Wednesday, October 30, 2019


It is clear now after the most recent iterations of the fake House Impeachment Inquiry which has morphed from a simple cowpuncher lynching, to Judge Roy Bean’s West Pecos, Texas “saloon courthouse” and now has been “rectified” as  a kangaroo court one might experience as a captured  Hong Kong demonstrator transported to a Beijing China for trial. In the Democrat’s courthouse there is no right to the assumption of innocence, or clear statements of charges against the accused.  No right to cross examine witnesses. No prohibition of self-incrimination.  No right to introduce evidence which supports acquittal.  None of these are permitted in Mr. Schiff’s kangaroo court. Rep Schiff makes up the rules and acts as judge and jury.  He also is in charge of secret leaks to the press.  Perhaps things would at least appear more consistent with the nature of the investigation if the  proceedings were held  in Judge Roy Bean’s West Pecos saloon or the Forbidden City.

We can conclude, about this new “impeachment inquiry” that —as in previous attempts at a deep state-palace-coup—there is no “there” there’   

This “Ukraine-telephone-call-coup-attempt” is a trumped up a charge as consistent with justice as was the infamous Pol Pot trial in Cambodia in 1989 when the judge’s verdict was printed and distributed to the press long before the trial ended.  The Democrats should be ashamed of these antics.  They harm the Party and the nation. 

The crux of the matter is that the President made a request to the President of  a foreign government to investigate its own corruption. That is part of his job description.   It a stretch to claim as the  Democrat accusers do that they could know what the  President’s motives were.  So how can they conclude his motives and actions  were somehow an “illegal” (impeachable?) use of power?  Furthermore, it is almost impossible to prove what a person’s motives are—or were—ill or beneficent.  If that could be accomplished the actions of every Congressman or Congresswoman who accepts financial support from a donor (all of them do) —could be rightly  questioned.    Does the acceptance of cash by a politician from a donor with a case before the government affect the way the politician voted?  What was the member’s motives god or self serving?   Try to find someone in DC who will agree that a politician’s motives are always self serving. But the hypocrites are doing that to the President. 

No one in the Democrat camp was aroused by the Hillary-Bill Clinton pay for play scheme or the Joe—Hunter Biden quid pro quo—schemes.  These questionable acts are all reported by MSM with claims of: “no hint or proof of wrongdoing”.   So how can an honest person treat Mr. Trump differently and continue to claim legitimacy?     The Democrats are skating on very thin ice if they think that anything positive (for their election prospects)  can come of the kangaroo court proceedings they are conducting , other than the nation’s voters realization of Democrat perfidy and stupidity and abandonment by the independent block of voters.  Their sorry slate of “not ready for prime time” candidates representing every fringe element for 2020 does not improve their legitimacy, or electability prospects either.  There must be some electable Dems out there someplace.

Trump is slated for easy reelection in the face of these phony charges, kangaroo court tactics, debilitating Democrat Trump derangement, and fringe candidates who would not stand a chance in a general election. 
The voters recognize phony charges, wild eyed outsider candidates with outlandish impractical policies .  The impeachment ploy is a political smear tactic to weaken the President with fake charges prior to an election—it will not work his base holds firm.   

Tuesday, October 29, 2019



‘ I was concerned by the call. I did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a US citizen, and
I was worried about the implications for US government’s support of Ukraine. I realized that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into the Biden and Burisma , it would likely be interpreted as a partisan play which would undoubtably result in Ukraine losing  bipartisan support it has thus far maintained.”    From Alexander Vindman’s prepared text to the House Impeachment Inquiry Committee. Tuesday October 29, 2019.

Four year-old Alexander Vindman and his twin brother fled the Ukraine in 1979 as Jewish refugees for a better life in the US.  They were spirited out of their native land  by their father and  grandmother  with only a suitcase and the clothes on their backs.  The family wound up in the Brighton Beach neighborhood of Brooklyn where the boys grew up in an immigrant community known as Little Odessa—for its large complement of recent refugees from the former Soviet Union, Russia and the Ukraine. They prospered there while maintaining their language and cultural ties to the Ukraine. 

Since that time, Alexander  Vindman has lived an odyssey that  could only occur in America and that we must all admire.  According to the NYT (“Who is Alexander Vindman? “ S.G.  Stolberg, Oct 29, 2019)  He “has become a scholar diplomat, decorated lieutenant colonel in the US Army , and Harvard-educated Ukraine expert” who came to have the unbelievable honor of a seat on the White House National Security Council.

Today at the House Impeachment “pre-inquiry” Vindman  will add to his illustrious immigrant story by becoming  an infamous political partisan as the first sitting White House official to testify in the Democrat impeachment inquiry into the July 2019 telephone conversation President Trump had with recently elected Ukrainian President Zelensky.

The Democrats are using Vindman in an attempt to support their allegation  that President Trump “broke the law” by simply urging President Zelensky to look into the activities of former Vice President Joe Biden who acted as ‘point man” for the Obama Administration in Ukraine in 2014.   Former VP Biden has admitted that he held up the release of a billion dollar USA grant to Ukraine until that government fired the Ukrainian national prosecutor who was then conducting a corruption investigating into a gas company known as Burisma Holdings.   Biden claims he and his son did nothing wrong, But at the time of the investigation,  Hunter Biden, the VP’s son, was employed at Burisma Holdings as a no-show, no meetings required, no knowledge or language skills required member of the  board of directors. That position  earned young Hunter about $60,000 per month, and over the years until he was forced to resign in 2019–a cool $3 million dollars. 

After reading Col Vindman’s prepared statement (see excerpt above) it is perfectly clear that Mr. Vindman is an honest, well intentioned person, but one who holds views and strong opinions  which have been molded by his Ukrainian background and personal experiences as an immigrant from the Ukraine.  His formal introductory piece states:  “I was worried about the implications for US government’s support of Ukraine. I realized that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into Biden and Burisma , it would likely be interpreted as a partisan play which would undoubtably result in Ukraine losing  bipartisan support it has thus far maintained.”

It is patently clear that Vindman’s overriding partisan, personal concern is that Ukraine would lose its bipartisanship support in the USA as a result of the President’s call.    His concerns center around the  POLICY differences this advisor has with the elected administration. Vindman sees these policy positions as counter to Ukrainian interests, His concern for  the best interests of the USA are unstated or come as a secondary matter,  Although he does give lip service to US  “national security” as if the security of the USA was in some way intimately  tied to that of the relatively obscure and insignificant Russian satellite state of Ukraine.  

