Wednesday, December 14, 2022


It’s December 5, 2022.  On my daily walk today along the Rail Path in Brookhaven Township, Suffolk County, NY, on this early December day, the plants and animals only confirm what the astronomers tell us: that the sun continues to rise later and set earlier every day.  That is: shorter and shorter days.  Today the yellowish star of our solar system provides  only 9 hours and 23 minutes of light.  Furthermore, its  life-giving rays arrive at a lower and lower elevation each day—the result of Earth’s axial tilt.   Mother Nature has responded to these events. The natural world has turned cold and crisp, its color and textures now mostly brown and crinkly.  So there are fewer plant and animal reports these days.  (On the 23rd we will observe  the shortest day, only 9 hours and15 minutes.  But from then on ….thankfully…the days will increase in length again!.)

I record below my nature observations for this date of low light and cold temperatures . 

Bird life has responded to this solar “darkening and lowering” by departing for sunnier climes.  So on this date there were only a few avian species to record. I did observe  and identify a small flock of Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia)which fluttered across the path. I identified them by the prominent spot on their chests —only visible when they alighted on a still-green Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) vine.  A pair of House Finches, (Haemorhous mexicanus ) was spotted foraging among the brushy border along the path. The male’s reddish brown  head and chest caught my eye.  Further on, a small flock of Slate Colored Juncos (Junco hyemalis hyemalis) rose up from the leaf strewn  brown grasses, the flash of the gray and characteristic tail, with twin-white stripes—indicated their species.  Two dull, pale brown Mourning Doves (Zenidia macroura) were also spotted feeding among the dry grass.  

A lone turkey hen (Meleagris gallopavo) has been observed regularly feeding in this area, where it foraged  on the seeds of Stiff  Yellow Foxtail grass (Setaria pumila) seed heads.  In the late fall this grass species dominated a large areas of the grassy border area along either side of the Rail Path.  Up until recently this hen was regularly observed pecking at the seed heads of this particular grass species. Upon closer examination  I determined  that each fruiting head, has stiff awns protecting its seeds, nevertheless, at the base of each awn a green to dark brown, easily detached, seed about the size of a sesame seed lies loosely attached. I counted at least five (often many more) easily released  from seed head manually.  Thus the seeds were probably easily detached and consumed at the snap of the turkey’s beak. 

This particular bird was observed during much of October and November feeding along one area of the Path where this grass species grew in profusion.  Up until about late November the turkey returned regularly to this area where it was observed foraging always among the S. pumila.  I observed it once again after Thanksgiving Day!  But I have not seen it in this area since.  The Stiff Yellow Foxtail grass seem to have in large degree dropped their seeds…so perhaps the turkey hen is now foraging elsewhere.    

Today, also I received an interesting avian report from a competent nature observer on Eastern Long Island ( in Quogue) where an adult  Bald Eagle (Haliaieetus leucocephalus ) was observed feeding on the body of a raccoon (Procyon lotor) .  There was no information about the raccoon prey. Was it taken live by the eagle, or was the nation’s great symbolic bird hungry enough to eat carrion?  It was not clear.  

In regard to local mammals. I observed a lonely Cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus ) hopping off into some deep cover under a dense Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana) tree. Other evidences of the presence of this species was its characteristic small brown, flattened pellet droppings on the edge of the path.  

A White-tailed doe deer (Odocoilius virginianus) bounded out from thick brush on the north side of the Rail Path on this date.  She stopped to stare at me.  Her gaze seemed to pose the question, was I friend or foe?  I looked away, to assure her, as I continued my 19 min/mile walking pace to insure her that I  was simply a passer by and no threat. She moved on quickly. 

But her real concern was immediately apparent, for at the very place where she had just exited from a brushy thicket of  gray-leaved Russian Olive (Eleagnus augustifolia) , there poked out the muzzle and head of large buck deer sporting a wide, eight or ten point rack. The top tines on it’s  sturdy antlers gleamed a polished light brown in the morning sun.  Ignoring my presence the buck pushed out of the thicket, his wide rack, entangled with a length of Bittersweet vine which was torn from the thicket and dangled from one of the tines of his rack as he sauntered across my path. He seemed completely oblivious of this impediment, and of me.  Focused on his female quarry his heavily  muscled haunch rocked with each determined step as he purposefully sauntered over  the grassy clearing after the doe.  She bounded off, crossing the asphalt path to enter an large oak-wood patch of dense woods on the north side of the path where they both quickly disappeared from view.

A short time later, going east, on my return walk and passing the same clearing, I encountered the pair again.  The buck driving the doe ahead of him in his determined pursuit.  I worried that in their distraction they would carelessly cross one of the many busy roads in this area at the wrong time.  But thankfully there was no evidence of that event.

Apparently, in early December, the mating season for deer or “rut” is in still full swing, at least  here on Long Island.

Over this past year, along this section of the Rail Path I have observed several woodchuck  (Marmota monax).  In a one-mile stretch, I counted at least four adult individuals early in the Spring.  I also identified the entrance to the subterranean abode of one of this species. 

The low opening to the burrow was dug close to the asphalt margin on the south side of the trail.  The muddy footprints of the occupants associated with the burrow appeared as easily observed evidences on the dark asphalt as I regularly passed along this path.  On one occasion I did observe the brown furry marmot, near the mouth of its home, and watched as it scurried away into the dark entrance.  Once in the early fall, I observed this same woodchuck clambering on the thickly vegetated bank  above the entrance, apparently foraging among the Mile a Minute Vine (Persicaria perfoliata) ,  Japanese Honeysuckle and Bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus).  Perhaps at that season it was foraging  for bedding materials for its sleeping nest.  These vines flourished on the raised bank of earth that formed the locale of the burrow.  

I have not seen the original occupant since that early fall observation, after which it soon likely settled into its special hibernation chamber and fell off into a deep winter sleep.   

Although the woodchuck has not been observed since the fall, the muddy footprints persisted into the present time, being regularly observed coming and presumably going from the obvious muddy burrow which debouches right into the asphalt surface of the rail path. These evidences form a clearly visible track which continue across the path and into a narrow defile through the thick grasses on the far side of the path, where they continue on, apparently under a fence into a neighboring back yard.  The woodchuck is surely in hibernation, but what critter has taken up its “sub let” and makes daily visits to a human’s back yard?

The muddy, indistinct tracks near the burrow, often disturbed or smudged or partly obliterated  by foot and bicycle traffic have been difficult to identify as to which animal species produced them.  Though last winter after a light snowfall I did identify the tracks  in the snow at the mouth of the burrow of  a mature  raccoon (Procyon lotor).  I presumed this indicated that a raccoon had taken up residence there in one of the abandoned tunnels or chambers during the winter months—while  the woodchuck slept away sealed in and on a bed of dry grasses and leaves in its cozy hibernation chamber . 

Today as I passed this spot again I was surprised to see another occupant, a feral domestic cat ( Felis domesticus) near the mouth of the burrow.  The large black and white cat, observing me , exited from the surrounding brush and quickly entered  the low opening of the burrow where it immediately disappeared.  

That was the only actual visual observation made of any occupants—other than the woodchuck itself. So perhaps the raccoon has gone and a new “sub let”  has been added to the burrow.    The distinct path through the grass to a backyard fence suggests some human neighbor may be feeding this unwanted feral predator. 

Another marmot observation: During the earlier days of fall I obswerved a woodchuck foraging on a patch of greenery along the edge of the path. As I approached it scurried away. Marking the site, I approached to observe just what species of forb or herb it favored. The greenery was a patch of Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) sprouts.  The mature plants had been mowed in this area and the Mugwort roots appear to have sprouted anew in the cooler fall weather. The woodchuck seemed to be consuming young shoots of this species. This plant’s mature leaves are strongly aromatic and may be unpleasant tasting (?) but perhaps the very young shoots are less so.  This late in the season, perhaps  few other young sprouted green plants were available, this scarcity may explain its choice of Mugwort.  

 The only surviving herbs and forbs after our recent episode of sub freezing weather are : Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara), which is very common, it’s dark green rounded leaves—like tiny hoofs—growing luxuriously along fence rows, brush or woodland edges, or at the base of any sloping soil surface where its roots may enjoy some subsurface advantage for moisture.  Celandine (Chelidonium majus)is less common, but flourishes  in protected areas.  Henbit (Lamium amplexicaule) is seen growing and even flowering (it’s tiny purple or pink flowers stand out among the brown fallen leaves ) in  some areas.  The ubiquitous, fragrant and thin green hairy patches of wild Chives (Allium schoenoprassum) occur widely.  Also observed, though less common, are the light green and hoary basal rosette leaves of the Giant Mullein        (Thapsus  verbascum) which were observed still thriving on this late fall day.   Then too, still green and vibrant, are the several scattered stands of bamboo (Phyllostachys sp?) which occur east of Miller Place Road on this section of the rail path. 

