Tuesday, August 29, 2023


Ontario Canada School Board chooses propaganda over pedagogy 

Kayla Lemieux, a shop teacher who wears giant “Z cup” prosthetic breasts, a blonde wig and skimpy shorts in class has been fired or released from one school and just recently rehired at another.  Lemieux who must operate dangerous shop machinery while wearing a wig with long tresses and huge prosthetic  breasts was eventually put on paid leave from Trafalgar High, after months of complaints from parents at the Trafalgar school. Other complaints directed at Lemieux were security concerns for the children, as a  result of demonstrations and continual threats by parents.  

After being put on leave,  little was heard from Kayla in the interim. However, during this period, student photographs revealed the unemployed teacher in habiliment sans blonde wig and prosthetic breasts strolling on the local streets..But Kayla denies they are fake.   

A recent report about Kayla, has revealed  a new employment opportunity.  (See “Parents Appalled.. NY Post, August 28,2023).  Apparently, Nora Frances Hamilton, Secondary School, in Hamilton, Ontario, blithely ignoring Limieux’s past problematic issues and widely known troubled history of employment— hired Lemieux as a shop teacher.  Fully aware of serious threats in his last gig, school officials had to warn parents that Lemieux’s employment will create “heightened security concerns , and potential disruptions”.

In Ontario Canada, recent news reports reveal that elected school officials, while aware of security issues prefer to hew to the fanatic “uber radical” progressive mantra of the day…even if doing so defeats the main purpose of their primary  function (i.e. student education).  To add injury to insult, in doing so,  they  simultaneously and intentionally put the children in their charge in danger as well.   

And for what reason?  Like the USA, Canada has fallen prey to the LBGTQ+ “community’s” demand to “promote and protect” DIE (diversity, inclusion equity) “woke”. and other fringe element policies as “normal, acceptable” behavior to be protected and pandered to over the needs of the 96% of students and community. 

 In the case of Kayla Lemieux, the NF Hamilton Board had ample reason to pass up employing this person—but chose instead to deny the reasonable application of appropriate professional standards for teaching children, and instead exposed all of the school’s students to the personalized sexual propaganda of one individual, as well as generating heightened security concerns.  

What is next in the nation’s classrooms—once hallowed and set aside for serious learning?  Is it now only a place to propagandize for personal gender and/or sexual preferences or dysfunction? 

Clearly this School Board is attempting to foster mind control on the students in its charge rather than educate them.  Parents should complain and peacefully but forcefully demonstrate for their children's rights to a professional staff and excellence in education, rather than a trip to a circus. 

Kayla Lemieux is an assumed  transgender shop teacher who wears giant “Z cup” prosthetic breasts, a blonde wig and skimpy shorts in shop class while teaching. Lemieux has been fired or released from one school for his behavior and just recently rehired in another.  Lemieux who must operate dangerous shop machinery while wearing his, her giant  prosthetic  breasts was eventually put on paid leave from Trafalgar High after months of complaints from parents at the Trafalgar school. Other complaints were security concerns for the children, resulting from demonstrations and continual threats by parents.  After being put on leave, little was heard from Kayla in the interim. However, recent photographs reveal Lemieux apparently dresses with no prosthetic breasts while not in class..But ….denies this.   

A recent report from Ontario schools has revealed  a new employment opportunity for Kayla.  (See “Parents Appalled.. NY Post, August 28,2023).  Apparently, the Nora Frances Hamilton Secondary School in Hamilton, Ontario has employed Lemieux as a shop teacher…and while ignoring Limieux’s past issues and history of employment on the students, has never the less warned parents that Lemieux’s employment will create “heightened security concerns , and potential disruptions”.  I wonder what benefits were the tax paying parents receiving from this employment? 

In Ontario Canada, these sad and silly news reports reveal that elected school officials prefer (or forced by law)  to hew to the “uber radical” progressive mantra of the day…even if doing so defeats the main purpose of the Board’s main purview and primary  function (i.e. student education) but, in this case, in doing so,  they  simultaneously put the children in their charge in danger as well.   