What right has Vindman or other unelected officials who just happen to have positions which give them proximity but no authority to the  levers of power in government and while in that position  attempt to control or set  policy?  None.  This is another classic example of Deep State unelected advisory officials attempting to making decisions that should only be relegated to ELECTED OFFICIALS.  

I resent Vindman’s attempts at controlling USA’s Ukraine policy simply because he happens to be close to the action.  His interests and actions  may undermine or counter those that I —a citizen voter—may have made at the election booth.  To have an unelected  bureaucrat who has an agenda of his own, in a position to override the will of the people  is not how a representative democracy works.  

Perhaps Vindman never learned about that in the public schools of Little Odessa in Brooklyn NY.  That may be the result of another problem.  That of excessive immigration with the result that new immigrants find difficulty in actually acculturating to the language, culture, political traditions of their adopted land. But that is for another article.  

  It is not difficult  to understand that Vindman  had great sympathies for his native land, the land of his culture and his native language,  No not at all.  Mr. Alexander Vindman has a completely understandable affinity for Ukraine.  I am sure he also appreciates the benefits his adopted country has showered on him.  He is an exemplar of what recent immigrants can achieve. But we must view his perspectives on foreign policy with circumspection when it  raises Ukraine’s best interests above those of the USA .   

It is clear that this “whistleblower” has acted not because he has observed some illegal act—but because he has  a policy disagreement with the President. He favors policies which best support the Ukraine.  The President’s job is to support the USA.   

Interestingly the Vindman  deposition supports the contention of the President that there was no “quid pro quo” and he also posits that  the transcript the President released is a valid representation of what transpired during the call.  These all support the President’s position.

Sunday, October 27, 2019



Ms O’Mara, allegedly a historian of some note and op ed NY Times author,  admits that the “Deep State” exists. But she would like to see this group of elite insiders and seat-warmers as benign ‘civil servants” who exist to prevent corruption and keep the “state” functioning to serve the people.  But which people is she referring to?  The Deep State operates to serve itself.  They are not the electorate from which the power to govern derives.   

What Miss O’Maara ignores is that the civil servants are not the “people’s choice”  they are paid to provide service to those who ARE the people’s choice—elected officials.  They should not have their own agenda,  Their sinecures as bureaucrats with  privileges and stable and sometimes lucrative incomes that are almost completely insulated from job loss or accountability are simply a deeply entrenched group of individuals who have a existential stake in the status quo.  They protect their turf.  They are not the people’s servants as Ms. O’Mara would have us believe.  They resist change, since over their long-term bureaucratic occupation they have put time and energy into establishing a complex network of relationships which are mutually beneficial to themselves and their colleagues.  “One hand washes the other.”  They resist change because change will disrupt and shatter self-serving positions they occupy.

What Ms O’Mara ignores it that an election often signifies a necessary change in policy or direction of the course of government.  Regular elections exist to reaffirm the acquiescence of the governed with the elected officials. To reestablish the connection between government and the people that are governed.  The government should be serving the most recent manifestation of the will of the people NOT that of the long entrenched bureaucrats who have their own agenda.

Ms O’Mara (and her historical analysis of past wrongdoing) is fundamentally wrong and without merit  because she ignores the above essential principles of our past, our Founders efforts  and our Constitution.

But she gets on thing  right.  That  is posting the existence of the deep state.  The term is shunned by the left and the MSM.  When it is noted, it is often placed in quotes as:  “Deep State”.  The quotes  implying that the elite author is only quoting ignorant unredeemables or red necks who actually believe that a deep state exists.  Or if it is mentioned, it is characterized as some form of wild conspiracy theory of the right.  But Ms O’Mara has at lest in this case permitted the camel’s nose to wiggle under the canvass tent.

Yes like Ms O’Mara we should all be aware of the problems of an out of control, self serving civil service—the deep state.  We should all, both Democrat and Republican, resent actions of these overly powerful “civil servant”  who would frustrate the legitmate will of the people in a valid election.  Such as that of Mr. Trump.

Mr. Trump is and was the PEOPLE’S CHOICE.  The deep state is attempting to frustrate that decision.   The people who serve this nation as civil servants  should abide by the Constitution which guarantees are rights to vote and understand that they SERVE THE PEOPLE..not themselves as Ms. O’Mara would have it.


Ugh toilet tissues?  Are rolls of toilet tissue a part of the global warming problem too?  

Yes indeed.  

Trees can save us from global warming—but manufacturers of toilet tissues use enormous numbers of trees to produce that soft white willy-roll. 

We know now that global warming is in great part the result of humans dumping waste carbon dioxide (CO2) gas  much  of it resulting from our love affair with the internal combustion engine.  This waste gas belches from our innumerable auto exhausts, our power plant smoke stacks and our home heating systems and is dispersed into our atmosphere.  The gas has always been there,  just not as high a concentration as it is now.  CO2s significance is that it has an unusual physical property.  It is a gas that is  able to absorb long wave radiation (heat waves) arising from the earth’s sun-heated surfaces.  As CO2 warms,  it, in turn, heats the other gases of the atmosphere, causing general atmospheric warming.  Warmer air can melt glaciers, causing sea level rise.  But warmed air can also result in more intense storms, stronger winds, more intense droughts, more snow storms and deeper snow falls as well as general intensification of weather phenomena.  Paradoxically, intense winter snow storms and snow accumulations are NOT a sign that global warming is unreal or is exaggerated—but these are the result of more energy in the atmosphere, i.e. a result of a warmer atmosphere.   

Human-generated  carbon dioxide does not easily cycle out of the atmosphere, but tends to accumulate.  Scientists can document the steady rise in concentration of this gas since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution (@ 1850s). Why has CO2 risen?  Since that time humans  have been simultaneously engaged  in a form of synergistic activities which both cause carbon dioxide levels to rise.  Since the dawn of civilization people have been cutting down forests (which absorb CO2). More recently since the 1850s human have been unearthing buried fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) and burning them in the atmosphere for use as a source of energy.  Burning fossil fuels generates  carbon dioxide as a waste product.   As a consequence of these two human deforestation and fossil fuel exploitation—the level of CO2 had been rising steadily over the years. As a result of the heat absorbing property of this gas and its increased concentration the atmosphere has gradually warmed.