While all else is in winter and cold weather retreat, some vines maintain their summer color such as Japanese Bittersweet, Green Briar (Smilax rotundifolia) , and Multiflora Rose ( Rosa multiflora) )which continue in green, even as they hang precariously supported by the now dry brown stiff remains of leafless trees and formerly luxuriant growing weeds such as Pokeweed (Phytolacca americana ) and Mugwort and other cold sensitive plants.

And so ends our fall season here in the mid latitudes.

Friday, December 9, 2022

China Abandons Zero Covid

November 30 of this year  I reported on the dangers of the Chinese policy  of strict isolation of Covid infected citizens (Zero Covid). As I wrote in that earlier blog  I did not expect the government to cave to the rioters demands. But on December 7th I read (in the Economist) that they did!  They have rescinded all or most of these restrictions.  

The predictions made in the earlier blog of wider infections in the vulnerable Chinese population now seems prescient.  Indeed the Economist reports today that Chinese Covid infections are already rising. The fear of rapid evolution of perhaps more virulent strains or variants arising in this massive, now as a result of the abandoned lockdown policy a highly vulnerable 1.4 billion population —is very real.

Our circumspection and wariness of signs of new potential Chinese outbreaks should be treated with greater understanding than that of the last pandemic and its terrible threat to the entire world  


Wednesday, November 30, 2022


The western world has been consumed with the news of massive public demonstrations in 17 Chinese cities, including. Beijing, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Wuhan and in many university campuses  The Chinese government has moved quickly to suppress the sometimes violent demonstrations which have erupted across that nation in response the the Zero Covid policy of Chairman Xi Jinping who has favored mass testing, strict lockdowns, tight travel restrictions, and digital tracking over other means of control.

Some US and western news outlets seem pleased (even happy) to report the difficulties the Chinese government is having in controlling the rising discontent. Even suggesting that Chairman Xi Jinping may be threatened with having to “stand down” as some protesters have demanded. As if such political and economic turmoil in China would in some way be a positive development for the USA. It would not. 

They are wrong.  The demonstrations, discontent and turmoil in China and the potential for evolution of new strains of virus there have the potential to negatively affect our supply chains, our own faltering economy and even our health. 

The problems the Chinese have are: their huge population (1.4 billion), their densely packed cities, a large cohort of elderly, the persistent resistance to vaccination of the vulnerable elderly, and a government policy to use Chinese-produced (often less-effective) vaccines. As a result of these circumstances, only about 40% of the population is fully protected. . As a result  the government was forced to turn away from wide-spread vaccination to an alternate  policy to protect the population using instead: mass testing, and the segregation and lockdown of those infected.    But that policy has its drawbacks. 

The lockdowns and segregation of huge portions of the population (Zero Covid policy), even to the extent of closing down entire cites, have had the salutary effect of limiting disease transmission.  For example, during the recent pandemic, the USA a nation of 325 million, had 100 million cases of Covid (about 30% of the population) , while China (with 1.4 billion) reported only 1.5 million cases (0.1% of the population).   Zero Covid policy has left that nation  with a very insignificant portion of the population protected by active or natural immunity (derived from having recovered from the disease), this coupled with low vaccination levels, high numbers of non-vaccinated elderly, and low effectiveness of  locally-produced vaccines, all have created a population facing a much higher  risk of a deadly surge of Covid cases which might have devastating medical and economic effects, and perhaps even overwhelm the medical system.  

In authoritarian China, public discontent with the lockdown system has little likelihood of changing the state policy of Zero Covid.  Government officials must have long realized that any reduced vigilance and lower levels of confinement of the infected would only result is massive and widespread disease, decreased productivity, closing of industries, and economic decline. 

Were such an event to occur,  China, with much of its  huge population infected with Covid would, in effect become an enormous human “Petri dish” for the rapid evolution of new, potentially more deadly strains of Covid.  The more humans infected the more likelihood for evolutionary change in the virus.    There would be a terrible price to pay in China to lost lives, and a stagnant economy.  But the disaster would likely extend to the wider world as a result of the globalized economy and the large numbers of global travelers—impossible to contain—in our modern society. These travelers would surely transmit these new strains of virus world wide.. 

Let us not gloat over the difficulties we see in China.  Let us hope that the Chinese get their human and viral populations under control.  We all live together in this modern global economy.  

We might be wise to offer our own unused vaccines to help   

Monday, November 28, 2022








 Des responsables anonymes de l'UE se sont (enfin) plaints auprès de Politico, accusant l'administration Biden de "profiter de la guerre" de la guerre d'Ukraine*.  Les fonctionnaires de l'UE sont « furieux » (cet auteur ajoute peut-être à leur propre stupidité) avec la soi-disant « IRA, loi sur la réduction de l'inflation », un projet de loi américain de près de 400 milliards de dollars avec des dispositions fiscales et de dépenses que les fonctionnaires de l'UE qualifient de « protectionnistes » et « discriminatoires ».  Le projet de loi est "très inquiétant" selon les responsables européens et les intérêts industriels, puisqu'entre autres dispositions il oblige les entreprises américaines à "acheter américain" et d'autres incorporent d'autres éléments qui imposent une concurrence déloyale aux fabricants étrangers.  (Une disposition onéreuse accorde des crédits d'impôt aux citoyens américains qui achètent des véhicules électriques fabriqués en Amérique. (Cette loi rendra presque impossible pour les constructeurs européens de voitures électriques d'être compétitifs sur le marché américain des voitures électriques) et "aura un impact négatif très important  sur l'économie européenne", se plaignent-ils. Pour ajouter l'insulte à l'injure maintenant (avec l'explosion de Nordstream et la sanction du pétrole russe), "nous devons acheter du pétrole et du gaz aux États-Unis, mais à quatre fois le prix". (* De plusieurs sources, y compris  Pakistan Observer du 27 novembre 2022, « US Profiting from Ukraine War », par Zahid Malik)









Anonymous EU officials have (finally) complained to Politico accusing the Biden Administration of “war profiteering” from the Ukraine War*.  The EU officials are “incensed” (this author adds perhaps at their own stupidity ) with the so called “Inflation Reduction Act” a nearly $400 billion US bill with tax and spend provisions EU officials call “protectionist’ and “discriminatory”. The bill is “very worrying” according  to European officials and industrial interests, since among other provisions it requires US firms to “buy American” and  other provisions  imposes unfair competition on foreign manufacturers. (One onerous provision provides tax credits to US citizen who purchase electric vehicles made in America. (This act will make it near impossible for EU electric a car manufacturers to compete in the US electric car market) and “will have a very big negative impact on the European economy”, they complain.  To add insult to injury now (with Nordstream blown up and Russian oil sanctioned)  “we must buy oil and gas from the US, but at four times the cost”. (*From several sources including the Pakistan Observer of Nov 27, 2022, “US Profiting from Ukraine War”, by Zahid Malik)


Saturday, November 26, 2022


 For those in the Biden Administration and the media who have downplayed the terrible threat of “Bidenflation” caused by the President’s penchant to spend prolifically to “help” the working classes. The results are pouring in.  Read on.

Today (November 26, 2022) I read in the press of the ultimate consequences of this President’s unwise flagrant spending trillions of dollar spree—-the results  layoffs, labor unrest, strikes and lost jobs. You can read today of layoffs in South Carolina and California, strikes in Amazon plants around the world, a threatened national rail road strike in the US which may paralyze the nation’s already stretched supply chain problems. 

Then too a headline that caught this author’s eye— NY Post ran a headline entitled “Blindsided” in which the Post authors recorded the plight of 2,700 furniture workers in North Carolina who were summarily laid off the day before Thanksgiving Day from one of the largest furniture manufactures in the US…United  Furniture industries Inc .  

The firm,  one of the largest in the states produces wood frame furniture such as bedroom suites, couches and dining room tables.  In an economy in which workers are struggling to meet 40 year high inflation induced higher food and fuel expenses, there are fewer families in the nation who could afford to buy furniture these days.  Food, fuel to heat the house and fuel to get to work are all taking a 12-20% bigger bite out of the family earnings.  These folks do not have the excess to replace that sagging couch or scarred up headboard. Sales of furniture is way down.  Hence United Furniture’s decision to cut back on production of product they can not sell and shed itself of labor force it can not  support.  

Those folks in rural South Carolina will find it difficult to find other employment immediately. Then too the lay-offs there will cause a ripple effect. Communities where these folks live will experience a drop in income formerly spent by these workers in local stores.Retail stores, service industries and others businesses which supply the needs of these communities will also feel the bite of inflation. They will have to respond as well, some stores will layoff these retail employees, some businesses may close.  

The thrust of the story in the NY Post attempts to portray the corporate leaders of United Furniture Industries as the mean guys and gals who fired these poor working folks just before the holidays. But they are only co-victims of terrible economic decisions made in DC months earlier.  The real meanies are those who precipitated the awful plight of inflation, then (as they continued to spend prolifically) claimed inflation  was temporary, then when it persisted,  blamed it on supply chain problems or (always available for a charge of malfeasance of some kind Mr. Putin) as the Democrat politicians  continued to spend and spend encouraging inflation by dumping trillions of dollars into an already “cash rich” economy. The result was the highest bout of inflation (cheap money) that we have had in forty years. 