And for what reason?  Like the USA, Canada officialdom has fallen prey to the LBGTQ+ “community’s” demand to “promote and protect” DIE (diversity, inclusion equity) woke, and other fringe element policies as “normal, acceptable” behavior. 

 In the case of Kayla Lemieux, the Board had ample reason to pass up employing this person—but chose instead to deny the application of appropriate professional standards for teaching, and preferred to less effective instruction and expose all of its students to personalized sexual propaganda as well as heightened security concerns.  

What is next in the classroom—once set aside for serious learning—is it now a place to propagandize personal gender and sexual preferences or dysfunction? 

Clearly this School Board is attempting to foster mind control on the students in its charge rather than educate them.  Parents should complain and demonstrate peacefully. 




 Qu'est-ce qu'un État vassal ?  Est-ce un État fantoche ?  État client?  Protectorat?  Entité subordonnée ?

Un État vassal est une nation ou un groupe de nations qui suivent l’exemple d’une autre nation plus puissante et exécutent ses ordres politiques, militaires et économiques.  Les vassaux gardent le silence et se conforment à la position politique de leur suzerain, et soutiennent chacun de ses mouvements, même lorsque ces politiques affaiblissent ou appauvrissent l’État « vassal ».

En tant qu’Européen-Américain (mes ancêtres originaires d’Europe occidentale sont arrivés ici avant la guerre civile américaine), je suis gêné par le leadership européen.  J’ai toujours espéré le meilleur pour l’UE.  Mais il n’est devenu qu’un appendice mineur, mais parfois politiquement utile, souvent utilisé pour couvrir l’aventurisme étranger des États-Unis.  Nous pouvons entraîner l’UE dans des conflits étrangers imprudents pour soutenir notre stupidité et notre cupidité.  Les choix les plus faciles pour les suzerains américains sont les ajouts les plus récents aux 27 dans « l’extrémité est » la moins sophistiquée du bloc.  Je n'ai pas besoin de les identifier par leur nom.  Vous n'avez pas été très sage en faisant venir ces gens.

 La France et les autres SONT des États vassaux !  Soumis aux dirigeants politiques souvent moins intelligents, moins avancés et moins sophistiqués ici aux États-Unis.  Quelle déception vous êtes !  Vous devriez diriger l’ouest et non le suivre.

 Mais en tant qu’État vassal, vous n’avez pas besoin d’assurer votre propre défense.  Oh oui, laissons les Yankees le faire.  Mais un tel abandon de responsabilité pourrait bientôt vous amener à devoir faire face à des missiles russes, des armes nucléaires et des radiations à long terme.  C’est l’État vassal qui en paie le prix.

 Quel avantage y avait-il pour la France, l’Allemagne, l’Italie ou n’importe quel autre des « 27 » d’être entraîné dans la guerre en Ukraine par le président Biden ?  Pour Joe Biden, il ne faisait que répondre à ses propres besoins politiques intérieurs aux États-Unis.  De plus, certains prétendent qu’il pourrait bien être compromis par ses relations commerciales lucratives, ou celles de son fils, dans cet État corrompu.  Les agendas de l’UE et des États-Unis ne coïncident pas, vous êtes idiot si vous pensez le contraire.

 Un État « non vassal » se sent-il plus en sécurité face à une guerre féroce qui se déroule à sa frontière orientale ?  Que diriez-vous d’une inflation de 6 à 10 % et que Biden a provoqué la récession ?  Aimez-vous payer le double du prix de l’essence ?  Qu’en est-il du gaz naturel, si utile pendant les hivers froids ?  Qu’en est-il de la menace réelle d’une guerre nucléaire ?  Pensez-vous tous continuer à obtenir du pétrole et du gaz bon marché en provenance d’Amérique, même si nous en avons plus besoin que vous ?

 Oui, Président Macron, vous et l’UE êtes un État vassal.  Soyez sage !

