Wednesday, August 17, 2022


 Good Riddance Liz Cheney

The passing of Liz Cheney from the political scene is a welcomed event. Today, she lost a Trump-engineered primary in a landslide and now thankfully she descends into well deserved obscurity.  

Wyoming residents must be cheering.  Cheney was no longer a functioning representative of that state.  Two years ago she lost her wits, and went off the rails obsessed with Trump-hatred-dementia (THD). She simply ignored her duties and constituent’s needs and desires. No longer functioning as a representative of the people, she understandably lost the election (40% down) to her Trump supported opponent. .  Democracy  works— she lost her Congressional seat.   It was ludicrous to hear her claim. as she limped away from the podium as a massive loser, that she will rise again as a “presidential” candidate. 

She is no heroine, or martyr for patriotism,  as she is portrayed in the left wing media, but simply a self-serving genetic remnant of Old Guard Republicans.  Like other progeny of the former elites of politics the Bidens, Pelosis, Kerrys, Bushes, and McCains and others, she leveraged her family name into a lucrative (short) political career. 

 Like her father,  she was an expert at using government position to feather one’s own nest.   But Cheney’s THD is responsible for her demise.  She foolishly burned her bridges on the right, and of course no one really wanted her on the left.  They were only using her.   

Hoping to become part of the anti Trump vanguard she voted to impeach Trump. Then she foolishly permitted Pelosi to use her as a phony “Republican” set-piece on the January 6th, kangaroo court, Pelosi established, not to seek truth or justice, (no Republicans were permitted to cross examine witnesses) but only to create a political theater to drum up support for the Dems and weaken and demean that party’s legion of political opponents.  

Thankfully,  Cheney is the last of the vicious Republican Old Guard —the post WWII,  evil doers of the Bush, Cheney, McCain-wing of the old GOP.  Some on the left are attempting to resurrect these awful leaders.  One wonders why? 

What did the old GOP do? What did they stand for?  Nothing good came from them for the nation. These folks worked mostly for themselves!  The old “Bush Cheney McCain” GOP was a political club  that  supported “national security interests”, (another name for the weapons manufacturers, and the war mongers in Congress who supported them, and took their lavish donations.  This old GOP were also supportive of  “big international businesses, and banking interests”.   These are the criminals that hollowed out our middle class by selling off our domestic industries to Mexico and China.  They  stripped our middle class of good jobs, sent entire manufactures overseas, started wars all over the globe and sent our young men and women into these conflicts where too often they sacrificed their young lives.  

Dick Cheney made millions feeding contracts to  Halliburton where he served as CEO, and then as Bush jr’s VP he supported the falsehood of Iraqi “weapons of mass destruction” to force us into a quagmire war, that sacrificed thousands of our men and women.  As VP it is claimed he fed lucrative contracts to Halliburton spin off companies which made “war fighting” just another form of big business that netted that company and its former CEO billions upon billions. 

The Democrats, who supported Cheney in her last campaign with huge funding and media support are winging and whining along with the remnants of these former malfeasant crowd . But what  for?  We should all be happy to see the end of this group. 

Let’s hope we do not establish any more “dynasties” ..  that’s for the Britain, the nation fought so hard to depart from. .  

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