It will not go away too easily.  More bad times are ahead. 

Now that the mid term are over—reality will have to return.  The states will demand that we begin paying again the 20 to 30 cents per gallon for the highway tax that some states rescinded temporarily. Then too the millions of gallons of crude the President was removing from the strategic reserve and dumping on the market to keep prices down before the elections will end (January). Then too, US oil production is lower now or stable, while due to political machinations Russian and Iranian oil are off the market, so as people use more oil and gas over the winter..prices will necessarily climb.  We are living at a time of “peak oil” production just about meets demand.  Small changes in demand or production create large alterations in pricing.  

 Gasoline and diesel fuel are used to produce food, dry our grain crops, transport everything that you purchase in your local markets. If its price rises so does everything else. So sadly expect more inflation not less. 

Friday, November 18, 2022



 Face à l'absence absolue de toute preuve vérifiable de vie extraterrestre, l'éminent physicien nucléaire italien Enrico Fermi a un jour demandé : "Où sont-ils ?"  Sa question, inventée plus tard : le « paradoxe de Fermi » nous a tous hantés.  Sommes-nous seuls dans l'univers ?

 La question de Fermi a été qualifiée de "paradoxe" car étant donné le nombre incommensurable d'étoiles dans notre galaxie et la forte possibilité conséquente que nombre de ces étoiles aient des planètes semblables à la Terre sur leurs orbites, logiquement et mathématiquement, il devrait y avoir de très nombreuses preuves d'autres extraterrestres.  ou vie « intelligente ».  Avec notre technologie de jours prédéfinis, nous devrions être en mesure de les détecter.  Mais notre galaxie et même au-delà est silencieuse et apparemment sans vie.  Il n'y a personne là-bas.  Enrico Fermi a demandé, "Pourquoi" ?

 L'une des hypothèses proposées par les répondants à la question de Fermi était que la vie "intelligente" est un terrible abus de langage.  Jetez un coup d'œil à la façon dont nous avons traité notre propre Terre.  Si sur d'autres planètes ces formes extraterrestres ressemblant à des humains existaient - comme notre propre espèce - elles devaient très probablement avoir - comme nous - des tendances similaires enracinées, évolutives ou induites par la génétique pour la cupidité, le gaspillage et l'autodestruction.

 S'ils ont évolué, le silence dans l'espace indique qu'ils sont tous partis maintenant.  Sur la base du comportement de notre propre espèce, ils se sont probablement tués… peut-être par une peste mortelle auto-causée, ou une surpopulation massive, en polluant l'atmosphère de leur planète, en décimant ses forêts et sa faune, ou une autre destruction de son environnement -  ou encore plus probablement - l'holocauste nucléaire.

 Il y a de plus en plus de preuves que notre propre Terre et les terriens «intelligents» se rapprochent également de ce même état d'autodestruction.

 Au-delà de notre déclin culturel et moral, de nos échecs sociaux et politiques, de nos catastrophes écologiques, la preuve la plus récente en est nos tendances agressives - qui ont permis à des dirigeants incompétents de nous emmener au bord de la falaise meurtrière de la guerre nucléaire (en Ukraine  ).  Un faux mouvement de plus, une autre gaffe de Biden au mauvais moment, une fusée atterrissant à travers une frontière dans une nation protégée par l'OTAN - pourrait forcer nos 30 nations liées à l'OTAN à une guerre mondiale contre la Russie et nous plonger dans la Troisième Guerre mondiale...

 Autrefois appelée la Grande Guerre - la Première Guerre mondiale - a commencé de cette façon - l'Entente cordiale et la Grande Alliance - (l'OTAN de l'époque) ont lié les mains des diplomates du début du XXe siècle.  Lorsque l'assassinat a frappé la Serbie, des alliances à toute épreuve et des engagements fermes d'entrer en guerre ont forcé les nations alliées lourdement armées du monde à un conflit qu'elles ne pouvaient pas éviter.  Même avec ce que nous appellerions les armes rudimentaires de l'époque, des millions de personnes sont mortes.

 De notre point de vue moderne, nous rions et ridiculisons peut-être leur stupidité… mais Biden (et ses collègues faibles et complices) en Europe se sont placés dans le même carcan mortel d'alliances multiples et contraignantes.

 Les circonstances en Ukraine sont similaires à celles de la Première Guerre mondiale, tout comme la menace - mais les armes d'aujourd'hui sont une classe entièrement différente d'armes "mortelles" - et leur utilisation entraînerait une destruction mondiale totale.

 Ne suivons pas le chemin des autres….arrêtons la folie.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022



Zelenskyy knew the munitions that hit Poland were fired from Ukraine yet he persisted, even in the face of precipitating a wider war, in claiming it came from Russia.  Zelenskyy is a dangerous fellow. 

Yesterday November 15, 2022 may be a turning point in our reenact human history.  Will we survive as a species or will we go the way of the dinosaurs and the trilobites?  In these last days in the festering war in Ukraine we have come the closest to world nuclear war as we have since the Cuban missile crisis in 1962.

The war in Ukraine was always a dangerous enterprise.  The policy of expanding NATO to Putin’s doorstep was always fraught with danger.  NATO is a dangerous mutual defense alliances similar to those that triggered WWI and  plunged the world into terrible conflict which killed millions.  Yet we unwisely expanded the “North Atlantic Treaty Organization” from the few nations in the North Atlantic into thirty nations all across Europe and on to Russia’s front door.  

Most recently, Biden ignored Russian pleas for diplomacy and compromise.  Then once the war was initiated, rather than seek a diplomatic solution, President Biden decided to proceed to wage  a proxy war in the Ukraine. He could have supported a peaceful solution to the conflict early on, and saved many lives, in Ukraine and Russia, but he preferred to expand and extend the conflict for domestic purposes and in an unwise attempt to economically bleed Russia—a potential rival in Eastern Europe.   Biden armed Ukraine to the teeth, providing more than $60 billion dollars in aid, untold advanced military hardware, strategic guidance,  intelligence updates and guidance, as well as secret military “advisors” on the ground.  The “meat grinder” war has continued for nine months  generating a world-wide inflationary spiral and looming recession, devastating the economy of the UK with 12% inflation and that of Europe, the US and the wider world which as a result suffers from looming food, fertilizer  and fuel shortages.   

Yesterday, the underlying fear of a wider war raised its ugly head when we were faced with the prospect of direct NATO-Russia conflict that could have had the potential to lead to WWIII.  Russia is surrounded by NATO nations—all bound together in a mutual defense pact that would force that entity into a joint military response  against any aggressor.  If any one of the 30 NATO members is attacked it would automatically insist on an escalation that would draw all thirty nations into the conflict and surely precipitate a nuclear response from Russia. 

Our worst fears were realized when just that seemed to have occurred yesterday, when the Polish Prime Minister Andrzej Duda reported to NATO that a Russian missile struck a farm building in rural Poland close to the Ukraine border, killing two Polish citizens.   Duda called for NATO’s Article 5 response.    The incident rattled our aging President Biden who was roused out of bed (in Bali) to contact the Polish PM for a night conference.  The disconcerted and nonplussed President responded to reporter’s shouted questions about how he would respond to this new atrocity from Russia —with a one word answer:”No!”  There was no further explanation as to what that meant. “No” there will be no response, or “no” I do not want to answer.        …

Duda revealed to the press that the wreckage at the Polish site, located some 60 miles west or southwest of Kyiv, revealed that the missile was a Russian manufactured munition.  Only a few hours later  Volodomyr Zelenskyy the Ukrainian PM immediately called for a military response from NATO to what he termed “Russian missile terror”. 

The war crisis rattled the world for a full day..until several facts emerged.  The missile was tracked on a trajectory from Kyiv toward the Polish border and not from Russian positions.  The missile was indeed of Russian manufacture but was one of those in long use by Ukraine for anti-missile defense response. The Russians insisted that they had not fired the munition at Poland.  

The NATO nations and military heads all declared unanimously that this event was not a case of Russia targeting Poland, or even a case of a Russian missile gone astray. The NATO members  have concluded that the munition was fired by Ukrainian forces probably at incoming Russian missiles. The Russian target was not hit and the Ukrainian rocket apparently flew on into Polish territory, killing two on Polish territory. 

What was important to underscore here was the fact of how close we all have come to an all out war.  Mutual defense alliances with a trigger mechanism for all out war are dangerous affairs (remember WWI ) Would we really want to ignite the world into a nuclear holocaust for the question of whether a few hundred square miles of Ukraine, should be a semiautonomous Ukraine state, or a part of Russia?  Would we really want a full scale war between nuclear armed Russia and the USA?  

One more little mistake like this last one—the Polish farm incident and we may have one.    Perhaps the circumstances might take place at a time or place in which the facts are not so clear—or are obscured by the fog (and lies) of war, or  the blunders of “war lords”.  The results would be that the rest of us will be heading for bomb shelters every time a truck backfires on a local road. 

