Sunday, October 20, 2019



What happened after Joe Biden got the Ukrainian prosecutor fired for “lack of aggressiveness in prosecuting corruption”?   Biden’s son Hunter continued on in his no show, no experience or knowledge-needed, $60 grand per month  “job” for another five years, netting him about $3 million dollars. Joe gets prosecutor fired—Hunter keeps sinecure job for five years.  

The seemingly complex story of the Hunter Biden Scandal has become so twisted with claims and counter claims making it difficult to understand or unravel.   But the Biden scandal  has become a “third rail” for the main stream media a group which has conspired to act in concert by prefacing every comment with the mantra “there is no evidence of wrong doing” or Trump’s “false charges of wrongdoing ” to avoid publicizing anything that might give benefit to President Trump.  There is no interest it seems to actually find the truth. Thus the voters are rightly perplexed and confused  and can not be sure who is right or wrong.

However the undisputed facts are clear— former VP Joe Biden, while acting as “point  man “ for President Obama on the Ukraine situation ...traveled to that nation with a large aid grant in hand and a difficult decision to make.  Biden held  a $1 billion dollar grant-in-aid to the Ukraine government. It gave him enormous leverage over their actions.   At a later time, Biden openly stated  (no he bragged) that in 2014 he used that leverage to force the Ukrainian government to fire the Ukrainian national prosecutor (Mr. Sorkin) who was investigating a large natural gas company: Burisma Holdings.   Biden may not have had in depth discussions with his son regarding his work for Burisma—but one can be fairly certain (from later statements) he was well aware that son Hunter was employed as a board member of that company, drawing  between  $50-60,000 dollars per month as a salary.

There are two competing scenarios to this story:

Hypothesis 1.  The Republicans argue that Biden acted unethically (an perhaps illegally) in holding back the release of the grant money until the  Ukrainians fired the prosecutor (Sorkin) who was investigating a Ukrainian company (Burisma Holdings) for corruption.  The claim that Joe Biden used  the power of his government position and  control of the grant money to protect the  company of a potentially damaging and costly investigation,  and in the process advance the financial position of his family and for personal gain, and to  save the lucrative no-show job his son Hunter held with this company . 

Hypothesis 2. The Democrats and Joe Biden argue that although the VP did in fact coerce the Ukrainians to fire  the prosecutor Sorkin by holding up the US grant money (a clear “quid pro quo”) but that he did so only because the prosecutor Sorkin was not aggressive enough in his pursuit of corruption.  Biden claims he was acting at the behest of others who complained about Sorkin “looking the other way” when it came to Burisma.  (PS: An affidavit signed by Sorkin states categorically that he was forced out  of his job expressly because he was investigating Burisma and getting too close.)

But no one seems to ask the obvious question.  What happened after the prosecutor Sorkin was fired?  If Biden did indeed get the prosecutor fired for not being aggressive enough in pursuit of corruption at Burisma, what was the result of his actions?  Did the investigation into Burisma continue?  Did Hunter lose his position?  Or did the company go right on with its corrupt practices?   You got it—nothing happened—Sorkin was fired and no further investigations of Burisma took place. Hunter Biden’s job was safe for another five years.  

The fact is that the results of Joe Biden’s  actions did not result in further or more rigorous  INVESTIGATION INTO CORRUPTION as Biden claims was his goal.    No,  the result of Joe Biden’s forced retirement of Sorkin the prosecutor was that the investigation into Burisma was terminated and Hunter Biden continued drawing a monthly salary of $50,000 per month.  He continued to draw that salary (for almost  five years (@ 5 x 12 x $50,000 = @$3,000,000 ) until  2019 when he became too much of liability and embarrassment to his father.
 When he claims to have left the company

If Biden was ever elected President, imagine what a field day Hunter would have and what funds  he might rake in.  He might even become a billionaire like the Clintons who are masters at this scam. 

The result?  Hypothesis 1 is negated and Hypothesis 2 posited.  
That is all you need to know to understand the scandal. 

The guys down at Rilely’s Pub when hearing a summary of this piece all had a comment.  But Jackson Simms  the local carpenter’s  was the best   “What a great gig . A no show job, no need to travel to far off Ukraine, no need to know anything about the natural gas business, don’t have to speak Ukrainian so no special language skills. Jut sit back and collect a year’s worth of salary I work my ass off for every month. 

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