Friday, August 26, 2022


 Joe Biden has finally fully revealed the level of his carotid artery stenosis and mental decline.  Joe has just mouthed the politically costly  “Hillary Clinton ‘basket of deplorables’ comment”  that played so heavily against Hillary in the 2016 election.   Joe’s off the rails comment will have “legs” and will work to take him and his party down.  Joe is infamous for his awful, dangerous misstatements and gaffs.  But this is a serious lie and malicious affront to citizens he once promised to represent as President of the USA.   

In a recent speech he just labeled about 73 million Americans, many of whose parents and grandparents fought and sacrificed their lives and welfare  in a deadly war in Europe, to defeat fascism for the rest of us and Joe too—-he called these folks “semi-facists”.   

Those he smeared and defamed with that horrible and unwarranted epithet should demand that he stand up and humbly apologize to those innocent,  proud, hard working, tax paying, law abiding,  Americans he has so grievously slandered. 

Thursday, August 25, 2022


 What is wrong with America?  One major problem: America’s Fourth Estate has abandoned its responsibility to the commonweal. Journalistic objectivity has vanished. 

The sacred and traditional role of the Fourth Estate (our professional journalist class) was to serve its nation and the ideals of democracy by acting as the watchdog of the political class, the elite, the monied, the politically connected and those who serve in Congress, and in the executive branch.  The newspapers, the radio, and later the TV and the newscasters of the past, worked diligently to expose the foibles, the corruption, the weakness of all those in power.  The powerful have always had the means and the desire to bend issues to their own advantage and to retain power.  But it was the newspapers, and information media which served to expose those acts to the light of day and to modulate those destructive corrupt behaviors and to inform voters.  

But somehow in the last decades that service of the Fourth Estate in USA to the nation and to democracy ended.  Its loss is apparent in our crumbling national politics.

Today the establishment media (the Washington Post, New York Times, et al.) serve only one party.  They have lost their objectivity.  They hide the crimes, criminality, cronyism, foibles and malfeasance of one party, but eagerly exploit, intentionally misrepresent, exaggerate, claim an allegation as a conviction, leak information to damage one party ( and sometimes even generate false stories) of the  misdeeds of the other party. They do this for the overt and apparent political advantage of “their” party.  Thus the fourth estate in America in the 21st  Century has decided against democracy—ignore the will of the people—and the right of people to choose who represents them.  They seem to have come to believe that they—the elite intelligentsia class—know best.  They have become, rather than the watchdog of malfeasance and corruption, sadly the facilitators of same. 

I recall well a comment by long-term and revered former German PM,  Angela Merkel, who as a young student in Communist East Germany explained how she got her news in that era when only communist propaganda sheets were were available for her to read.  “You had to read between the lines” she said.  “You read what the party leaders wrote in the newspapers, and then you had to go that other step and ask; why did they say that?  Only then—reading between the lines—was it possible to deduce what was actually happening beyond the Iron curtain, and what were the actual facts and what was happening in the real world.” 

Sadly, that’s where we find ourselves today in the USA.  Our establishment news media have become just an arm of the establishment government.  They support their every statement and policy…no ‘watchdog’, or healthy valid criticism in these sheets.  This is a very sad day indeed for freedom. To understand what is really the truth or what is happening we too must read between the lines. 

Such behavior of one of the essential components of our democratic system bodes trouble and unrest for our nation. 

The media giants can easily mend their ways….will they? 


Monday, August 22, 2022


In a speech given in Oakland California, on August 12, 2022, VP Kamala Harris enunciated the Biden Administration’s slavish support of the far-left, non-scientific, sociological gibberish called “equity” and its corollary: equity of outcomes.  Biden and Harris,  are dead wrong in abandoning competition and equality of opportunity for “equity of outcomes”.  They are abandoning science for far-left sociological  propaganda posing as science.  

Equity as a concept, says: that we recognize that every one has the same capacity, but in order to  have equal opportunity to reach that capacity, we must pay attention to this issue of  equity if we are going to expect and allow people to compete on an equal footing.” …..I am proud to stand with..President Joe Biden ….as we make equity one of the cornerstones of our vision for our administration.” 

Kamala Harris, August 12, 2022 “Remarks by VP Harris at Oakland , California Generation Fund Event.” (Downloaded: August 16, 2022, Speeches and Remarks White House. gov).