Another matter to underscore here is the less than diplomatic behavior of Volodymyr Zelenskyy who must have know immediately that the weapon which exploded on Poland territory was fired by his own forces.  Yet he persisted to blame the Russians, even to the point that it may have precipitated a wider war which would have horrible consequences for Ukraine and the rest of the world.  Zelenskyy is a dangerous fellow.  His interaction and seeming control over our own aging and frail leader represents a very serious threat to the safety and survival of the rest of the world.  Our own leaders are irresponsible if they ignore this fact. 

Someone —somewhere in a position of authority perhaps in Europe should take over from these two dangerous leaders—-one weak and too old and the other too evil and dangerous— and begin a process of deescalating this terrible conflict and its threat to the world economy and world peace. 


November 15, 2022.  Poland claims a Russian rocket landed in Polish territory close to the border with Ukraine. The blast killed two civilians.  Their PM  has alerted NATO and called for implementation of Article 5….Article 5 of NATO rules calls for gearing up for a joint US NATO military response to attack Russia…or the beginning of WWIII.    

 When faced with the absolute absence of any verifiable evidences of extraterrestrial life, the eminent Italian nuclear physicist, Enrico Fermi once asked “Where are they?”  His query,  later coined: the “Fermi Paradox” has haunted us all.  Are we all alone in the universe?  Fermi’s question was termed  “a paradox” because given the immeasurable  number of stars in our galaxy and the consequent very high possibility of many  of those stars having earth-like planets in their orbits, there should be many evidences of other extraterrestrials and of  “intelligent” life.  With our present-day technology..we should be able to detect them.  But as Fermi noted…our galaxy and even beyond is silent and seemingly devoid of intelligent  life.  There is no one out there.  Enrico Fermi asked, “why”?  

One of the hypotheses proposed by Fermi’s respondents was that “intelligent” human life is a misnomer. If these other human-like forms did exist—like our own species—-they very likely had similar ingrained genetic or evolutionary proclivities for self-destruction.  If they did evolve, the silence in space indicates they are all gone now; probably having killed themselves off…by some deadly viral plague, by over-population, by polluting their planet’s atmosphere or destruction of their planetary environment— or even more likely— nuclear holocaust.  

There is a substantial body of evidence that our own Earth and “intelligent” earthlings are now approaching that self destructive state too. 

The evidence in point is the latest threat of nuclear war…the Biden war in the Ukraine. Biden’s war is the result of so many typically “unintelligent” decisions I have lost count. But let us hope that someone in the Biden Administration is wise enough to prevent global  disaster…and we survive a bit longer.  Perhaps we will prove Fermi wrrong. 


Monday, November 14, 2022



More rope for Joe, the only bit of good news from 2022 elections? 

The electorate has spoken.  There was no “red wave”. 

Three out of four Americans believe that the nation is heading in the “wrong direction”, but these same  folks were not hurting enough, too fearful of more drastic change, or simply unaware or unconcerned with the dangers ahead for their pocket books or the nation’s security to pull the “lever for change” in the poll booth. 

The results —no clear mandate for change—have simply emboldened the fringe-left leaders in the Biden Administration to continue on the disastrous course they have plotted for us all.  We can assume that the “new” socialist Democrat party in DC will continue with spending sprees that fuel inflation,  policies which curtail domestic fossil fuel production  and cause high gasoline prices and and ultimately intensify the economic recession. They will proceed to continue to lay open our southern JM border for the use and financial advantage of human and drug traffickers. They will continue huge outlays of our tax funds and military hardware which encourage the festering and dangerous war in Eastern Europe. 

These foreign and domestic policies will simply continue the fearful spikes in violence and criminality, and exacerbate the frightening shortages of heating fuel, world wide scarcity of wheat and corn grains, shortages of fertilizers and other essentials moved by fossil fuels. .  They will continue a foreign policy which has led to a near collapse of the economy of Europe and a world wide economic recession. 

I guess these  Biden generated disasters of national policy were not  enough to get the attention of an electorate so focused on self-analyzing the “fuzz in their belly buttons”…such as how best to kill their own in-vivo  progeny, or how many skin colors or genders in a classroom equals “inclusion” or “diversity”, or their deep anxiety over which defines “equity” more fully, a violent recidivist criminal free from bail pounding and kicking on an innocent subway rider, or that same person behind bars. 

The 2022. by-election has given our own Uncle Joe a new, fathom-long length of hemp rope to more fully and completely entangle and hurt himself (and the nation) with for the next two years. 

Expect life and the economy  to get much worse before a lot more than a moiety of Americans wake up from their propagnx induced  coma and turn from belly button fuzz analysis to actual existential problems.   

That is the only bit of “good news” from this last election.  Things must get worse before they can get better,  


Thursday, November 3, 2022



On November 15 of this year experts claim that the world’s human population will reach the 8 billion mark!  Humans evolved on the planet almost 3 million years ago. The oldest fossils date to 2.8 million years.  Their simple nomadic life as hunter gatherers kept their populations relatively low and stable for well more than two million years.  But the advent of agriculture at about 10,000BC (after 2,790,000 years of nomadic life) caused a spike in population to about 6 million individuals. From that period  onward the population exploded.  In only 8000 years it reached the 100 million mark  (@ 2,000BC), and it took only two thousand years to more than doubled to the 250 million level (at or around 1century AD). It jumped to one billion only 1700 years later, in the 1800s AD. Today a little more than 200 years later humans teem around the planet with its population “octupled” to 8 billion.

Population experts claim that there is a limit to the number of people the earth can support. Most put that number at the 10 billion level.  We are clearly approaching that critical level very rapidly, as we experience a human population explosion. That is the real threat humans face—not the slow accumulation of carbon in our atmosphere.  

But the Green New Deal supporters, those who would continue in our present course and claim to “solve” the carbon problem by chemically sequestering fossil  carbon, and the fearful “geo engineers “ who would permanently  alter the Earth atmosphere by dumping particulates into the stratosphere  in a “Hail Mary” attempt to cool the atmosphere,  all  ignore the elephant in the room—the ticking population bomb!

In 2022 Homo sapiens on this  planet (a clearly misnamed species) generated 35 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide which was unceremoniously released into the atmosphere as an earth-warming gas.  On November  15, 2022 each one of the 8 billion strong world human population will directly or indirectly (each of us) add to that  carbon load by contributing another 4.4 tons of carbon into the atmosphere every year.  

This amount includes the carbon “costs” of the food we grow, the grain we dry, the food we transport, the machines we manufacture, and the food eat, the energy  costs of the clothes we wear and all their transport costs, as well as the “costly in carbon” concrete we walk and ride on, and the oil and gas energy we use to warm our houses and heat our shower and bath water.  It’s simple—the more people we have the more carbon waste we generate.. Our population is growing so fast that without some form of control we will never be able to reach the goal of a neutral carbon footprint.  

The goal of the Paris Accords is to reduce carbon emissions by 45% by 2030 (or to a level of 15.75 billion metric tons). But with our present rate of use unchanged and our rapidly expanding population growth, that is impossible. We add about 110 million humans a year to our world population. Each one will contribute about 4.4 metric tons of carbon each year for a total of (4.4 tons x110 million = 484 million m tons) or nearly 500 million metric tons of carbon annually. 

If we do not control our population explosion, energy conservation efforts will be simply a waste of time and (yes energy). It is irresponsible to continue to claim that our earth is imperiled by carbon emissions and yet ignore the obvious threat of burgeoning human population growth.  

The first and easiest way to reduce carbon emission is to limit human populations!  

Furthermore, without population control the 1.5C target of the Paris Accords becomes a moving goal post that could never be reached.  

However, with strict population control, a moratorium on forest clearing.  coupled with a global effort at reforestation (the best of all solutions), reduction of energy waste, and greater efficiency of transport and manufacturing  as well as reasonable and sustainable decreases in fossil fuel consumption —-humans may have the time to adapt and may actually survive on this planet past 2100! 


*Adapted from:  “How Earth Population Exploded”, ABCNews site, dl 11/06/22 and Institut National d’Etudes Demographiques, INED Herve LeBras

Sunday, October 30, 2022



Mathew (26:52): Put up thy sword into its place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. 

Sadly, we learned today (October 28, 2022) that Mr. Paul Pelosi (husband to Nancy Pelosi, US Speaker of the House) was attacked in the early morning hours at his San Francisco home . The story is still unclear but an intruder, a 41 year old male illegal immigrant and homeless resident of SF, with a long record of  crime, broke into the rear of the Pelosi family brick home in the early morning hours —for some unknown purpose.  When confronted by Mr. Pelosi who had called 911 and may have carried a hammer for protection, confronted the intruder, and at that point a physical confrontation broke out, just as the police arrived. They were unable to prevent the attack on Mr. Pelosi, but did witness the struggle over the possession of the hammer which was used by the intruder—and witnessed by the police—to seriously batter the elderly Pelosi.  

We all wish Mr. Pelosi a rapid and full recovery. We should all be safe from violence. 