A recent study (Science,The global tree restoration potential”, J.F. Bastin, Feingold, Y. C.  Garcia, July 05 2019) has revealed that if we were to reestablish a significant portion of the world’s former forest zones (on about 11% of the earth’s land area or an area comprising  almost 1 billion hectares or about the area encompassed by the USA and China combined)   by replanting trees (reforestation) that were cleared over the centuries for agricultural purposes,  for fuel, as a result of urbanization, for forest products, forest fires, deforestation, road construction, etc, etc.  we could reduce carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere to levels close to what they were before the industrial revolution. 

Yes we could (combined with ending deforestation and controlling fossil fuel use) plant trees to “reforest” ourselves out the threat of global warming .  But such a process would require considerable  changes in our lifestyles, and yes even to our personal habits.  

We must STOP deforestation and confront the problem of rampant fossil fuel use.   There is often much hand wringing and threats of disaster in these discussions. Most are concerned with limiting our use of gas guzzling vehicles, cutting out coal to produce our electricity, lowering our consumption of beef, etc. etc. But  few of these discussions mention the awful cost to our environment related to excessive use and waste of paper—especially— toilet tissue.  

Hardly anyone realizes that that lovely soft. white, toilet tissue roll we purchase in the super market is made from dense, hard,  scratchy cellulose derived from trees.  Wood pulp is what paper is made of. It comes from trees.  In the process of paper manufacture living trees are cut down, massive areas of forest are cleared and enormous quantities of fresh clean water are required to produce the needed pulp. Let’s look at the the numbers, just focusing on the trees required for the process.

The average person in the USA uses about 100 toilet toilet rolls per year.  To produce that amount  of soft, white, virgin paper,  manufacturers  must cut down and process 7-8 trees/ 100 rolls/per year and process it into wood pulp which is then further washed, (lots of water wasted)  dried (energy used). and chemically treated (pollution to streams rivers) to produce paper.  How many trees does an average person use over their lifetime for toilet tissue?  Assuming  a human lifetime of approximately 78 years would require cutting and processing (@7.5 X 78 yrs = 585)  about 585 (or almost 600 trees) or @ 600 trees per human lifetime.   Thus to salsify the sanitary needs of one person for a lifetime requires the clearing (at about 9 x 9 foot forest spacing)  about one-acre of mature trees.  That is a veritable forest of trees per person—just for —well you know what I was going to write here.  

It’s disgusting to contemplate.  Beautiful trees that stabilize soil, recycle water into the earth, provide shade to cool the earth, and habitat for wildlife—and critically at this juncture in our history they absorb excess carbon dioxide from the air that can save us from global warming.  

These valuable ecological assets are  being cut down, and processed into pulp in the process using thousands of gallons of water (at a rate of 3 gallons of water for each pound  of paper produced).  The messy process requires  heat and energy for drying, chemicals for beaching, more energy for packaging and transportation  and after all that, being flushed down the toilet as waste.   

This is not the end.  That human waste and paper  eventually decomposes and generate more carbon dioxide gas and methane and are in the end required to be pumped up and removed from exurban or suburban cesspools or in cites and other urban areas are  processed by sanitary treatment facilities into dry waste.   

In Europe and parts of Asia where trees are scarce,  people used only running water for this sanitary purpose. The Romans constructed large and efficient public latrines with running water for this purpose. They did not use paper.   Europeans, and some Americans too— in more recent years routinely use a bidet which is designed for this specific purpose.  

Americans with their formerly vast forests, did not have to contemplate bidets as an alternative.  In the past and all too frequently now, Americans are happy (though not so clean) with their tree killing, water-wasting, high energy,  inefficient, unsanitary “crunched-up-paper rear-end scrubbing system”.     

After a trip abroad, I often overheard  haughty, though ill informed, Americans  deriding  the “unclean”  French, Germans and Spanish who showered o bathed less frequently , but used that “other gadget” next to the toilet,  every time they entered that room.   

But if we are to begin to face our problem of global warming today and into the future, we will all have to contemplate life in which Moreo trees are panted than cut down, less fossil fuels are used and more of us using less toilet tissue and more of us using  that “other gadget”— a bidet—, which creates an efficient cleansing spray of water as a needed and sensible alternative to using —unsanitary, messy, toilet-clogging, cesspool-stuffing, sewer-sludge-forming— forest destroying,  toilet paper for this purpose.

Save an acre of forest trees in a lifetime.  Save our planet.  Install a bidet and cut down on paper use.      

Sunday, October 20, 2019



What happened after Joe Biden got the Ukrainian prosecutor fired for “lack of aggressiveness in prosecuting corruption”?   Biden’s son Hunter continued on in his no show, no experience or knowledge-needed, $60 grand per month  “job” for another five years, netting him about $3 million dollars. Joe gets prosecutor fired—Hunter keeps sinecure job for five years.  

The seemingly complex story of the Hunter Biden Scandal has become so twisted with claims and counter claims making it difficult to understand or unravel.   But the Biden scandal  has become a “third rail” for the main stream media a group which has conspired to act in concert by prefacing every comment with the mantra “there is no evidence of wrong doing” or Trump’s “false charges of wrongdoing ” to avoid publicizing anything that might give benefit to President Trump.  There is no interest it seems to actually find the truth. Thus the voters are rightly perplexed and confused  and can not be sure who is right or wrong.

However the undisputed facts are clear— former VP Joe Biden, while acting as “point  man “ for President Obama on the Ukraine situation ...traveled to that nation with a large aid grant in hand and a difficult decision to make.  Biden held  a $1 billion dollar grant-in-aid to the Ukraine government. It gave him enormous leverage over their actions.   At a later time, Biden openly stated  (no he bragged) that in 2014 he used that leverage to force the Ukrainian government to fire the Ukrainian national prosecutor (Mr. Sorkin) who was investigating a large natural gas company: Burisma Holdings.   Biden may not have had in depth discussions with his son regarding his work for Burisma—but one can be fairly certain (from later statements) he was well aware that son Hunter was employed as a board member of that company, drawing  between  $50-60,000 dollars per month as a salary.