Humans do not have the same “capacity”. To say so flies in the face of all the laws of biology, and evolution.  We are all very different in “capacity” as well as physical appearance.  Those differences, ‘genetic variations” expressed physically  are what  permitted the evolution of life from simple forms into cogniscient modern human beings.  The fossil origins  of Homo sapiens—can be traced back 65 million years ago to a species of a tiny  tree shrew ( Purgatorius) which evolved into early primates and then 2.4 million years ago into our own species —the “naked ape”.  

That evolutionary journey was the result of the fact that organisms are not equal, none have the same  “capacity”. Were living things “straight jacketed” into the form of the tiny tree living Purgatorius, all having the same “capacity”,  humans would have never evolved.  Evolution requires, no, it demands, variations in organic life. It demands that organisms have variations which then can be selected by natural forces.  All organisms, from the single celled, to worms, to the great Blue Whale all exhibit genetic/physical variations.  Humans are not exempt.   In fact, variation was so integral to evolution, sexual reproduction evolved as early as about 2 billion years ago, simply as a means to increase variation (alterations of capacity) —and thus increased the rate of evolution needed on a planet with its constantly changing physical environment.

Equitable outcomes?  How can one ever achieve that? Human beings, as a living part of the biosphere, are all inherently unequal.  Nature made us that way.  The minor variations in each individual are what drives evolution to create the wealth of species on this earth.   Without these variations (“difference in capacity”) evolution could not occur!  Life as we know it would not exist. All species exhibit diversity. None have the same identical capacity!

There is a good reason for all that diversity.   Organic life arose on our slowly cooling and complexly changing planet, more than 3 billion years ago with evolution of simple one-celled  organic life.  Then about 550 million years ago multicellular life forms flourished in the oceans. About 400 million years ago complex forms transitioned to life on land, and then about 2.4 million years ago our own species  arose.    To survive on the earth, a constantly altering platform in space, these life forms, had to continue to change and adapt to the physical challenges of a constantly altering earthly environment—or die off.  On our changing planet 

living things create variations, the physical environment selects which variations can survive.   Species variations are the key! Without them there is no evolution 

Early life forms three billion years ago naturally produced genetic variations reflected in their physical form as they reproduced. Only some of these physical variations were useful for survival or “adaptable” and these—the variations that improved survival— persisted while others died out.    

Life had to evolve— to remain adapted on a changing earthly environment in which temperature, solar radiation, atmospheric chemistry, drifting continents, the rise and fall of mountain ranges, and the ebb and flow of oceans were in constant flux.  Organisms which failed to adapt, died off and are known now only as “fossils”. 

The key to evolutionary change is biological variation.  Living things must have genetic variations,  expressed as differences in their physical, physiological, neurological and other forms for the natural physical world to select these variations . The key is that living things create variability, the physical environment selects as to which variables can survive.   

Prior to 2 billion years ago most organisms reproduced asexually…such as by simple cell division ( or “budding”)  to produce near clones of their parent cells.  Sex actually evolved as a process which  provided an advantage to sexually reproducing organisms, since this latter group produced variations more frequently and regularly and thus could evolve more rapidly and adapt more effectively to changing environments .  Sex became the standard mode of reproduction.  Asexual life forms simply did not generate enough variation for organisms to evolve at a successful rate on a planet with such on going and rapid environmental and climatic changes. Organisms need variation, differences in capacity—being a “clone” is a sure route to extinction. 

Thus about 2 billion years ago the first “sexual revolution” occurred when primitive bacteria (forms with genetic material scattered through the cytoplasm—called: procaryotes) began to exchange genes by conjugation.  This simple process did improve variation, but not enough. Eventually, single celled forms evolved with their genetic material confined in a nucleus. These “eukaryotes” enclosed their genetic material in a separate membrane to form a central “nut-shaped” organelle. In these forms, at certain times and in certain cells the cell and nucleus divides to generate specialized “sex cells” carrying  only half the genes of the parent cell.  In the sexual division process variations in the distribution of genetic material in the sex cells occurs .  When at “fertilization” the “male” and “female” sex cells reunite,  the resulting new cell is formed with a full complement of genes. This more complex process was more likely to produce many more genetic variations than in the asexually reproducing forms.   These “sexy” forms were eventually to inherit almost the entire biosphere as the most successful plant and animal organisms. Variations in “capacity” are necessary and are the key to healthy, vigorous species and rapid evolution. 