On violence and crime, when the Democrats thought it was to their political advantage, too often  they looked the other way, condoned, or  remained silent or ignored these acts. In the case of Mr. Paul Pelosi being attacked in his own home, the Democrat chorus and main stream media are attempting to paint the nation and the GOP as culpable.  Nothing can be further from the truth. 

Let us recall the Democrats very recently claiming that urban riots and frightening street violence were only “legitimate demonstrations”.  That kind of response only encourages violence.  Then too, their own progressive, Democrat DA’s happily embraced a formal policy of “no cash bail” and intentionally set aside  prosecutions of  felonious, often violent criminals—-These elements were immediately released back into the street to commit more violent acts.  Then too, these same Democrats argued that the homeless who committed violent crimes should be “excused from culpability” based on their “disadvantaged” state.  ( in this case they uncharacteristically “threw the book” at the perpetrator. But some level of “equal justice” would have been appreciated by those ordinary folks who suffered from very similar violence at the hands of other homeless and deranged criminals.) 

During the furious and fearful  months-long, deadly BLM riots, when demonstrators burned buildings, defaced historic sites and perpetrated murderous attacks on civilians and on police, the Dems excused these acts of violence as the result of “institutional racism”. The smash and grab” mobs which have plagued our cities and small businesses were the direct result of Democrats ignoring or condoning violence and permissive policing, and “defund the police” laws and policies.All these acts of violence  ignored, disregarded and unpunished by the Democrats as “only poor folk taking what they needed”contributed to the surge in violence and disrespect for our laws we are presently experiencing. 

Democrats ignored our border crisis and the violence it engenders.  They ignored, then lied about, and defended the illegal entry, human trafficking, murder, torture and rape and other violent acts committed along the gaping wide-open southern border, claiming the misguided policy of President Biden reverting  to a “more humane” plan than that of the last administration was a “success”. 

Then too the Democrats simply ignored violent and illegal demonstrations opposing the Court’s pending decision on Roe v Wade. These noisy, threatening acts taking  place in front of the private homes of  Conservative SCOTUS members were other acts of violence condoned by Democrats which all contributed to the state of lawlessness we are presently experiencing . 

The left squealed in delight when an attempt (foiled by police) was made on the life of conservative SC Justice Cavanaugh. They ignored and downplayed the attempted murder of Congressman Scalice and wounding of other GOP members as they gathered to play a baseball game.  The violent, vicious  attack on Senator Ron Paul was widely ignored by the Democrats. And the widely reported comments by Speaker Pelosi’s own daughter who posted her opinion that the attack on Paul was “justified” was never criticized or censured as  an example of encouraging or“supporting violence”.   ( No apology was ever offered Senator Paul by the the Speaker for her daughter’s violence-encouraging  statements).  

Our recent history is rife with Democrat leaders encouraging rioters, violent demonstrations and violence. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, herself,  has recently revealed her own violent nature by publicly and proudly reaffirming her desire to “punch President Trump in the face” after the January 6,  DC demonstration and riot.   No one has ever sanctioned or even criticized the many violent statements made by civilian Democrat supporters such as the now infamous actor Robert DeNiro, who regularly publicly  threatened to “punch Trump in the face and him beat up” on Trump , or the now infamous “severed head” of President Trump carried by comedienne Kathy Griffin on stage..  

One exceptionally violent Democrat congressional  member stands out in relief.  After the May 25 killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Congresswoman Maxine Waters encouraged demonstrators to “get more confrontational” , she stirred up a crowd with violent threats, claiming that she was going to “take out President Trump” (Oct 20, 2017).  She advocated and advised demonstrators to harass any member of the Trump Cabinet encountered in a restaurant or store to “create a crowd,”  “get in their face” and “push back on them” .  She traveled across state lines to encourage riots that led to violence and community destruction.  She was eventually sanctioned by an embarrassed Congress for her violence..but to no avail, she has continued her violent speech in Congress .  

And let us not ignore the embarrassing statements of the chief advocate of violence himself, President Biden who has too often  encouraged such acts with his intemperate speech,  “name calling” and epithets ( on several infamous occasions labeling the 74 million who voted for Mr Trump in the last election “semi fascists”).   

The way I see it,  the Democrats have encouraged, accepted or ignored violence when it favored their political or ideological agenda. Sadly, they opened a Pandora box of evil outcomes with this policy.  Our cities have all seen dramatic surges in violence behavior.  Crime statistics are up across the nation. Their political agenda to maintain power has engendered a fearful, ugly  spike in US violence, lawlessness, and chaos which has in this recent case (an attack on the innocent and elderly spouse of Speaker Pelosi) come back to bite them in their backsides.  

But one does not have to be a MENSA candidate to clearly see who is responsible for encouraging and condoning violence when it serves their purposes . And being exposed to the effects and results of this failed policy for more than 20 months now, the US electorate is ready to remove them from power.  The nation’s electorate has turned on them with abhorrence for the frightening surge in crime.  This fear and aversion of continuing policies which have caused this descent into chaos and criminality. The realization of their many failures over the last two years are the main causes of their present and justified weakness in the polls.  

Let’s all hope that Paul Pelosi has a rapid recovery, and that the ideologies in the Biden White House have learned a lesson from St Mathew—about the dangers of living—- and dying by the sword. 


Friday, October 28, 2022



The Fetterman vs Oz debate was sad and unpleasant to watch.  Though as an out of state observer I was not able to view it in its entirety —what was revealed about Fetterman was obvious, even on outlets which were sympathetic to Fetterman such as CNN and MSNBC.  Fetterman was at times clearly unable to understand the questions put to him and in the clips I saw unable to respond coherently.   At one point he made a complete retraction of an earlier position -statement on fracking which had been widely reported previously. Was he aware of this? Was it purposeful? Or was this the result of irreversible brain trauma?  One can not be sure.    

The lack of transparency regarding the medical circumstances affecting a candidate for one of the most prestigious and powerful positions in the State of Pennsylvania and in our nation’s government is shocking.  How could such a situation have occurred?  Why has the “Fourth Estate” abandoned its essential responsibility to Democracy?  

The scandal of the Fetterman Oz debate is that it is clear now that the people were intentionally kept in the dark.  The Democrats and their media activists colluded to hoodwink the people of Pennsylvania. They kept the extent and seriousness of this man’s  medical condition a secret so as to manipulate an election.  Perhaps we can expect such behavior from the candidate and his close advisors..but it becomes a serious threat to our democracy when major news organizations act in concert to control what information the electorate should be exposed . That outcome is what we may expect from dictatorships and communist nations.   

Just like our 46th President, Joe Biden, Mr Fetterman is a stealth candiate.  Have we learned nothing over the last twobyears?  The 46th President has proved by his missteps, his actions and abject failures to us all the awful danger of presidential stealth candidates and the sad, dangerous outcomes when the all powerful modern main-line media and a political party cooperate to control the story line..  

Joe Biden was kept in the basement of his Delaware estate for months prior to his election in 2020.  The media and insiders knew of his mental frailty, manifest evidences of family corruption, and age-related mental and physical shortcomings, but either buried reporter’s stories, lied, or simply ignored evidences that should have been reported..  The result of this unholy alliance between media and politics has been a nightmare presidency.  Joe, the “media approved stealth candidate” not only created a disastrous economic mess at home, with unprecedented inflation, racial unrest, violent street crime, a border and immigration catastrophe, gasoline and heating oil shortages, turmoil among our former allies, but also stirred up a world wide economic and military disaster which led to hot war and a potential nuclear exchange in Eastern Europe.  The media organizations that hid the family corruption and mental and physical weaknesses of this candidate prior to the election in 2020 are in good part responsible for the nightmare results of this man’s first two years in office.  Now in Pennsylvania two years later they were ready to repeat their perfidy. 

The scandal of the Pennsylvania senatorial election follows the same drastic course.  In Pennsylvania as in 2020 the candidate (after a serious stroke and other life threatening  medical conditions) was hidden away, kept incommunicado, his medical records kept secret.   Fetterman’s handlers avoided interviews with journalists who might reveal his actual condition or ask probing questions.  But even when interviewers were chosen carefully,—as when NBC New’s Dasha Burns (not a conservative or MAGA reporter) was given access to the candidate, and stated after an interview with Fetterman: “it was not clear that (the candidate) was understanding our small talk conversation”. Bash’s colleagues in the “collusion-media” came out in force to slime their colleague—claiming the NBC reporter was “prejudiced”, or  “apparently unable to make small talk”, was  lying, or was simply incompetent.  Reporters who stepped out of line and told the truth were viciously attacked. 

Let’s put the blame where it is deserved.  We as a nation threaten by powerful competitors and economic difficulties can not afford “stealth candidates”.   They are an existential threat to our nation. We are desperate for  a free, unbiased press —one not tied to either party—which will inform the public honestly—so they can learn the truth, about those who want to serve and then vote intelligently. 