Monday, August 28, 2023


 It’s not  ‘morning in America’, .we are in an internal cold, cultural civil war!  Vivek Ramaswamy,  GOP Debate, August 23, 2023. 

In the 1940-50s we feared and were threatened by the post-WWII Communists, who made attempts to infiltrate and take over our government of that time.  We faced  a growing foreign threat.  Communists were in power in the East. The  Communist Soviets (USSR) was the“other” nuclear armed and dangerous “great power”. It held political and military sway over large swaths of  Eastern Europe.  Communists governed East Germany, China, and in parts of the Far East. The west was  threatened by an alien economic system from both east and west. The Cold War and a potential nuclear threat loomed over all. 

But Communism and radical socialism of that day were fearful only as a pernicious foreign  economic system which differed from our own. Today’s threat is more sinister, more radical and of domestic origin.  This political “philosophy” penetrates  the shadowy hallways and basements of our DC government, it seeps up like a miasma from the putrid  mud of the Potomac to pollute the halls of Congress and the White House.

As Mr Vivek Ramaswamy stated on August 23, we find ourselves in a “dark moment” in our nation’s history.  Former Vice President Pence, Niki Haley and others — also candidates for higher office— are well meaning, but their heads are deeply buried in 1980s sand. They do not see (or they consciously ignore) this sinister threat— a veritable “sword of Damocles” above their heads.  These candidates attempt to curry favor with the electorate with standard political lines of the distant past— for self aggrandizement or for personal gain but, at their peril (and ours) they ignore the real threat facing us. 

Our leaders (or wannabes —like Pence, Haley and Christie)  have failed us.  In fact, their ignorance, set the stage for the metastasis of this political cancerous growth—the result of ignorantly  prescribed and administered, liberal-progressive “nostrums” —which only encouraged radicalism.  

This insidious political movement of the left has stealthily infiltrated and infected our schools, universities, government organizations, and media.   These elements support only radical change. They are not the loyal opposition of yore, or simply looking to “modify our economic system”, but are infiltrators, quislings, sappers and far-out fringe elements intent on undermining the very foundations of our entire system.

Unlike the foreign and domestic Communists of 80 years ago, who were intent on politically altering our economy, today’s nihilistic social and political engineers find nothing of value in our social or political order, will stop at nothing, and are intent on completely tearing down our heritage, our history, our culture, and society. They besmear our religions, demean our historic figures, besmirch our Constitution, prostitute our laws. decry our sexual mores, belittle our family structure, undermine parenthood, undermine merit advancement, shun scholarship, defund our police, radicalize our school systems, deny respect for our views, and ridicule our everyday free and peaceful way of life.  

Vivek Ramaswamy was correct…we face a dark moment in our history.  If we fail now— we will never recognize “America” again.  It’s a desperate culture war now..where do you stand? 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023


 August 21, 2023

On: Sweet White Clover, Cattle Disease, Molds, Coumarin and Warfarin, and its threat to owls.  

Sweet White Clover (Melilotus albus) is a white-flowered weed plant I observed along my regular walking path. This species is presently in bloom and very common along pathways, fields, and waste places.   Sweet White Clover is a member of the legume, Fabaceae or Pea Family…and is closely related to the common white and red clover of  lawns, parkland grass areas and playgrounds.   Sweet White Clover produces flowers in a long, terminal raceme or spike, rather than the compact ball of the common white clover.   Its leaves which have a blue green cast,  occur in a three-leaf pattern, like the common clover. When crushed, the leaves give off a sweet, some say, vanilla-like fragrance.  This plant is a native of Europe and Asia.   It can grow to a height of 3 to 5 or more feet in fields, and is a  common element in grasses cut for cattle forage and dried for use in winter (hay). It is often found as a component in bales of hay. When dry the sweet vanilla like aroma is more pronounced. As a member of the pea family, it produces its own nitrogen from nodules on its roots. Sweet White Clover is a very nutritious element in cattle forage  or silage.  This author has often encountered it as a welcomed and fragrant element in our local hay.  On about this date,  the author counted 51 plants along a one meter wide, kilometer long strip of walking path grass border.  So look for it on your next walk in the outdoors.  

