or “unlawful wars” to its credit.  

What our USA policy should be is to immediately stand down from support of clearly illegitimate attacks on citizens in Yemen.  We should rather, put our efforts toward an end the military intervention and civilian suffering in Yemen.  

Wednesday, January 3, 2018



We read little about the tragedy of Yemen in the main stream press.  That story does not sell copy.  But thousands of civilians—mostly women and children are suffering and dying there and our government and its Saudi Arabian ally are responsible for their deaths..  

Yemen is an Arab nation about the size of Iraq (think of Pennsylvania and Ohio together). It is a coastal nation, situated in the southwest corner of the Arabian peninsula with a shoreline which extends along the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean for more than a thousand miles.    Powerful, regional hegemon Saudi Arabia is its neighbor to the north, while Oman borders it to the east.  It’s inland capital city, Sanaa, is located in the north west of the nation.  It’s main port is Aden in the south, on the Indian Ocean.  

Yemen with its estimated population of nearly 30 million is the world’s most recent “basket-case” nation.    Its ‘basket case status’ derives from its unforgiving desert climate, inherent poverty, food shortages, lack of fresh water resources, a chaotic political situation, religious diversity, with a large Shia minority in a majority Sunni Moslem nation. it has a powerful neighbor—a political and military adversary— in the form of a Sunni Moslem Saudi Arabia.  The Saudi monarchy has initiated a brutal air war against the Shia minority which it sees as a religious opponent.  (The situation reminds me of the aggressive foreign policy Elizabethan England pursued against its Catholic neighbor—Ireland.)  

Saudi Arabia and its allies began its air campaign against the Houthis ( a Shia Moslem minority) in March of 2015.  The war began when Yemen’s long term dictator (Ali Abdullah  Saleh) was deposed and replaced by a Sunni candidate (Abdrabbuh Hadi) with strong ties to Saudi Arabia (SA).  The deposed president  (Saleh) joined forces with an insurgent  Moslem Shia minority (Houthis) and with the collaboration of the Yemen military took over government offices and large tracts of land around the capital city of Sanna.  The new president (Hadi)—seen as too compliant to Saudi was deposed from power and retreated to the port city of Aden, where he remains trapped and supported only by SA air power...but largely unsupported by the rest of the population.  With the uncertainty of which government ( Houthis-Saleh or Hadi) is legitimate—chaos reigns in much of the rest of the nation where various terror organization hold sway.  

The inhumane Saudi air campaign to dislodge the Houthis from power and restore their candidate (Hadi) has caused tens of thousands of civilian deaths.  Unable or unwilling to mount a ground campaign against their Shia enemies, the Saudis have continued their brutal air war of attrition which has had no significant impact on the political situation, which has decimated civilian targets, infrastructure, agriculture, water access and exacerbated the decline of Yemen into another failed state in the Middle East.  

Human Rights Watch has documented nearly sixty incidents of “unlawful” airstrikes by SA which killed nearly 800 civilians.  These Saudi aerial attacks hit hospitals, markets, schools, civilian factories, warehouses and mosques.  A recent (2017) air strike on a crowded funeral cortege killed at least one hundred attendees.  Targeting  purely civilian sites is designed to weaken, demoralize and terrorize the civilian population...These acts of SA are in violation of internationally recognized“laws of war” and are considered war crimes or worse. Yet the Trump administration and our Secretary of Defense—General Mattis—one is is certainly fully aware of the illegality of these acts, continues our unwise and shameful support of Saudi Arabia’s war.    While the Trump Administration supports the actions of a despotic regime in Saudi Arabia, the Trump administration continues to hypocritically badmouth and incite against the Shia Moslem state of Iran—which has no history of violence or “unlawful wars” to its credit.  

What our USA policy should be is to immediately stand down from support of clearly illegitimate attacks on citizens in Yemen.  We should rather, put our efforts toward an end the military intervention and civilian suffering in Yemen.  
99 9ot elected to do so. His campaign promise was to keep us out of dumb and wasteful foreign entanglements and focus on the needs of Americans at home and “making America great again”. But perhaps the Iran uprisings and discontent are an opportunity. Not an opportunity to make another failed state as our President and his Pentagon militarists seem to favor, but to foster prosperity and peace. A wiser decision—for Mr Trump—a Nixonian one—-would be to propose a “Nixonian opening” to the mullahs. Iran is a huge nation with a well-educated and stable citizenry of 80 million. There are in Iran many opportunities for US businesses, need of our expertise and it has vast markets for out products. Mr. Trump the “deal maker” should make a deal with the leadership of Iran. Iran needs foreign investment, modernization and economic stability. Our industries and businesses seek new markets for goods and services. Let us be partners in peace rather than antagonists. Perhaps a new, a wiser chapter can be opened in USA—Iran relations. One of cooperation, mutual economic benefit and peace! Peace and prosperity versus war and death. That would be a radial departure from Mr. Obama as well as a good business and political decision! It would continue Mr. Trump’s penchant for doing the opposite of Mr. Obama...but this would also be doing something better than Mr. Obama.