We are not clones!!!!  We are all shot through with wonderful variations. Accept the science! 

Even with our elaborate technology we are still dependent on and controlled by biology.  We can not control the laws of biology so as to generate equitable outcomes.  We must expect variation and respect the fact that we humans are all different…and “outcomes” will be different  too.  

We must instead work for equality of opportunity—-and ignore the false hope of “equity of outcome” which is only another form of evil discrimination conceived by poorly trained sociologists with little understanding of biology.  


Wednesday, August 17, 2022


 Good Riddance Liz Cheney

The passing of Liz Cheney from the political scene is a welcomed event. Today, she lost a Trump-engineered primary in a landslide and now thankfully she descends into well deserved obscurity.  

Wyoming residents must be cheering.  Cheney was no longer a functioning representative of that state.  Two years ago she lost her wits, and went off the rails obsessed with Trump-hatred-dementia (THD). She simply ignored her duties and constituent’s needs and desires. No longer functioning as a representative of the people, she understandably lost the election (40% down) to her Trump supported opponent. .  Democracy  works— she lost her Congressional seat.   It was ludicrous to hear her claim. as she limped away from the podium as a massive loser, that she will rise again as a “presidential” candidate. 

She is no heroine, or martyr for patriotism,  as she is portrayed in the left wing media, but simply a self-serving genetic remnant of Old Guard Republicans.  Like other progeny of the former elites of politics the Bidens, Pelosis, Kerrys, Bushes, and McCains and others, she leveraged her family name into a lucrative (short) political career. 

 Like her father,  she was an expert at using government position to feather one’s own nest.   But Cheney’s THD is responsible for her demise.  She foolishly burned her bridges on the right, and of course no one really wanted her on the left.  They were only using her.   

Hoping to become part of the anti Trump vanguard she voted to impeach Trump. Then she foolishly permitted Pelosi to use her as a phony “Republican” set-piece on the January 6th, kangaroo court, Pelosi established, not to seek truth or justice, (no Republicans were permitted to cross examine witnesses) but only to create a political theater to drum up support for the Dems and weaken and demean that party’s legion of political opponents.  

Thankfully,  Cheney is the last of the vicious Republican Old Guard —the post WWII,  evil doers of the Bush, Cheney, McCain-wing of the old GOP.  Some on the left are attempting to resurrect these awful leaders.  One wonders why? 

What did the old GOP do? What did they stand for?  Nothing good came from them for the nation. These folks worked mostly for themselves!  The old “Bush Cheney McCain” GOP was a political club  that  supported “national security interests”, (another name for the weapons manufacturers, and the war mongers in Congress who supported them, and took their lavish donations.  This old GOP were also supportive of  “big international businesses, and banking interests”.   These are the criminals that hollowed out our middle class by selling off our domestic industries to Mexico and China.  They  stripped our middle class of good jobs, sent entire manufactures overseas, started wars all over the globe and sent our young men and women into these conflicts where too often they sacrificed their young lives.  

Dick Cheney made millions feeding contracts to  Halliburton where he served as CEO, and then as Bush jr’s VP he supported the falsehood of Iraqi “weapons of mass destruction” to force us into a quagmire war, that sacrificed thousands of our men and women.  As VP it is claimed he fed lucrative contracts to Halliburton spin off companies which made “war fighting” just another form of big business that netted that company and its former CEO billions upon billions. 

The Democrats, who supported Cheney in her last campaign with huge funding and media support are winging and whining along with the remnants of these former malfeasant crowd . But what  for?  We should all be happy to see the end of this group. 

Let’s hope we do not establish any more “dynasties” ..  that’s for the Britain, the nation fought so hard to depart from. .  

Friday, August 12, 2022


 August 11, 2022

 Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi USA’s two “Loose Cannons”.

The  last 18 months of the Biden Administration have been “bookended” between two historic American crises: “Afghanistan and Taiwan”. These two episodes  stand head and shoulders above all the other regularly occurring daily and weekly “screw ups”, “nation-weakening-economic-disasters” and debased acts which  with disheartening regularity, characterize this incompetent Biden administration.  

The Democrats began the first two years of  their 2021“mis-administration” with Joe’s deadly, criminally incompetent and chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. That embarrassing and awful episode has now been unbelievably capped, just before mid-term elections, with the equally disastrous debilitating fiasco of “Nancy in Taiwan”.  In between these two capstone events,  we Americans have been forced to  experience all the other  sundry incompetence, improvident and imprudent acts and bad news which are listed below.   