But besides its pleasant appearance and fragrance it has had a fascinating history and great importance to medicine and human activities.

Like very many wild “weed” plants, Sweet White Clover has many, not so-well-known, useful properties.   Wild herbs and weeds were used in ancient Egypt where medicinal plants and their uses  were recorded on temple walls as long ago as 1500BC. In about 350BC Aristotle compiled a long  list of useful medicinal plants. These herbs and weed decoctions of untold weed species  have  been in use ever since. 

Aspirin was discovered and purified from concoctions  herbalists prepared from the bark of the common willow tree (Salix sp).  This wild medication was used  as a febrifuge or fever reducer and pain reliever.   Penicillin, the medically life-changing historic drug was discovered in 1928 when the common blue-green Penicillium mold was accidentally introduced into a  bacterial colony of a disease organism (Staphylococcus aureus). The wild mold prevented the growth of the infectious bacteria and was soon adapted as one of the most significant medical discoveries in human history. 

Why are these useful or life saving drugs and chemicals so often found in common wild plants?  The answer is: evolution and time.  Plants have had  nearly a half a billion years of time on Earth to evolve chemical solutions to threats to their survival.   

The first terrestrial vascular plants, appear way back in the Silurian Period of the Paleozoic Era or about 440 million years ago (mya) when simple moss-like plants first inhabited a warm, supercontinent called Gondwana. 

Plants are sessile and almost always stationary. They can not escape from predators, insect attacks, disease  or competitors. Thus, to survive, they had to turn to internal chemistry for a  protective response. Over the hundreds of millions of years, they evolved many chemical responses for their survival.  The result has been a virtual “wild pharmaceutical compendium” of chemicals.

Plants not only evolved thorns, spiky leaves, but also bitter tasting chemicals to discourage, browsing or grazing animals. Desert plant species evolved  wax to coat their leaves to decrease dehydration and excessive evaporation. Some plants such as Common Milkweed (Asclepias sp) evolved a sticky liquid-exudate as a response to boring insects. The sticky fluid served to slow the boring insect’s activities and eventually clog up the its spiracles or breathing pores. This substance, later known as latex was discovered and re-purposed for human needs.  Other plants dealt with borers by producing a strong smelling deterrent.  The Red Cedar tree (Juniperus virginiana) produces a reddish heartwood which exudes a fragrant “cedar oil” (insects use pheromones to navigate, breed and find food) cedar oil disrupts insects ability to use or detect pheromones. Boxes, closets and storage places  lined with such wood deters insect depredations on clothing stored in such containers . 

Back to our sweet-smelling Sweet White Clover that is so common today along our fence-rows and open fields.  

In the Great Plains of the 1920s, herds of cattle suffered from a pernicious and deadly hemorrhagic (bleeding) disease.   The affected cattle showed signs of stiffness and lethargy.  During dehorning, other minor surgeries, or as the result of minor injuries and especially during parturition (birthing )these animals  experienced  uncontrollable bleeding, death often followed.  Concerned cattle and livestock interests conducted  feeding trials and chemical investigations of blood samples which finally led investigators to conclude that the cause of the hemorrhagic outbreak was components in the hay or silage consumed by the affected animals. 

The common field weed, Sweet White Clover (Melilotus albus, and Yellow Sweet Clover M. officinalis ) were found as the cause.  Both plants Sweet White Clover and its close relative, Sweet Yellow Clover are rich in coumarin. Coumarin is the aromatic agent which produces the sweet vanilla fragrance.  In a bale of moldy hay coumarin can be converted (or molecularly fused) by common molds into dicoumarol.   Dicoumarol is a very powerful anticoagulant and  vitamin K antagonist which inhibits the availability of this vitamin and other blood coagulating elements in the animal’s blood.  The result is uncontrolled bleeding in animals which have consumed moldy hay in which a significant amounts of  M. alba, or M officinalis (yellow sweet clover)were included.  Soon after this discovery  farmers and ranchers were warned to carefully attend to insuring that hay was more fully dried. Fields with hay which included the useful and nutritious White Sweet Clover, were suspect. New tests became available to farmers to detect dicoumarol in hay.   