There are two competing scenarios to this story:

Hypothesis 1.  The Republicans argue that Biden acted unethically (an perhaps illegally) in holding back the release of the grant money until the  Ukrainians fired the prosecutor (Sorkin) who was investigating a Ukrainian company (Burisma Holdings) for corruption.  The claim that Joe Biden used  the power of his government position and  control of the grant money to protect the  company of a potentially damaging and costly investigation,  and in the process advance the financial position of his family and for personal gain, and to  save the lucrative no-show job his son Hunter held with this company . 

Hypothesis 2. The Democrats and Joe Biden argue that although the VP did in fact coerce the Ukrainians to fire  the prosecutor Sorkin by holding up the US grant money (a clear “quid pro quo”) but that he did so only because the prosecutor Sorkin was not aggressive enough in his pursuit of corruption.  Biden claims he was acting at the behest of others who complained about Sorkin “looking the other way” when it came to Burisma.  (PS: An affidavit signed by Sorkin states categorically that he was forced out  of his job expressly because he was investigating Burisma and getting too close.)

But no one seems to ask the obvious question.  What happened after the prosecutor Sorkin was fired?  If Biden did indeed get the prosecutor fired for not being aggressive enough in pursuit of corruption at Burisma, what was the result of his actions?  Did the investigation into Burisma continue?  Did Hunter lose his position?  Or did the company go right on with its corrupt practices?   You got it—nothing happened—Sorkin was fired and no further investigations of Burisma took place. Hunter Biden’s job was safe for another five years.  

The fact is that the results of Joe Biden’s  actions did not result in further or more rigorous  INVESTIGATION INTO CORRUPTION as Biden claims was his goal.    No,  the result of Joe Biden’s forced retirement of Sorkin the prosecutor was that the investigation into Burisma was terminated and Hunter Biden continued drawing a monthly salary of $50,000 per month.  He continued to draw that salary (for almost  five years (@ 5 x 12 x $50,000 = @$3,000,000 ) until  2019 when he became too much of liability and embarrassment to his father.
 When he claims to have left the company

If Biden was ever elected President, imagine what a field day Hunter would have and what funds  he might rake in.  He might even become a billionaire like the Clintons who are masters at this scam. 

The result?  Hypothesis 1 is negated and Hypothesis 2 posited.  
That is all you need to know to understand the scandal. 

The guys down at Rilely’s Pub when hearing a summary of this piece all had a comment.  But Jackson Simms  the local carpenter’s  was the best   “What a great gig . A no show job, no need to travel to far off Ukraine, no need to know anything about the natural gas business, don’t have to speak Ukrainian so no special language skills. Jut sit back and collect a year’s worth of salary I work my ass off for every month. 


Electrifying school buses would save an enormous sum of money, would reduce pollution, would cut carbon emissions and would reduce exposure of our children to diesel fumes.

School bus electrification should be one of our nation’s priorities.

There are roughly 16,000 school districts in the USA according to the US Census bureau as of 2002. Each of these districts has to transport students who live further that walking distance to their  classes.  Today even inner city schools these days have their big yellow busses rumbling down the crowded streets spewing clouds of black smoke and tons of C02..

Transporting school kids by bus is our nation’s largest mass transportation system with about 480,000 big yellow school buses traveling the nation’s roads every school day of the year.  About 95% of the buses (as of the early 2000s) run  on diesel  fuel.  In 2002 the American School Bus Council estimated that there were over 50 million daily passenger journeys by school buses. They also indicate that the  average school bus trip is about five miles and  as a result  our nation’s school kids travel approximately 260 million miles every day!  While city transit buses and other transport systems operate all year long school buses operate only 180 days per year on average vs 365 days a year for transit systems.

School buses —the more efficient ones—can average about 9 miles per gallon of diesel fuel.  The average cost to run one bus (of the most efficient type)  per year is often estimated at about $4-5,000 per year.  So here is where we can make a difference in carbon footprint and cost.

 Electric school buses could be fitted with roof top solar panels.  Their long flat roofs are ideal for solar panels  The panels would be exposed to solar energy most of the time.  When not in use buses are parked in school bus parking lots where again they are often exposed to solar energy.   The average daily distance travel for each bus is about five miles on each trip. This also plays into the strengths of  electric solar powered vehicles.

The first full size electric model was produced by Lion Bus Co in 2015 and today most of manufactures now produce a electric models,  though they are often about twice the cost of diesel   models. There seems to be no evidence that any of these new electric models are powered by solar. But perhaps that will change.

Let’s  do the math.

Four hundred eighty thousand (480,000)  school buses traveling about 5 miles average each day for 180 days of the year and each burning  an average on one gallon every  9 miles gives the following results:

             480,000 buses X 5 miles X 180 days= 432,000,000 bus-miles per year

Traveling that distance at 9 miles per gallon gives:

          432,000,000 / 9 miles per gallon= 48,000,000 gallons of diesel fuel burned per year .

What about cost ?  At $3.17 per gallon (today October 2019)  Scool bus operation costs the nations schools about:  ($3.17 X 48,000,00 = 152,160,000).

Or about $152,000,000 dollars to transport our nation’s school kids. Solar power would cost nothing.

Bad news is that diesel fuel prices are rising are are expected to continue to rise because of higher demand in the overall world economy.  When the economy grows business demands rise for diesel. Deisel is used in ocean liners and transport ships, earth moving machinery, freight (trucks) and other transport vehicles.  those uses are expected to rise and thus the costs to school districts will rise too.

Carbon footprint.  For each gallon of diesel fuel burned we generate about 22.4 pounds of carbon dioxide gas.  That is the gas that tends to increase the temperature of the lower part of the atmosphere causing global warming or weather intensification.

Our school bus system produces more that 1billion pounds of CO2 gas per year as a global warming burden to our atmosphere.

Since we use 48,000,000 gallons of diesel fuel each year to fuel our buses and each gallon of diesel dumps 22.4 pounds of carbon dioxide into the air

     (48,000,000 X 22.4 pounds= 1,075,200,000) or more than one billion pounds of greenhouse carbon didoxide gas each year.

