Wednesday, November 16, 2022


November 15, 2022.  Poland claims a Russian rocket landed in Polish territory close to the border with Ukraine. The blast killed two civilians.  Their PM  has alerted NATO and called for implementation of Article 5….Article 5 of NATO rules calls for gearing up for a joint US NATO military response to attack Russia…or the beginning of WWIII.    

 When faced with the absolute absence of any verifiable evidences of extraterrestrial life, the eminent Italian nuclear physicist, Enrico Fermi once asked “Where are they?”  His query,  later coined: the “Fermi Paradox” has haunted us all.  Are we all alone in the universe?  Fermi’s question was termed  “a paradox” because given the immeasurable  number of stars in our galaxy and the consequent very high possibility of many  of those stars having earth-like planets in their orbits, there should be many evidences of other extraterrestrials and of  “intelligent” life.  With our present-day technology..we should be able to detect them.  But as Fermi noted…our galaxy and even beyond is silent and seemingly devoid of intelligent  life.  There is no one out there.  Enrico Fermi asked, “why”?  

One of the hypotheses proposed by Fermi’s respondents was that “intelligent” human life is a misnomer. If these other human-like forms did exist—like our own species—-they very likely had similar ingrained genetic or evolutionary proclivities for self-destruction.  If they did evolve, the silence in space indicates they are all gone now; probably having killed themselves off…by some deadly viral plague, by over-population, by polluting their planet’s atmosphere or destruction of their planetary environment— or even more likely— nuclear holocaust.  

There is a substantial body of evidence that our own Earth and “intelligent” earthlings are now approaching that self destructive state too. 

The evidence in point is the latest threat of nuclear war…the Biden war in the Ukraine. Biden’s war is the result of so many typically “unintelligent” decisions I have lost count. But let us hope that someone in the Biden Administration is wise enough to prevent global  disaster…and we survive a bit longer.  Perhaps we will prove Fermi wrrong. 


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