By the 1950s scientists studying dicoumarol soon recognized that this chemical might be applied to other major farm problems…such as vermin control.  Just as cattle die during parturition after ingesting dicoumarol, this chemical could cause fatal bleeding in rodents after ingesting baits laced with this chemical.  Dicoumarol was soon recognized and modified to be useful as a potential and excellent rat poison

A  slightly altered form of  of  dicoumarol was synthesized by a Wisconsin lab, known as the “Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation”. This group produced and sold the product using the letters of the organization: WARF,  plus  the suffix of “coumarin” (“arin”) added to  the trade name: “Warfarin” is now one of the most powerful and widely used rat poisons in history. 

Furthermore, at much lower concentrations, the substance “warfarin sodium” was turned into a fabulously useful and  popular human drug, adapted as a blood thinner  and to dissolve blood clots. It was called “coumadin” to distinguish it from the rat poison. 

In 1956, President Eisenhower, who had developed a life threatening  blood clot, was successfully treated with this now famous chemical, all from the lowly, wild, introduced, invasive weed known as Sweet White Clover.

Sadly some of the rat poison applications of Warfarin…so widely used throughout the world— is taking a terrible toll on our nocturnal raptor birds.   Owls are the most effective rat controlling bird.  Barn Owls and Great Horned Owls kill and consume more than three rats per night and many more when they have nestlings. Many of these owls especially in urban and suburban areas kill and consume rats which have high concentrations of Warfarin in their bodies as a result of visits to our “oh so common” black plastic warfarin rat feeding stations.  

A very well loved pair of nesting Great Horned Owls in our local area may have succumbed to just that threat: warfarin poisoning.   The story of wild Sweet White Clover is not over.  We need a better way to control rat populations.  Perhaps more wild plant investigations will prove useful for this very serious problem. 



Thursday, August 17, 2023



August 16,  2023

Our own domestic news outlets —NYT, WaPo and others—do not want you to read or hear certain stories.  This is a headline story in Europe, here it is unreported. They fear exposing the weakness of our own leaders (whom they slavishly protect and support) and their foolish, costly and dangerous policies.  This story, from a seasoned, experienced foreign leader in France, concerns the Ukraine war and should be part of the normal discussion in this nation too.  Sadly, we in The USA are deprived of views other than those of the establishment.  (Furthermore, Sarkozy does NOT have a disabled son working for Ukrainian oligarchs, or substantial family investments in that corrupt nation.) 

Former French President, Nicholas Sarkozy held a TV interview last night in Paris  in which he spoke about his book of memoirs “Time of Combat” (Temps de Combat) and about the war in Ukraine. The interview was published in Le Figaro today.   

Sarkozy stated that the way to resolve the Ukraine war was by “diplomacy, discussions and talk”. Sarkozy, in effect claimed that the USA and EU had different strategies and goals, he argued that Europe needs to “clarify its strategy” and seek a compromise with Russia,  rather than pursue a dangerous policy of funding a war without actually fighting it.  Having no control over the combatant you support is dangerous, and the war could turn deadly for all of Europe at any moment.  

According to Sarkozy, Putin’s goals are rational. The Russian President seeks security for Russia, and those goals —universal for every state—and should be taken into account as part of the compromises that will be made in the discussions. 

According to Sarkozy, the EU needs Russia and Russia needs the EU.  Russia is a neighbor state and will remain in that state over the long term. .  Sarkozy sees Ukraine as a neutral state, not a part of the EU or NATO.  