Atmospheric scientists insist that we must reduce our carbon dioxide (and other greenhouse gas )emissions to control global warming.  The use of diesel fuel in school buses are a significant contributor.  We can easily  reduce the carbon footprint of transporting children to school to near zero by converting to solar powered electric buses.

Why don’t we do this?  It makes so mush sense.

Lower green house gases, cheaper over the long run, clear air for kids to breath its a no brainer—safer all over better.

Saturday, October 19, 2019


One can only suspect that the strain of losing the 2016 election to Donald Trump must have been just too much for the psyche of Hillary.  Touted as the best prepared candidate ever—to run for our nation’s highest office, the smartest, a former Secretary of State, a former Senator from New York, a former First Lady, a former  governor’s wife of Arkansas, an accomplished attorney, an associate of a prestigious Arkansas law firm and the wife of former President Bill Clinton has finally lost her wits.

With her bizarre claims that US Rep Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii (and Jill Stein Green Party candidate in 2016) is “Russian Asset” who is being groomed to enter the race as a third party candidate (as did Jilll stein) and control our elections”  makes it all too clear that this woman is suffering from stenosis of the carotid arteries or has been drinking  too much cough medicine for that persistent cough she has—one or the other,

But her delusional conspiracy outburst against attractive, young, smart, ambitious, Major Tulsi Gabbard USN, Representative (D) from Hawaii makes clear that the American voters were so very wise to deny her and her corrupt husband access to the Oval Office.  The nation dodged a meteorite when she was soundly defeated (19-31) by the inarticulate, unprepared, under-funded, no military service, never having-been-elected-to-even-class-president, clueless, rambling , New York businessman, Donald Trump.  Hillary “the queen of corruption, the duchess of warmongers, princess of war profiteers and champion of rot in the Democrat Party lost to “the Donald” (freely quoted from T. Gabbard).   All her life-long plotting, scheming, abasement by a philandering spouse,  and corrupt (pay for play) practices in service of her personal and obsessive goal to be the the First Woman President came to naught, zilch, nil, zero on that one terrible night, November when those  few tens of thousands of votes between her and  Mr. Donald Trump were chalked up. .

Of course the truth is Donald Trump actually promised the “irredeemable” voters in  this vast nation’s interior. “to bring jobs back to their communities, bring hope, to end these senseless, unending and costly wars, to close our porous borders, and yes to make America Great Again.  Hillary’s only plan was to  offer herself up as “the First Madam President”.  The voters knew that was all they were going to get—“another first”—that,  and plenty more Clinton corruption and foreign wars too!  So they wisely rejected that poor bargain.   .

Like Cervants’ Don Quixote, the poor lady’s mind, formerly so prodigious a gift, but in old age was not up to the shocking strain of rejection and loss—and simply unraveled like a ball of lose twine.   Now she sees fire-breathing dragons where windmills turn slowly in the summer breeze.  

It is long past time for her and her husband (and Chelsea too) to fade into the mists and miasma where our nation stores its horrible mistakes, aborted deeds, and vile characters in historic obscurity.  Let Chronos cleanse us of this Clinton plague.

Friday, October 18, 2019


The recent vote in the House of Representatives.(October 15, 2019)..made it so clear why our prescient Founders established a powerful Executive Branch.  They were were well aware of the perils of “mob rule”.  They lived through the difficult times of colonial misrule, diverse interests of a struggling young nation, and conflicting polices of a religiously, culturally and ethnically diverse citizenry.  Through the forge of these perils they wisely hammered out a constitution which limited the power in foreign policy of the most democratic and most electorally responsive branch of government—but the most unruly and too easily manipulated  by mass appeal and emotion.

The recent overwhelming vote in the House against President Trump’s decision to remove the small contingent of US troops we had foolishly placed in harms way in Syria underscored the weaknesses of that body.  In their brief deliberations and emotional response they ignored the facts and fell victim to manipulation by a conflicted leadership , and base political maneuvers.

They ignored the fact that  we had illegally and covertly invaded a sovereign Syria— which heatedly objected to the UN regarding our incursion.  They ignored the Kurdish problem facing our long term and powerful NATO ally Turkey.  They ignored the realities of the geography, and geopolitics of that area that made the insertion of a Kurdish enclave on the southern border of Turkey an impossible situation which would only lead to more instability in that region.  They took to the airways to exaggerate the threat to the Kurdish minority in Syria (who immediately upon the US withdrawal allied themselves with the Syrian Defense Forces of Mr. Assad.  They exaggerated the threat of a revival of the defeated ISIS.  The ignored the fact that we inserted our troops into a conflict —engaging in a war without a vote for such from  Congress.  The only shred of legal cover for our presence there was based on a now nearly twenty-year old post 9-11 Congressional act which has nothing to do with the internal sectarian conflict fueling that civil war.  So we had no business being there. We were fighting and dying and paying for a conflict in which was no conceivable threat to us or our allies. Yet the House unbelievably —voted to continue fighting and continue keeping our young men and women in harms way and of course continuing to pay for it.

The Congressional vote underscores (several times over) the way an hysterical mob can be manipulated by an out of order leadership, biased media propagandists, war mongers, war profiteers and an unrestrained group of enraged Trump haters who would jump off a cliff if President Trump put a “do not pass” barrier across the dangerous path..

President Trump’s decision to bring troops home and stay out of “wars of choice” was what the vast majority of American voters want, what the Democrats have always supported  and what makes perfect logical foreign policy sense.

So we can thank our Founders who knew we would need an independent executive branch, which has the power to make —sometimes—unpopular but necessary decisions.

Modern circumstances make us all thank the Lord for the wisdom of the Constitution that gave us the Electoral College and a powerful Executive. We

Wednesday, October 16, 2019



Only a few years ago the Democrats were eager to “bring our troops home” from the all too many parts of the ME.  They argued and railed  against the tragic  human and massive financial costs of Bush II’s (and Obama’s)  admittedly mistaken Middle Eastern wars of choice. But today they sing a completely different tune.  Why?  A pervasive mental disorder infects the progressives.. 
The Trump Era is a time when a potent virus, the cause of the Trump-Hysterical-Hatred Syndrome (THHS), has infected many on the left. It has coursed through the veins of its hosts, infected the cerebral cortex and there manifested its debilitating effects on the centers of memory, restraint and logic.  The diseased are radically altered by the infection: individuals are found closeted “speaking in  tongues” they never studied,  or having thoughts they never imagined possible.  As a result of the THHS plague journalists become stenographers for politicians, honest folk become prevaricators, and pacifists morph into warmongers.   