1. An impotent and costly Biden “green agenda” having absolutely no likelihood of producing a decline in world CO2 levels, but which predictably resulted in raging high fuel prices here at home (and abroad).  Let’s not forget Biden’s  absolute stupidity of wasting our strategic oil reserve by dumping oil on the open market to increase market availability  and slightly decrease its price (at higher cost to us) , when we could have simply continued producing oil from our domestic oil wells. The more than 200 million barrels of strategic oil ($20 billion dollars worth)  will eventually have to be returned and paid for. 

2. This was followed by the completely avoidable and unnecessary Biden-Zelenskyi continuing proxy War in Ukraine which Biden instigated and which generates food scarcity, disruptions in fuel delivery and economic chaos in Europe.  The Chinese too, now rightly claim that the war was “instigated by the Biden Administration”) 

3. Biden’s unworkable but self harming anti Russian sanctions policy caused more sky-high world fuel and food prices and instigated further costly inflation and food shortages. Biden’s acts of unimagined incompetence are not confined to the USA, but causes world suffering too. 

4. At home,Biden’s silent acceptance and encouragement of “Defund the Police” policies resulted in unprecedented  surges of crime and violence all across the nation. 

5. On the border, Biden studiously ignored the crisis he created at our southern border, terming his “open border” policies “more humane”, but these policies empowered and enriched vicious, murdering Mexican drug and human trafficker gangs and caused an unprecedented and continuing surge of millions of illegal economic immigrants into the USA.  

6. We were all disturbed to learn that our own government was complicit in 

facilitating the human traffickers who abuse and overcharge their human cargo, then, when paid up, they turn over these unfortunates to Biden officials who secretly fly them off in the dead of night to inner “sanctuary cities” where they clog up the homeless shelters and create financial problems for big city mayors.  

7. To close out their near two years of “crisis-following-crisis” Nancy Pelosi and her Democrats supporters  caused a near nuclear standoff in Taiwan, which erupted  when Ms Pelosi impetuously decided to cap her overly long and well-paying career with a final self aggrandizing send off in Asia (accompanied by her millionaire Asia-entrepreneur-son) .  She ignored the warnings of the Chinese, and gave Premier Xi the finger, as she landed on that island. The resulting massive military response from the Chinese and the political fall out was an unprecedented political disaster and embarrassment for the USA—equal to or greater than that of Afghanistan for Joe’s team.  The fiasco in Taiwan  shredded any lingering assurances that the US would ever really support Taiwan in its military need.  Under Joe and Nancy the USA has  blown its reputation and is seen as a paper tiger.  Our response in Taiwan did not go unnoticed, as many of our formerly trusting allies in the Far East looked on in disbelief. They nodded in sad agreement at our impotence and stupidity.  The Chinese have won this round. After this fiasco, they strengthened their position regarding Taiwan, and closed down military and environmental cooperation and contacts with the USA. In regard to Russia, they will now more openly cooperate with that nation to upend policy in Europe.  And as evidence of the “Nancy” effect they now characterize Biden’s War in Ukraine as “instigated by the USA”. 

So we can finally understand why the term  “loose cannon” has been applied to both Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi. But to fully understand the aphorism you must know just what a “loose cannon” is.

“Loose cannon”!  was a fearful warning cry inthe 18th Century, during the age of sail.  when British and American ‘ships of the line’, fought sea battles armed with muzzle loading, cast-iron cannons. Most often these armaments  were sited on crowded, low-ceilinged “gun decks” where they were located opposite a line of openings in the hull called “gun ports” located just above the water line. Each cannon was mounted on a stout wooden rolling carriage, which permitted it to be rolled  in toward the center of the ship, so as to provide access  the cannon’s muzzle, which was charged with gunpowder and cast iron  ball shot. Once loaded, the cannon was rolled out into the port hole to be aimed at at an  enemy ship and fired. Rows of twenty or more cannon, were sited on the gun deck lined up at their port holes on each side of the ship. Each cannon needed a five man crew to load and fire it. It took an experienced crew only five minutes  to load and fire each piece two to three times, during a a barrage or “broadside”. During a battle at sea. the gun deck was a moving, swaying, wet and slippery surface cluttered with explosions of recoiling cannons, racing gun crews. running men and boys, smoke, and noise.  There was considerable danger to the crew, moving about on the rolling deck. When the cannon fired, the heavy recoil caused the entire gun-carriage to jump back from the porthole and all hands had to stay clear.  