On immigration, he stated that the present policies of the EU are unsustainable (my translation) and that those who seek asylum must do so in their home state or outside of the EU where they would receive a visa to enter the EU and present their case. The present situation is troubling, and inhumane. 

Saturday, August 12, 2023


The big lie is over—the latest news from the front is that the so-called Ukrainian “counteroffensive” has failed. It is clear now the Ukrainians can not “win” the war.  The leadership in the USA and Europe will have to create some face-saving cover story for why this costly debacle and strategic loss happened. Perhaps now they will openly begin peace talks in earnest (so far shunned by the west). 

The media and establishment propaganda press can not lie to you any longer. It is now clear to all, the Ukrainians have no chance of winning.  Even with tens of billions of dollars in western aid, advanced western hardware, modern tanks and long range missiles, NATO provided secret intelligence, use of USA satellite data, and top military advisors, as well as military strategy direction from US and European experts, the Ukrainians have been  bled dry.  They simply do not have the manpower to sustain the continued loss of life.  They were not smart enough to see the terrible path and reality the west has led them into.

The big lie that the US, Europe and their media propaganda arm fed the world public was that the Ukraine can and must defeat the Russians and take back all of the land of the Ukrainian Donbass as well as the Crimea. ( They ignored the fact that Russia could not lose—Russia is fighting for what they see as an existential battle.)  

 This “winning the war” fallacy was a pipe-dream circulated for USA domestic  political purposes.  While  in Congress, members used it to curry  monetary support from lobbyists who represent our well heeled military industrial complex.  

Who in Congress supports continued funding  for this insane war?  The regular war monger crowd and those getting big donations from the bomb and gun makers!

We now know there is no possibility of a “win” here.  This “Ukraine team” is as dead as the US women’s soccer team’s hope to win the World Cup.  Had Joe not been elected, or had he permitted the political novice, a tor Mr Zelenskyy to accept Russia’s first peace offer, way back in 2021, hundreds of thousands of young men and women, thousands of innocent civilians and young children all would be alive today. Millions of Ukrainians would not be refugees.  Billions of dollars of infrastructure would not have been turned into smoldering twisted scrap metal. Fifty million tons  of extra carbon, resulting from the conflict and the fires generated  by it would not have entered the world’s atmosphere to add to global warming. Millions of gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel would not have been burned up uselessly.  Ukraine’s cities  would not be charred ruins of empty buildings with gaping broken-glass windows. The world would be at peace.   There would be no food and fuel insecurity, food and feed grains and fertilizer would flow back into the world’s supply chains and oil in its pipelines. Perhaps some wise national leader will decide to patch up the gas pipelines to Europe ( destroyed by US and Ukrainian sappers) and stimulate the European economy again.  Perhaps the insanity of the Ukraine war is ending.  

More than two years ago Henry Kissinger predicted this outcome —the collapse of Ukraine’s war effort— when he said that the Russians and Ukrainians will “in the end”  simply come to a geographic and political agreement to accommodate Russia’s need for security.  He asked, “so why not do it now” before a long costly war? No one wanted  to hear those wise words in those days of false optimism and greed for war profits . 

But today, we learn President Biden wants $20 billion more for Ukraine!   For what? To continue a failing war effort to waste more lives and materiel? 

The only purpose such an amount could serve is as a fig leaf to cover Joe’s shattered reputation.  First, it was Biden’s incompetence which gave us chaos and death in Afghanistan, and now he has added a defeated, shattered, smoldering Ukraine, as well as a world divided in conflict and turmoil—and threatened with nuclear conflict.  How can one man recover from such massive devastation and losses? 

We must finally  say “no” to Joe.  No more “deadly aid”. Biden wants another $20 billion for Ukraine so it can limp on for more bloody months of death and body bags…and perhaps fool some in the US into thinking the end will be other than defeat. 

Stop the killing and the devastation of central Europe…end the insane paychecks to the Ukrainians, end sending Ukrainian men into the meat choppers of trench warfare.  Stop the killing and let us return to a sensible safe and peaceful world again.