The impact of the plague is so pervasive many now claim  that if President Trump would somehow eliminate the terrible opioid epidemic, the Democrats would probably find fault with it.  Perhaps, they would charge Trump with a drop in the value of Pharma stocks or the unabated pain in citizenry. .  Or if he somehow cured cancer, they would bewail the fact that resulting decreased mortality led to higher populations and consequently more green house gases.  Trump can not win with this group. So what can you expect from them on the complex issue of Syria? 

President Trump recently (October 2019) withdrew a small contingent of US troops from war-torn Syria.  They served there in northern Syria as a “trip wire force” to help protect well-armed Kurdish forces which occupied a swath of northern Syria which borders Turkey.

What you should know to evaluate this action.  
The Kurds are a distinct ethnic group with their own language, culture and religion which is neither Sunni or Shiite. They are scattered through Asia Minor where they are found as ethnic  minorities in Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan.  They have fought for a state of their own since the end of WWI and the break up the Ottoman Empire.  Those Kurds who live in Turkey have turned to horrendous acts of terrorism to achieve that goal.  Turkey has suffered many thousands of deaths as a result of the Kurd’s push for autonomy or statehood. Turkey considers them violent terrorists on the par with ISIS.  

As the Syrian Civil War began to unfold,  President Obama began an unwise policy of illegal, unsanctioned, covert intervention in Syrian with the goal of unseating long time leader of Syria,  Bashar Assad, Obama, the  Nobel Peace laureate (who should have known better)  continued and even expanded the discredited foreign policies of George Bush II whose disastrous acts of “regime change” were tantamount to crimes against humanity in Asia Minor. 

Furthermore, the Obama policy was doomed to failure and  a.fool’s errand since Assad always held on to the allegiance of about 60% of the polyglot and mixed religious citizenry of more densely populated western Syria.  Obama’s unwise short-term (Bush II-like) polices of “regime change” and “wars of choice”  only expanded and extended the length of the terrible and bloody civil conflict  The Obama regime armed any who opposed Assad, including extreme elements of the Sunni radical minorities who would have been worse despots than Assad.   

A key part of Obama’s failed Syrian policy was to arm and support the Kurds who were a more homogeneous, coherent and well-led military force, having much experience fighting Turkish army regulars in southeastern Turkey.   The Kurds, with US money, CIA support, financial aid, war materiel as well as intelligence support fought ISIS terrorists as they covertly established themselves and built military defenses  in several communities in northern and eastern Syria  along the border with Turkey. 

These acts of intervention in Syria by the USA and their Kurdish cooperators  elicited strenuous objections from Istanbul and Ankara.  But were ignored by the USA.

 From the Turkish perspective the USA a NATO ally was establishing Kurdish military bases and supporting settlements which would act as sources of terrorism in Turkey proper only a few kilometers away.  These  well-armed Kurdish forces and enclaves on their southern border were adjacent to a region in Turkey rife with Kurdish unrest and a hotbed of terrorist acts.    But a near autonomous, well armed Kurdish military base and enclave established and supported by the USA  only a kilometer south of the Turkish border would be an existential threat to Turkey. It was not possible for our powerful, well armed and key NATO ally to accept this situation.

 President Trump acted.  He removed the US “trip with forces”  and looked the other way as Turkey invaded a swath of several kilometers south of its border in Syria  to cleanse it of Kurdish troops and settlers.  

The Turks claim that they will clear the area of Kurds, and will resettle Syrian refuges (now living precariously in refugee camps in Turkey) in those areas to act as a buffer against return of the Kurds. These Syrian settlers will help to pacify the eastern portion of Syria.  The plan  will relieve Turkey of the financial burden of supporting thousands of Syrians who they agreed to detain in Turkey so they would not create a migrant flood into Europe. 

The Trump policy of removing troops in harms way was a wise one.  It was inevitable, It was politically difficult, but it was the correct policy for this time. Future historians will record it as an historic and heroic act by our President.   

Let the close-minded, militant war hawks on the right and the phony virus-plagued Trump-hating war-hawks on the left howl all they like.  The deed is done, the dogs of war released and now we wait for peace and  for the dust of battle to settle. President Trump is right and his detractors are all wrong. 

Had President Obama the necessary rigidity in his spinal column  he might have made a similar decision, if so the Dems would be attempting to award  him another Nobel Peace Prize, while they reward President Trump only with only disdain, derision and contempt.  

Ahhh that virus which infects their brains what harm it does.  



Charles Dicekn’s Mr. Micawber: “Annual income 20 pounds: annual expenditure nineteen, nineteen and six, result happiness.  Annual income 20 pounds, annual expenditure: twenty pounds ought and six, result misery.” 

Warrne’s Health Care Plan is as much of a pipe-dream as her Native American ancestry.  She knows it is false (as she knew that she was not a Cherokee) but she is willing to prevaricate (as she was on her university applications) to deceive the American people for personal advancement .  Sadly the one “plan” she does not have is a plan to tell the truth.

Tuesday (October 15, 2019) the Democrat hopefuls were out in force and on the stage again.  We learned that they are all affected with the smoke from Sen Elizabeth Warren’s feathered and fringed Cherokee “peace”-pipe and that  the little perky smart aleck Senator from Massachusetts insists on blowing sake screens to mask lies and fantasy.

I noticed last night that candidate Andrew Yang had a lapel pin reading “Math”.  That is a good start for any politician, most of whom would prefer to ignore the big number that they generate.  So lets look at the math of Senator Warren’s health care proposal.

The Urban Institute and the Commonwealth Fund have estimated that Warren’s (and Sander’s ) plan  mandatory Medicare for all health plan  would cost taxpayers $3.2 trillion dollars per year.  It is important to understand the size of that figure in regard to our preset day finances. Let’s use Yang’s math.

Our 2019 Federal Budget:  The government of 2019 took in as revenue $3.4 trillion dollars, but our government will spend about $4.4 trillion dollars in 2019.  This is typical deficit over the years That’s correct, we spend more than we take in in taxes to the tune of nearly $1 trillion dollars.  So each year we have a deficit of about a $ 1 trillion dollars and must borrow that sum from lenders who charge us a fee for that service.  