Accidents and catastrophe occurred commonly. The gun decks were often the prime targets of enemy ships. The impact of  an 18 pound cast iron cannon ball from enemy ship could crash through the hull a wooden ship to cause certain death and destruction.. But sometimes too, errors and mistakes such as over loading the cannon with gunpowder or improper handling  could cause the too powerful recoil to shatter metal bindings which held the cannon to the carriage.  The result was a loose, hot, still smoking, ten-foot long, two-ton cylinder of cast iron, tumbling around on the gun deck, colliding into other cannon crews…killing and maiming as it careened and smashed its way across the slippery, blood and water soaked gun deck.  

The cry of “loose cannon!” was a deadly fearful, shipboard warning.

It should be obvious now why we fear our own US “loose cannons”. Like their cast iron metaphors  they produce unpredictable, random, physical pain, fear, death and destruction—but  their impact is not confined to the old gun decks but our nation and world at large.   

And we hope dearly that our nation’s soon to be activity at the ballot box will finally end the Biden crisis and permit us to return to an America that works again.            

Saturday, August 6, 2022


Saturday, August 6, 2022

Big spender Democrats will instead of winning accolades for these unwise bursts of unprecedented deficit spending will be punished at the polls for creating even more of the hated inflation which is the root of their present unpopularity. 

The so called  “Inflation Reduction Act” is being voted on in the Senate today as I write.  It is likely to pass —but not on merit.  Republicans have only 50 votes—Dems have 50, plus the vote of VP Harris. The misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act” is a hodgepodge of spending designed to insure that the Democrats have something to brag about to voters in November.  They desperately need it.   For Joe has made an unprecedented, horrible mess of his first two years. 

As recession and a two front Cold War looms over the nation, President Biden’s populaity polls are down in the low 30s and for good reason.  Our southern border is awash with illegal immigrants and has become “the Biden open freeway” for Mexican drug and human traffickers. Our major cities are cesspools of crime, violence and racial discord.  Gasoline prices are still almost two dollars above what they were in the previous administration. Inflation at 9.1% is at a level not seen in 40 years.  The President has made a mess of foreign affairs by generating the inflationary spiral he is now so desperate to reduce.  He single-handedly cut the supply of domestic fossil fuel as a sop to the “green wing” of his party and in doing so generated sky high gasoline prices and domestic inflation. Then he turned to the foreign sphere where he instituted unwise sanctions and a foreign policy that helped create a world-shattering, unprecedented economic disaster and a dangerous two front Cold War—with both nuclear armed Russia AND China.

At home, President Biden has spent our hard earned tax money like a drunken sailor on shore leave.  Joe has already passed and signed the unprecedented, unwise and inflation-generating  $1.9 trillion Covid Relief Bill, (or American Rescue Plan) as well as the  $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Bill.  If the Senate passes the IRA (Inflation Reduction Act) it would add an additional  $733 billion ($0.733 trillion) dollars to the existing $3.1 trillion already spent. That would total up to $3.8 trillion dollars, or almost $4 trillion dollars, in additional Biden inflationary spending.   

Just for background information you should know that the US tax revenue expected for 2022 is $4.2 trillion dollars. This amount is Uncle Joe’s (and ours) only income.   

But out of this amount President Joe is constrained to pay : $4.0 trillion for mandatory expenses (social security, health care, military etc.), as well as @0.3 trillion for interest on our debt, and Joe budgeted an additional @ $2 trillion dollars of “discretionary spending”.    Thus even before Uncle Joe’s recent spending spree— the amount he has already spent is a whopping  $6.3 trillion dollars.  We can not pay this amount, with only $4.2 trillion in income.    President Biden, began his term with a deficit of $2.1 trillion dollars we do not have.  These funds must be borrowed from someone or somewhere and then will be added to our national debt (so far above $31 trillion) and will increase our burden of interest on debt. 

The President and his team (and Congress) have now added to the 2022 deficit of $2.1 trillion dollars an additional $3.8 trillion dollars of new spending (this over ten years)— a huge amount we have no hope to cover.