Friday, October 14, 2022



One cannot read a newspaper, or turn to the TV without hearing of another  criminal or civil charge against just one specific and very well-known individual.  It is a phenomenon of such unusual ferocity  that  one is unable to recall any similar situation in our history.   Our nation’s past is rife with justified national efforts to bring to court major criminals and evil doers such as: Jesse James (1847-1882), John Dillinger (1903-1934), Al Capone (1899-1947) and even more recently Pablo Escobar (1949-1993).   But none of these efforts  to charge (or capture) these criminals ever attained the national level of unified collusion and fanaticism one observes in recent (unsuccessful) attempts to charge former President Donald Trump with some crime—anything will do.  

What is the motivation?   It seems unwarranted.  The former president served for four years, and brought a period of relative peace abroad, no threats of “hot wars” or of fearful nuclear holocaust, no expensive ($70 billion dollar) outlays for a costly proxy war in Eastern Europe.  At home we had the benefit of a secure border, low taxes, low inflation, inexpensive gasoline and heating fuels, low crime rate,  as well as high employment, and in general, a period of relative peace and prosperity.  We were better off then indeed. 

But being a successful  President does not protect one from politically motivated attacks and malfeasance. The many and varied charges and allegations follow:  

1 The FBI conducted a ugly and fear-filled night raid at former President  Trump’s Mar a Lago home in Florida to collect documents the national archivist claims belongs in Washing DC.  The crux of the matter is an on going disagreement as to what presidential documents belong to the former president and which ones belong in the national archives.  The raid of the President’s home and riffling through his personal and private papers was widely publicized . The FBI leaked  information much of the data to the press which joyfully con noted lurid allegations indicative of  impropriety or illegality.  

2 In New York, a civil suit brought by NY, Democrat AG Letitia James alleges  that the Trump Organization over-valued the appraisal of their real estate properties in that State, when applying for loans to area banks. The investigators allege that these subjective appraisals were examples of fraud.  

3.Another investigation in NY revolves around the charge that the Trump family company paid organization executives a “compensation bundle” which included higher “fringe benefits” in the mix  so as to avoid taxes on actual cash income.  

4. In Washington DC the House of Representatives is investigating the Jan 6 riot at the  capital . The Congressional Committee (“Jan 6 Committee) is  loaded (7 to 2) with Democrats and two well-known GOP political opponents of the former president. The  focus of the “committee” has been to attempt to support allegations that the former president, somehow had the evil thought of “supporting or encouraging the rioters.”  The tenor of the this committee, its timing, its news releases, and its media hype give it all the appearances of a show trial or kangaroo court.  Such courts—like the Jan 6  Committee— typically offer: no due process, no cross examination of witnesses, and are conducted for obvious propaganda purposes, and with a predetermined  outcome of guilt. The Jan 6 Committee fits this definition precisely.  

4. In Georgia, the former president is being investigated for a telephone call he made to the Georgia, Secretary of State, Brad Raffensberger.   In the election-night call, Mr Trump is alleged to have urged the Secretary of State  to “find 12,000 votes” to overcome  an apparent lead by Joe Biden in that state.   The alleged crime is an assumed intention to “interfere with and election”. 

5. In Westchester County, NY  local officials are investigating whether the Trump  organization misled local officials on the value of a golf course. In this case, the Trump organization is alleged to have reduced the value of the property to incur lower local taxes.

6. Again in Washington DC,  that  city is suing Mr Trump’s  inaugural committee claiming that after the 2016 election win, the committee had over-paid the candidate’s  own family business for space used at the Trump Hotel during the January 2017 inaugural celebratory event.  

7. Mr Trump is also defending himself against a charge of rape by a woman who claims Mr Trump (the period of time this occurred was well before he was a candidate) attacked her in the fitting room of a woman’s clothing store after a brief encounter.  There were no witnesses

What is going on here?  Harassment? Or is Mr Trump simply a bad guy as the legacy press and some TV commentators would have you conclude?  

In search of such answers I often go back to a comment made by the long-term former Prime Minister of Germany, Ms Angela Merkel.  Ms Merkel recalled that as a young girl, interested in current events, and living in Communist East Germany, she had as her only “news” source the local propaganda tabloid (i.e. Neues Deutschland). Aware that this propaganda sheet was attempting to control her thinking rather than inform her, she explained how she learned to deduce the valid information by “reading between the lines” so as to learn of the real world beyond the Iron Curtain.   

It is sad to report that here in the USA, after the Biden Administration’s rise to power, and the collaborative/collusive  relationship  it has with the news media, we find ourselves, as citizens, in a similar predicament.  To understand what is really going on we must “read between the lines” to interpret the reality from the propaganda generated too often by the  legacy press, and TV news programs. Thus like young Ms Merkel in a communist state decades ago we are forced to interpret what is reported but ignore the face value of the reporting.  Sadly our news organizations like other organs of propaganda attempt to control their readers rather than inform them. 

So why has this former servant of the state and effective president been hounded and investigated (can I say “crucified”) by almost every over-ambitions, over-eager State, or city Attorney General, author eager to sell copies of lurid stories (no need for truth)  as well as the US Congress and the Democrat party?  

What can we glean from the “between the lines” real information?  
The answer is Mr’ Trump controls a huge block of votes!  Trump lost the 2020 election while winning the loyalty of a huge block of 74 million voting citizens.    He won more votes than any other GOP presidential candidate in recent history.  This massive voting group represents a huge hurdle for any Democrat candidate to overcome.!  The fanatic, febrile, feverish, frantic attempts at investigations, and allegations of impropriety can only be the insidious effort to eliminate Mr. Trump from competition.  The host of claims are clearly “trumped up”.   Mr. Trump, with his loyal 70+million voters, can fill a 10.000 person rally venue at the drop of a hat. He  is a monumental threat to any candidate the Democrat party can field.  To Democrats Mr. Trump is an existential threat who must be eliminated at any cost.  Using the power of the FBI, the Justice Department and with the collusion of the media they are simply attempting to clear the 2024 field of a potent candidate.   

The Democrats fear the US voter.  Using their present power of  political office they would deny a large percentage of US voters the choice of their preferred candidate.  Democrats are manipulating  the system prior to an election, so as to eliminate a candidate they can not defeat.  That is not how our system should work 

Thursday, October 13, 2022



What is wrong with American “Democracy”?

It is clear to any observer of the American scene that a good part of the US electorate has no respect for the political preferences of those (75 million) in the other strata of society. 

The intellectual elites are advocates of the idea that our “democracy” is some sort of oligarchic system. 

An oligarchy is a government by the “oligos”  the “few”.  But I propose here a new more valid term: I call it the fotismenocratic  system or government by the (“fotismenos”  the enlightened).    In a fotismenocracy the elite, the academics, the “enlightened” and the politically connected govern the regular folks.  

These fotismenocrats love to pepper their speeches with the term “democracy”, they even call themselves “democrats”, but they never knew or now have forgotten what the word “democracy” means! 

The  prefix “demos” of that Greek-coined concept means- “people”—all the people. The  ancient Hellenes held that the “demos” held the source of power to govern.   The basis of this concept of Hellenes is that we are all politically equal—those with college degrees and those who work on the farm, in a small business, in a garage, or a factory.  All of us have our own political, familial, economic and social preferences about governing.  In our democracy all these individuals deserve respect and the right to express their political will.  The elites must be reminded that democracies take the power to govern from all the people…not only those from one class or one intellectual or educational stratum.  

This concept of a “fotismenos-ocracy” is a pernicious one. It leads its misguided adherents to  hubris and ultimately to evil deeds such as stuffing ballot boxes, or dumping  voting evidences of certain voting groups into a nearby creek, or miscounting votes, or editors shelving stories or government judicial agencies ignoring their oaths of office to act impartially,  etcetera, etcetera.  They feel no guilt  about these un-democratic acts of bias, since the fostismenocrats fully believe that they are “saving the nation” from the ignorant, “deplorables”, “semi-fascists” —the  unenlightened. They are wiser, they follow “the science” (their interpretation of it) , they are educated, he  enlightened, and as such they are self-righteously convinced they have the right to ignore their oaths of office or professional ethics, or the law to save” the nation from the unenlightened. 

It is now apparent that they must we be reminded that in a democracy—the people rule—all the people!  Those in the majority—they  get the opportunity to make the rules—not necessarily those who claim to be “enlightened”. 



Tuesday, October 11, 2022


 Ironic reversal or poetic justice was well known in Elizabethan England…and was often used in comedy and drama. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet (Act 3, Scn 4) , the protagonist Hamlet discovers that there is a plot on his life by Claudius and resolves to let the plotter—the “engineer”  be “hoist with his own petard”.  (A petard was a small bomb or charge that was used by ‘engineers” in war to blow up obstructions such as entrances to buildings or to create openings in stone walls during a siege. To be hoist with one’s own “bomb”(petard)  was an ironic reversal and an example of juicy poetic justice. In such a case the instigator of harm is harmed himself.  