The deficit adds up each year.  The deficits were huge during Bush II’s disastrous war years, and Obama’s recession years adding about $10 trillion to the national debt.  President Trump has added to it as well (about $2 trillion so far) .  At present we owe lenders  over $20 trillion dollars.  To pay off the interest to the lenders on that debt we presently (2019) fork over about $400 billion dollars (or  2/5 of a trillion dollars) dollars in 2018 dollars every year.

So we are a profligate debtor nation to begin with.  How could we possibly add an additional $3 trillion to our expense column (an amount equal to the total tax revenue of 2019) and not raise taxes enormously to maintain the government services we provide at present.

What Senator Warren is afraid to tell you is that such an expenditure would mean that we would have to actually double the taxes that the government takes in annually to meet those expenses.  Since most of the revenue comes from the tens of millions of middle class business people and workers these are the individuals that would be paying the tab.

The result would be the “Venezuelation” of the American economy.  Say no to Senator Warren!

How would we

Monday, October 14, 2019




Let’s get a few things clear.  The Democrats who used to be the party of the working man and woman the ranchers, farmers, auto workers, and blue collar workers has now become the party of the socialist far left fringe. They have painted themselves into a tiny—though well populated—part of the nation’s coastal zones.   They no longer  represent all of America—as the 2016 election so clearly demonstrated.  The Democrat  candidate (Clinton) took New York and California and and 17 other urban states ( 227 EC votes ) and left much of the rest of the nation (332 EC votes ) or 31 states to Donald Trump.  Nothing has changed since.  The Dems are still the minority fringe (cringe) party and the recent 2020 campaigns seem to prove it.

The Democrat slate of candidates for the 2020 election is unprepossessing.  They majority are all well outside of the mainstream and its clear that all have little chance of appealing to the rank and file American voter or taking back the White House.  Who among the masses would support “open borders”, late term -nine-month abortions, free for-all-health care, free college, (and all this ‘free stuff” for illegal immigrants too) and the massive tax increases for the middle class these policies would entail. And yes, Joe misused the power of his office for personal gain.  We call that corruption.

Sadly for the Dems, the former VP Joe Biden—the only candidate with a faint possibility of winning nationally—who up to now has been the front runner among the twenty—has exposed  the shortcomings of his candidacy over the last few months of the campaign.  He is now seen as physically frail, verbally challenged, gaff prone, and compromised by scandal.

The scandal which dogs him—like that of the private server and secret emails of Clinton—is that his son Hunter Biden  was permitted to sit on the board of a Ukrainian energy company (Burisma) while his father VP Joe Biden served as  Obama’s “point man “ on the Ukraine.  Hunter “hunted” too diligently for money-making personal deals in foreign nations (he hit China too) using his father’s name and position as leverage.

The DC crowd know this as the near ubiquitous  “family name scam”.   It is all too common among the DC elite (Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea—were all masters of this scam).

Here is how it works:  To insure its profitability and access to markets and benefits a foreign company “hires” the son (sibling, wife, husband, daughter, or other close relative) of a well-connected high-level USA political figure.  That company offers this (family name scam) person  a high profile but powerless, no-show-  position which comes with an exorbitant salary.  The company’s motive?  Insurance!  This person is the corporation’s insurance policy against problems arising in the USA that might affect the profits or freedom of actions of the company.  In the case of Burisma (a Ukrainian natural gas and energy company)  Hunter Biden was the “insurance policy” for that company.  When Burisma was threaten by an Ukrainian investigation into its questionable practices in Ukraine, Hunter Biden was “activated” to do something to compensate Burisma for paying him his $60,000 a month salary.

Joe Biden often states that he had “no communications with his son regarding Burisma”.  That may well be true.  But he needed no direct communications ,  all he had to know was that his son was making nearly one million dollars annually from Burisma and that the company was threatened by an Ukrainian investigation that Joe had leverage over. As President Obama’s “point man “ in Ukraine Joe Biden had leverage.  He was in charge of a $1 billion dollar grant to Ukraine.  There is no question about the facts in this case. It is well documented that “Uncle Joe” held up the billion dollar grant until the Ukrainians fired the BURISMA investigator.  Biden has bragged about it in public and it is on tape.  You can see the tape.  All Biden had to know was that this was the company his son worked for.

Yes as the NYT  claims, it’s true Hunter did not do anything illegal.  He only accepted a lucrative do-nothing position. It is not illegal to  function as an “insurance policy for Burisma Inc.   On the other hand,  his father who ignored his oath of office, and misused his position of power for personal gain is another  case all together.  Joe must have been well aware that Secretary Clinton was taking in billions selling access to her office.  This form of corruption was rampant in the Obama  Administration.  (Not by Obama—he just looked the other way).  So Uncle Joe must  have thought, “ Everybody else is doing it, why not help poor Hunter who was having a bad time of it”?

  So yes, Hunter did nothing illegal.  Yes, Joe probably never spoke to Hunter about it.  But he knew the company he worked for. He needed no other information.  And yes,  Joe used his office for his family’s financial gain and to protect his son’s  million dollar job.  That is corruption.  Joe did it.

Monday, October 7, 2019



Today (October, 7, 2019) we learned that President Trump will NOT interfere as our NATO ally Turkey moves against Kurdish forces occupying areas of eastern Syria (which borders Turkey).

The Presient is only making a common sense decision in response to a terrible mess made by previous administrations which stupidly involved us in  a  tribal, sectarian-fueled Syrian Civil War in which we had no real stake.

It was the failed and stupid foreign policy of the Obama Administration which formulated the policy of aiding (radicals, ISIS and other)  insurgent forces in Syria in the misguided and futile hope that they would topple the Assad regime.  The  Obama people—like the Bush people before them— did not even have a long-term plans as to who (among the radicals in that part of the world)  would replace Assad.  Their actions  simply exposed how haughty and uninformed  the US State  Department and Obama Administration was regarding the culture, religion, and political situation in Syria.  The Syrian people always saw Assad as the least “worst” of the choices they had.  Assad always held political sway  over nearly  60% of the Syrian population.  He was not going to be taken out by the USA to be replaced with a more pro-USA regime.  This witless policy of Obama, in fact, caused the intensification and widening of the Syrian civil war and extended its violence and duration with deadly and terrible effects.  While being the cause of the extension of the war the Obama Washington DC elites  and the US media  hypocritically continued to shed alligator tears as they claimed to decry the devastation and loss of innocent lives there,

In the failed process of attempting regime change in Syria  the Obama Administration enlisted the aid of the Kurdish minority in eastern Syria for their poorly thought out plan.  We spent untold billions , and loss of US blood for this idiocy,  which from the beginning had no real hope of success.