So what does this new $733 billion dollar ($0.733 trillion dollars) Inflation Reduction Act do?  Does it reduce inflation?  Hardly. It taxes corporations, makes drugs and health care more affordable, and fights climate change.  None of this will reduce inflation. 

The bill slates about $433 billion dollars of the total for new spending on renewable energy and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the rest of the funds are slated to extend health care subsidies to Medicare recipients, for payouts which would have expired next year.  Other funds go to a program that will reduce prescription drug prices by permitting Medicare to bargain with pharmaceutical companies to lower prices.  And more money is spent on the IRS to catch tax cheaters. It also places a 15% tax on large corporations.  

Inflation is the economic consequence of too much money chasing too few goods, products or commodities. To reduce inflation a government  must either increase goods, product or commodity availability,  or decrease the amount of money circulating in the hands of purchasers.  However, the Biden team started out on the wrong foot—by putting  trillions of dollars into the hands of the nation’s consumers with its ($1.9 trillion dollars) American Rescue Plan.  This was sure way to generate inflation—it worked.  The Inflation Reduction Act (regardless of its misleading title) will simply add to that problem—not solve it.  It will exacerbate the inflation by increasing the amount of inflated (cheap) dollars already circulating in the monetary system. 

Reducing the costs of drugs is certainly desirable, but in effect, any decrease in costs simply frees up more cash from consumers to purchase other products many of which are in short supply, with the result of generating more demand and more inflation.  Extending healthcare subsidies, will add to the dollars in the hands of consumers and as desirable as that may seem, will only increase inflation, and further reduce the buying power of the already inflated dollars these recipients of government largess have at hand. 

By increasing a tax burden on certain corporations, the IRA can be seen to increase inflation by either reducing the availability or the quantity of product these corporation produce, (thus stimulating inflation) or making those products more expensive as a result of the fact that these targeted corporations  will likely pass on the increase costs of production to consumers. 

President Biden and big spender Democrats will instead of winning accolades for these unwise bursts of unprecedented deficit spending will be punished at the polls for creating even more of the hated inflation which is the root of their present unpopularity. 

Uncle Joe (and his irresponsible, sparse majority in Congress) can’t seem to get anything right.  From his first domestic acts on fossil fuels which set the stage for high gas prices in the USA, to the chaos of Afghanistan, the horror of Ukraine in Central Europe, and to the disaster of Taiwan in the East Pacific—Biden is not only a threat to the well being of the USA but threatens the world at large with economic and even perhaps nuclear disaster.    

Friday, August 5, 2022



In a matter of only several months the Biden team has altered the nation and the world —all for the worse. 

It’s difficult to comprehend the sea change we have experienced as a nation in the last 18 months of the Biden Administration.  From a wealthy, confident, peaceful nation we have fallen over the “Biden cliff” into a netherworld of economic peril, soaring inflation, recession, domestic crime surge, fear, racial discord, disaster, disease, and now a Cold War on two fronts.  

Beginning with the chaotic abandonment of our outposts in Afghanistan which left that nation to return to its terrorist past, events have gone downhill very fast.  In Afghanistan the secret return of Al Qaida operatives to Kabul was confirmed with a the recent attack by US hellfire drone strike on a senior al Qaida operative living in a suburb of Kabul. But this attack was touted by the Biden team as a military “success” rather than an indictment of the chaotic Biden retreat from Kabul and the undesirable aftermath of that operation—the return of al Qaida .    

Now most recently, the Biden team has almost singlehandedly  opened up a dangerous and unprecedented two front Cold War with both China and Russia. In the Ukraine,  Biden miscalculated and helped precipitate a terrible, costly and ongoing war, which has morphed into an economic and trade disaster for Europe and the USA and will clearly end badly for all.  In China, (for some unknown reason) Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi decided to make an inadvisable and widely criticized visit to the island nation of Taiwan, (considered by the Chinese as a breakaway part of China). Her headstrong act has been very costly in wasted energy, US political losses, embarrassment for the USA which revealed again just how incompetent the Biden team is  and-the stirring up Chinese vitriol and a military response to her visit which has set back Taiwan and peaceful cooperation in the east Pacific rim and has the potential to tip over into a military conflagration. US-Chinese relations have been set back decades.  The world has become more dangerous overnight and  brought closer to a nuclear exchange than it has been in fifty years. 