Joe Biden and his team of incompetents in the White House are now experiencing an ironic reversal of fortune, or  poetic justice, as the results of their war mongering  in Eastern Europe comes into better focus. Their polices rather than weakening their presumed “enemy” led to scarcity and high prices of oil and gas.  The shortage of this essential commodity has caused  great  harm to themselves and to allied nations.  As a result we now all suffer from inflation, and are threatened existentially by a potentially nuclear war that did not have to occur.  That foreign policy harm has become a political liability at home which may lead to reversals at the polls.  These “engineers’ of disaster  created an inflationary spiral, caused an incipient recession and a horrible war in Eastern Europe which threatens to expand, perhaps into a global war.

The poor judgement goes back to the  Obama foreign policy team who foolishly helped precipitate the instability in Ukraine.  President Obama supported the expansion of NATO to Putin´s front door and encouraged the unseating of a legitimately elected pro-Russian president in Ukraine. Obama using subversive secret agents, supplied with bags of cash, encouraged and paid for  an uprising in Ukraine —on Putin’s very doorstep.  When the eastern provinces (the Donbas and others ) rejected these pro-western, progressive policies, designed to create an armed-to-the-teeth military outpost, and a liberal pro-American regime,  fighting broke out in the east, in regions bordering Russia.  After several months of conflict, a peace agreement was proposed in 2014 which legislated policies for Kyiv that would have  permitted these mostly Russian speaking provinces greater political and economic autonomy.   Kyiv agreed to the peace deal.  But  with US financial and military support pouring in, their leaders found it more profitable to ignore the agreement they made with the Donbas and the Russians and take the financial offers in cash, bribes and military largess the US was offering— and forget the peace agreement they signed.  The abandonment of the Donbas agreement  festered in the Russian craw.  The Biden team was  purposely poking  its finger in the eye of the Russian bear.  It seemed to many observers a policy  unwarranted and dangerous.   

In February of this year, Vladimir Putin made a show of military force in an effort to change the status quo.. President Biden did nothing to respond. He ignored his supposed  role as senior world diplomat—seeming to welcome the conflict.  Instead of acting as world leader, he turned over any attempts at diplomatic solutions to minor actors such as French President Macron—and let the dangerous situation fester.  When fighting did break out, and the reality of perhaps a long war and its impact on Europe became manifest, Biden remained out of the loop and further attempts at diplomacy were made by President Macron.  In the end,  Russians and Ukrainians on their own, did come close to a diplomatic solution—a peace plan agreeable to both.  But  Joe Biden and his hawkish allies in the EU and UK (specifically Boris Johnson) convinced Ukrainian President  Zelenskyy to abandon any diplomatic solution.  Biden and Johnson appeared to preferred war to peace.  

The Biden team was determined to use the excuse of the Russian invasion as a means to attack and bleed the Russians and  to weaken them both militarily and economically. 

What could have been the motivation  for this seemingly dangerous and foolish action?  Perhaps such a response  is the standard behavior of all world hegemons, like the USA.  World powers  will act to destroy any political entity that might some day threaten their own hegemony.  

In this case they encouraged a war and used the Ukrainians as“cannon fodder” for war.  Their plan was to batter the Russians with a bloody “ram” of Ukrainian young men and women (and Ukrainian citizens).  The foolish Ukrainians or their complicit leaders led them into this morass of  death and destruction.  The US and EU would supply all the military hardware and the Ukrainians would supply the young men and women that would fight and die in this war for the old leaders who sat in plush leather bound seats in DC and Brussels. 

Joe, not the sharpest knife in the draw as a young man, is now approaching 80 years old and some observe evidences of mental frailty, but somehow he led the younger and “wiser” leadership in the UK and EU into following his lead like lemmings over the cliff into economic and possible nuclear conflict.  Where are the adults over there?   Attempting to weaken Russian economically, they found that the result of their acts resulted in the collapse of their own economies. Today, the EU and UK  are threatened not only with economic disaster and decline,  but with nuclear fallout should Russia feel so threatened that it unleashes its nuclear arsenal—the largest in the world.  

This disaster to the “engineers” setting their “petard” is an example of good old poetic justice—or ironic reversal.  The instigators of war are now more harmed and impacted by their belligerent acts than their opponent.  They have been “raised upon” “(blown up)  on their own petard (bomb) as per Shakespeare. 

Sanctioning Russian oil and gas…has not worked. 

Fossil fuels power 80% or more of world homes and industries. Oil and gas shortages have generated higher prices.  Russia is selling its oil and gas to others, its income on its oil and gas is now for sale at the higher prices, caused by Biden’s plan to “sanction” Russia and cut world gas and oil supplies.  Scarcity has caused the prices to rise.  At home, Joe Biden (after cutting the fossil fuel industry off at the knees on the first days of his presidency) has now attempted to tamp down gasoline prices (and inflation) by dumping 2 million barrels of oil a day into the world market.  This Biden oil is not from our own domestic suppliers,  it is  drawn (illegally and expensively ) from our national oil reserve. 

Prices did fall as a result. But OPEC does not like low prices for its “black gold” product. It has in response reduced its own production by 2 million bbl per day.  As a result, while the US and Europe shun Russian oil purchases at Biden’s behest,  the price of this essential commodity rises  The weak and incompetent leaders  in the EU, where there are no massive oil reserves to tap, are suffering a massive level of inflation, and drastic shortages of fuel for winter.  

The war has even encouraged the reactivating of coal fired plants in Germany and in Poland, overturning the green energy goals for limiting carbon reduction for many years to come.. 

How could these leaders be so easily hoodwinked by Biden?

Thursday, October 6, 2022


President Biden’s radical agenda—an experiment with America— has been an utter and unmitigated failure. Biden was elected in 2020 by a nation in the throes of a pandemic, and won with questionable election practices in some states with the slimmest of margins.  The electorate gave the new president no mandate for change.  Yet he forged ahead to institute a fringe-left agenda based on far-left, socialistic, radical, economic and social experiments almost all abandoned in the 1940 and 50s as impractical and unworkable.    

His policies on energy, the economy, the pandemic, domestic issues, immigration and foreign policy have all blown up in his face.  Biden reduced national security, weakened the economy,  generated a massive surge of inflation and divided the nation into two angry camps.

His “green” agenda on climate change was intended to defund, weaken and undermine the formerly robust and healthy US fossil fuel sector. This inane policy immediately led to higher gas prices and set off an inflationary spiral. Today we suffer from  a level of inflation (at over 8% ) that this nation has not experienced in over four decades.  This insidious loss of purchasing power reaches into everyone’s pocketbook, where it reduces the value of your pocket cash, your salary, your hard-earned savings and 401Ks.     But it is worse.  Inflation and attempts to control it lead to even more damaging consequences—recession. Recessions dry up business activity, stall growth, cut jobs, and eliminate opportunities.   Joe’s policies are the direct cause of these economic disasters.

In the field of foreign policy, today for the first time in decades we are faced with a growing and dangerous war in Central Europe and with an unprecedented threat of a nuclear exchange.  This conflict is one in which our President has abandoned and ignored diplomacy and  has instead focused on intensifying and expanding the conflict by feeding one side with massive deployments of military hardware, intelligence, and technical advisors.  The US has in effect entered the war as a belligerent, a dangerous policy that can easily blow up into a hot war with nuclear armed Russia.   He has abandoned any efforts at diplomacy.  His passive behavior coupled with intemperate rhetoric has only prolonged a dangerous threatening war. While his “drunken sailor” largess has cost us nearly $70 billion dollars, donated to a nation that is well known as the most corrupt in Europe. Where have those funds gone?  Could these massive funds have been better spent on our festering problems at home ?

The Biden foreign policy fumbles are not confined to Europe. In the western Pacific, the isolated nuclear armed nation of North Korea threatens Japan (and potentially the USA west coast) with flyovers of nuclear-capable ballistic missiles. At home while doing every thing in his power to undermine domestic oil production, in the Middle East, Biden humbled himself to foreign dictators to pump more oil, (in an effort to lower surging gasoline prices domestically). The OPEC nations have utterly and ignobly ignored his pleas and instead lowered  production by 2million bbl per day.   

Just as he has driven our own nation into two angry camps his penchant for causing divisiveness has encouraged a similar pattern abroad. His multiple faux pas abroad have driven Russia, China and other non-allied nations into closer cooperation and opposition to US leadership.  

Biden’s “open border” immigration policy is now an infamous scandal of incompetence and stupidity and needs no further explanation. His so-called “more humane” policies at the border have resulted in a humanitarian, legal and political disaster, as millions of illegals swarm into the nation under the umbrella of criminal gangs associated with drug and human traffickers. These inhumane evildoers (who have locked and suffocated hundreds of migrants in parked and abandoned 18 wheelers on hot southwestern highways) profited massively as a result of the Biden “humane” border policy. 