The Kurds are a people with their own language, culture and history and of the Sunni sect who reside in the general region as ethnic minorities in Syria, Turkey, Iran and Iraq. They are the mortal enemies of the Turks. For the last three decades the  Kurdish minority in Turkey has waged a bloodily and deadly terrorist campaign against the central Ankara government with the futile goal of  establishing Kurdish autonomy statern parts of southeastern Turkey.   However, given the distribution of the ethnic  Kurds in the surrounding region an autonomous Kurdish enclave  would be tantamount to  Ankara giving up the southeastern part of  Turkey to this minority.  The Turks would never permit it.

The Erdogan government now sees the-American supported and armed-to-the-teeth-Kurds on their doorstep (along their southwestern border with Syria)  as terrorists who have contacts and support in their own country and the goal of taking over a large chunk of Turkey.  The Kurds are rightly seen as an existential threat to the Turkish nation.

The recently announced Turkish plan is designed to clear a buffer zone in a swath where Kurdish forces are now arrayed along the southern border of Turkey in Syria.  That cleared area would then be settled with Syrians refugees now living precariously in refugee centers in Turkey.  The refugee problem in Turkey is a complex one.  Turkey made a deal with the EU to accept the refugees from Syria preventing them from going on to the EU.  These people have swelled into a major economic and social problem for the Turks.  Moving these people back into Syria would be returning Syrians to Syria and relieving the Turks of a big economic burden as well as eliminating the threat from the potential for terrorist attacks from Kurdish forces now on that border. .

 The political stability and our continued positive and fruitful alliance with Turkey is more important over the long haul than the  “phony accusation of abandoning the Kurds” to as we remove our “tripwire” troops.  we have in that region by removing our support from the Kurds who now are in an untenable position over the long haul.

Trump has made the first sensible decision for Syria and the USA in the last decade or more.  Let’s applaud his decision and ignore the howls of the war hawks like Senator Graham who would keep our troops bleeding in every and any outpost just to be able to say we are winning.

But this is a win. .          

Thursday, October 3, 2019



Mass Hysteria (collective cytogenetic illness, or collective obsessional behavior) is a public health phenomenon which transmits collective illusions of threats, whether real or imaginary, through a society as a result of rumors and fear. 

One has only to read the mass media, or view television cable news to realize that the nation is suffering through a plague of mass hysteria never before experienced in a modern western nation.  Trump dementia, Trump delusional syndrome, or as the late Charles Krauthammer (columnist and trained psychiatrist) coined it  “Trump derangement syndrome”.  Fareed Zakaria used the term on his program to described it as “hatred of Donald Trump so severe it impairs people’s judgement.”  Perhaps he might have added more precisely hatred or fear of Donald Trump so severe it impairs their judgement and sense of reality. 

This modern case of mass hysteria is informed by infamous cases of the distant past in more isolated and religiously dominated societies which all resulted in death and violence.  

Examples of mass hysteria of the past included the 1688 “Irish Fright”. In 1688 an English palace coup  (the later termed the “Glorious Revolution:”) deposed  the Catholic monarch James II of England , and installed on the throne Protestants, William and Mary of Orange.  The resulting fear and hatred of James’s supporters led to false rumors claiming the invasion of England by an army of Irish Catholic mercenaries began to circulate though Isolated countryside villages in England and Wales which were dominated by strict Protestants. Fear of invasion caused widespread panic fed by polemics of priesthood who may have used the rumors to expand their power and control over their flocks.  The result were communities so controlled by fear that they lost all sense of reality.  Protestant citizens armed themselves,  boarded  up buildings and homes, set up road barriers  and attacked and brutally killed presumed Catholic spies and invaders .  The reports were completely false.  There was no Irish army, no invasion, no threat. 

In the religiously strict and isolated Puritan English colony of Salem in Massachusetts in the early 1690s several young local women were taken by violent fits.  The local minister investigated each case and claimed these were not the result of epilepsy or disease.  He concluded that witchcraft by certain non-conformist irreligious elements of the community were the cause.  Again as more young women exhibited the same violent fits mass hysteria generated by intense fear gripped the community and resulted the  Salem Witch Trials.  The elders abandoning reason, logically and due process  indicted two hundred people claimed to be witches or warlocks.  They convicted 19 all of whom werel duly convicted with no actual evidence of wrongdoing and  executed by hanging and crushing to death, 


Just read the press, listen to the talking heads, observe the political machinations of the House Democrats, to observe for yourself that what we are experiencing is a massive case of obsessive hysterical behavior which seems to infect those of political left with a collective false and fearful illusion of threats to their progressive lifestyles and behaviors. These fears are as false and unreasonable as those of the past invasion of the  Irish Army and the Salem Witch Trail accusations. But this form of mass hysteria is taking place in a presumably modern secular, society, which supposedly honors due process, logic, scientific method and conformity to the justice system of the modern world.   

As a result of their unreasonable fears—like those of 1688 England and Wales and 1690s Salem— these so-called progressive folks are willing to tear down the bulwarks of Democracy in this nation, to abandon the central concept of our Constitution which affirms that only by elections—voters at the ballot boxes—can we legitimately pass the power to govern from one leader to another, that elections are sacred.  Yes they are ready to abandon due process, to accept false accusations and flimsy allegations as the truth—“no need for verification”—, to embrace the extremism of the far fringe left, just to ally the awful fears magnified and repeated ad nauseous in the press and media.

Those of us who are not infected with this conformist collective obsession of fear  must rise up and speak out in support of due process, justice system, logic and the rights of the people to decide —as per our constitution—who governs us in Washington DC.  Firth to bring back critical thinking, science, moderation, logic, due process, and the idea that  facts and truth must reign over flimsy allegations, innuendo and fabrications. 

The survival of our nation depends on it.