Add to these disasters that our southern border is a crisis zone as millions of unvetted illegals (or in Biden speech “undocumented immigrants” ) surge across the border unimpeded.  These mostly economic migrants and  illegal entrants are almost all clients of the Mexican drug and human trafficking cartels which have taken advantage of the Biden open border policy to generate a lucrative source of income for Mexican drug dealers and human traffickers. But our open southern border poses an even greater  threat to our security than its cheap and deadly drugs and surges of illegals.  Opening two 

Cold Wars has destabilized the entire world. Biden has simply multiplied our foreign enemies as he leaves us vulnerable to attack from our southern border.  Recent US drone strikes in Afghanistan and the killing a top al Qaida leader, will likely engender a violent terrorist response.  But where?   How long will it be before al Qaida operatives, in an effort for revenge, enter our heartland through the wide open southern border the Biden team persists in keeping open?


Biden has been wholly responsible for  this last “annus horribilis”.  A short period of time when awful decision made in DC  has caused national and world events to go from bad to worse and our fortunes sink to ever deeper depths.  The “dangerous Democrats” have been in charge.  

What will they do next?  Pass a $700 billion dollar “inflation control” bill that will just cause more inflation?  

Time for a change…

Thursday, August 4, 2022



The plague affecting the USA today…is not a corona virus. This microbe has not wafted out of some virology lab in central China. It is home-made here in the USA.  It is the pernicious, debilitating  racist idea written as the acronym “DEI” (Diversity, Equity Inclusion ). The embrace of DEI abandons the principle of giving precedence to free competition, blind to race and gender, which raises the best to the top positions .  An idea which created a nation without peer or equal in economic, academic, political and military ascendency  for the last two hundred years.   But today the misguided acceptance of DEI is spreading its insidious symptoms  through the national body, weakening it. Like other plagues, its end result is a national wasting, economic and social decline, and slow demise with eventual fall from power.  

The idea is obviously unconstitutional —it prioritizes one group of citizens over another, it focuses on insignificant personal elements such as concentration of sub-dermal melanin, gender, and personal sexual preferences— while it ignores or underplays the significance and essentials of ambition, experience, ability, and effectiveness—how a person functions and produces or fails to produce in some specific position.  

What does DEI do?  In its worst form it attempts to inform all decision-making processes in government, in industry, in medicine, academia, and now in the military.  Based on the obvious —it leads to decline of the infected organizations. The nation has entered the “DEI red zone” during the last two years. The pernicious signs of DEI infection are nearly ubiquitous. Evidences of this disease are rampant in schools, universities, professional organizations, banking, businesses, even the US military.  These infected organizations act as centers of metastasis, spreading the corruption though the nation’s media, its entertainment industry and it academy and its government—weakening the economy and the body politic.   And there is no vaccine…except common sense.  But that is in short supply in those infected, and the super spreaders in the halls of Congress, the legacy media, academia, the military and elsewhere.

When organizations make decisions informed by DEI principles they must as a matter of statistics, mutual exclusion, and effective decision-making—ignore the competing process that leads to efficiency, success and excellence.  In any organization, the decision-making process involves selecting leadership among human alternatives.  These decisions must reflect an organization’s objectives to be achieved.  If those objectives are competency efficiency and effectiveness the selected human alternatives must reflect those objectives.  If the objectives are other than those.  If they are informed by DEI — these EEC objectives (efficiency, effective and competency) are downplayed or  ignored—while  the other insignificant factors such as subdermal melanin content, sexual orientation, and gender are prioritized.  What are the necessary results?  Declining effectiveness, lowered efficiency and loss—loss of business, clients, profits, social harmony, and military effectiveness—-and loss of battles, and wars. 

One has only to view the incompetency of the Biden Administration—formulated and composed on the basis of adherence to DEI principles in decisions to populate its administrative posts.  By prioritizing DEI  and intentionally focusing on making its Administration allegedly to—“look like America”.   

Sadly Biden’s Administration does mirror one view of America—-America as a failure.


In 2022 our nation faces an uncertain future, in a dangerous world and in times when our competitors and existential enemies Russia and China ignore equity, inclusion and diversity and focus only on EEC in populating the ranks of  their leaders, their academics, engineers, medical personnel, and critically their military personnel. 

 The Chinese and Russians  are only concerned with winning and they know that to achieve that goal they  must prioritize efficiency, competence and effectiveness.   

DEI is a loser strategy.