Biden supports the radical progressives who clamor for “equity of outcomes“ (rather than “equality”). These radicals insist, with no poof, that our nation is “racist” and thus all of its judicial and policing policies are invalid since they result from “racial discrimination” and .  This fact free and false revision of American history and smear on America is dangerous to our citizens of all races. It egregiously  makes victims of one group and smears others as indefensible racist—all with no facts for support. The resulting inane policy—of releasing dangerous criminals back into the street after arrest with no bail— has resulted in the highest spike in violence, and criminal behavior in this nation’s history.  The primary and principal function of government is to protect its citizens from harm.  Criminals and violent offenders  must be separated from society to protect the innocent.  Incarceration is an essential tool to protect all citizens of all races from those who commit violent acts..  Certain racial groups do commit more violent crime. That is a sad fact. We must deal with that fact reasonably and fairly and not falsely ascribe these hard statistics to some other implausible cause—such as institutional racism simple to fit into a preferred narrative.  It is always easier to blame some one else for failure…it takes honesty and courage to face up to the facts.

In only less than two years Joe Biden has made our nation and our world a more fearful, more dangerous, more expensive and less optimistic place. He has reduced our incomes and savings by close to 10%. Our future looks less and less hopeful.  He has made our walk or ride to work more fear-filled and dangerous. And under Biden we now lie awake at night and worry about the unimaginable horror of a possible nuclear war.   

Any rational person must conclude that we are much, much worse off than before Biden’s progressive experiments. 

Monday, October 3, 2022



 Les moulins de propagande ici chez nous, à gauche comme à droite, poussent l'idée insoutenable et idiote que la Russie, la "bête noire" actuelle du monde, était assez stupide et assez autodestructrice pour faire exploser l'un de ses atouts les plus utiles.  Ne le croyez pas.  Le contrôle de Nordstream a donné aux Russes un effet de levier.  Ils pourraient retenir ou libérer du gaz désespérément nécessaire aux nations qui ont modéré leur position par rapport à l'Ukraine.  Avec Nordstream, ils pouvaient diviser et conquérir leurs adversaires.  En sabotant les deux conduites de gaz, les saboteurs se sont assurés que cela n'arriverait pas.  Mais ce n'est pas une victoire pour les "bons".  Il s'agit d'une énorme escalade du conflit en Ukraine, qui ne résout rien et ne fait que créer une plus grande probabilité d'une nouvelle escalade imprévisible.

 Pour répondre à la question, Qui l'a fait ?  Il faut se poser la question de savoir qui en profite ?  Cette question nécessite un retour sur la stratégie américaine de longue date.  Depuis la fin de la première guerre froide, la stratégie américaine a été de contenir la Russie.  Le président Ronald Reagan a réussi dans ses efforts pour saper l'URSS et contribuer à sa disparition.  La nation qui a survécu à cette catastrophe politique et économique était la Russie moderne, un pays qui n'était que l'ombre de l'ex-URSS.  Mais au cours des deux décennies de contrôle de Poutine, la Russie a fait des progrès pour devenir au moins une puissance « locale ».

 Les États-Unis, en tant que seul hégémon mondial survivant et, à ce jour, la force économique et militaire la plus puissante au monde que le monde ait jamais connue, ont depuis longtemps une stratégie consistant à faire tout ce qui est en leur pouvoir pour conserver cette position de pouvoir.  et attaquer vicieusement toute entité qui pourrait modifier cette situation.

 C'est pourquoi la Russie est notre « bête noire ».  Nous y voyons une menace potentielle pour notre pouvoir mondial.  Comment et pourquoi Nordstream est-il une telle menace pour nous ?  Voyons pourquoi les États-Unis étaient si virulents contre le premier pipeline Nordstream I.  NordStream était un lien économique entre des partenaires probables : l'Allemagne et la Russie.  L'Allemagne est la première nation industrielle du monde et la Russie une nation riche en matières premières, minéraux et énergie.  Les États-Unis étaient catégoriquement opposés à Nordstream parce que la stratégie américaine a été et continue d'être de maintenir l'UE (et le Royaume-Uni) dépendants des États-Unis et de son parapluie militaire, et de l'empêcher de conclure des alliances économiques ou autres qui modifieraient ces circonstances.  L'UE et le Royaume-Uni sont désormais "nos" colonies.  Toute modification de cette situation menace l'hégémonie américaine.

 Imaginez ce qui se passerait si l'UE - l'entité la plus riche, technologiquement avancée et socialement cohérente du monde - se joignait économiquement (ou militairement) à la Russie - la plus grande nation du monde, avec d'énormes matières premières non développées, des forêts, des minéraux rares, de l'hydrologie et  des réserves énergétiques incalculables.  Cette entité politique combinée deviendrait la politique la plus peuplée, la plus riche, la plus riche en énergie et la plus riche en ressources du monde.  Un continent européen uni Du Portugal à la Russie ferait des États-Unis et de la Chine des nains économiques.

 Pour les États-Unis, ce serait un désastre.

 Revenons maintenant à qui a saboté Nordstream ?  Qui en profiterait ?  Seuls les États-Unis et leurs alliés, en particulier l'Ukraine.  La destruction de Nordstream s'inscrit parfaitement dans la stratégie des États-Unis et de celle de son allié d'Europe de l'Est, l'Ukraine.

 L'Ukraine est la clé de la politique américaine visant à maintenir la Russie faible et instable.  Mais est-il souhaitable d'avoir une nation qui s'effondre sur le front oriental de l'Europe ?  L'Ukraine vaut-elle la peine de mener une guerre nucléaire ?

 La menace qui pèse sur nous tous est que nous, la Russie, sommes armés jusqu'aux dents avec des armes nucléaires.  Pousser la Russie dans un coin dont elle ne peut pas s'échapper est très dangereux.  Nous pouvons en effet payer très cher pour notre besoin d'intimider d'autres nations et de les presser inutilement contre le mur sans nulle part où aller.  La réalité de la station actuelle en Ukraine devient de plus en plus dangereuse, le résultat pourrait bien être : la troisième guerre mondiale et un échange nucléaire.



The propaganda mills here at home on both the left and right are pushing the illogical idea that Russia, the world’s present-day “bete noire” was stupid enough and self destructive enough to blow up one of its own, most useful assets.  Don’t believe it.  

Having control over NordStream gave the Russians leverage. They could withhold or release desperately needed gas to those nations which moderated their support for Ukraine.  With NordStream they could divide and conquer their opponents.  By sabotaging both gas pipes the saboteurs made sure that that would not happen.  

But this is not a win for the “good guys”.  This descent into terrorism and sabotage is a huge escalation of the Ukraine conflict, solves nothing, and only creates a greater likelihood for further unpredictable escalation.  

To answer the question, Who did it? One must examine who benefits?  That question requires a look back at long standing US strategy.  Since the end of the first Cold War, US strategy has been to contain Russia.  President Ronald Reagan was successful in his efforts to undermine the USSR and help cause its demise.  The nation that survived that political and economic catastrophe was modern day Russia, a country only a shadow of the former USSR.  But over the two decades of Putin’s control, Russia has made some headway back to become at least a “local” power.   

The US, as the world’s only surviving global hegemon, and as of today, the world’s most powerful economic and military force the world has ever known, has had a long standing strategy to do everything in its power to hold on to that  position of power and viciously attack any entity that might alter that situation.

That is why Russia has been and remains our particular “bete noire”.  We see it as a potential threat to our global power.   How and why is Nordstream such a threat to us?   Let’s consider why the US was so vociferously against the first NordStream I pipeline. 

NordStream was an economic tie between two likely partners and close neighbors : Germany and Russia. Germany the world’s top industrial nation and Russia a nation rich in raw materials, mineral wealth and energy.  The combination was an economic threat.  The US is adamantly opposed to Nordstream  because US strategy has been and continues to be to keep the EU (and UK) economically and militarily dependent upon the USA and prevent it from making any economic or other alliances that would alter those circumstances.  The EU and UK are “our” colonies now.  Any alterations to that situation threatens US hedgemony.  

Imagine what would happen were the EU—the world’s most wealthy, technologically advanced and socially coherent entity—to develop economic or militarily  ties with Russia— world’ largest nation, with 11% of the globe in area and huge undeveloped resources of raw materials, forests, rare minerals, abundant water, and untold energy reserves. That combined political entity would become the world’s most populous, wealthy, energy rich, and resource rich polity in the world.  An economically united European Continent From Portugal to Russia would make economic midgets out of both the USA and China.  This is the USA nightmare. For the USA that now impossible dream would be an unmitigated political and economic disaster. 

Now back to who sabotaged Nordstream?  Who would profit?   Only the USA and its allies—-particularly Ukraine.  The destruction of Nordstream fits neatly into USA strategy and that of its east-European ally Ukraine.  

Ukraine is the key to the USA policy of keeping Russia weak and unstable. But for Europe and the world as a whole is it desireable to have Russia as an economic disaster nation on Europe’s eastern front, a nuclear armed outcast as a neighbor? And is Ukraine worth fighting a “no one wins” nuclear war over whether it remains a buffer state or a NATO member? 

 Pressing Russia into a corner from which it can not escape is very dangerous.  We may pay very heavily indeed for our penchant for world domination.  The reality of the present conflict in Ukraine has generated huge economic and political waves, but it is becoming even more dangerous and threatening, the outcome may well be: WWIII and a nuclear exchange.