Thursday, July 20, 2017



Trump has made good on another campaign promise.  During the 2916 campaign candidate Trump made clear that he was not a neocon foreign interventionist.  He was going to focus on making America great again---not frittering away our wealth and the life blood of our young men and women on foreign wars which cost us dearly and gained us nothing.   As a consequence, he was attacked and vilified by the foreign policy establishment--dominated by George Bush-Obama holdovers  and neocons like the Karan's, Kristols, Max Boot and Paul Wolfowitz. These are the "intellectuals"  who were always eager send US men and women to fight  any and every where in the world.  And these tough talking men were right there offering  to hold our coats while they made decisions to which battlefields to send our kids.  While their offspring were safely ensconced in some ivy-league college--ours were trading lead with sandaled jihadists in the desert.  The Obama appointed  heads of the CIA, FBI, NSA and similar federal organizations were and remain dominated by  these holdovers from the past and our disastrous foreign policy blunders.  They were mightily opposed to Trump's common sense plans for an American-centered foreign policy--- and for Syria.  These types have made Trump's first six months very difficult.  But Trump is forging ahead...continuing to make good on the promises.

I read today (July 19, 2017) in Aljazeera,  that President Trump has ended the CIA program to arm and train anti-Assad forces in Syria.  This important story was not available elsewhere in the mainstream media....where the focus is constantly on innuendo shaded to cast a negative pall over our President  Trump. In the  last few days these media outlets of shaded news have zoned in on another"secret" meeting between Trump and Putin. This encounter  was apparently held for a brief few minutes table-side among a crowd of other diners at the table where Mrs Trump (the FLOTUS) was seated next to Mr. Vladimir Putin--since they both speak German.

The now defunct and dumb Obama-CIA program which must have cost our taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars was supposed to train "moderate" rebel forces to fight against the Syrian (Assad) Army.  The so-called trainees and fighters were mostly rag tag radicals, many of whom  were part of other terrorist factions  They often took the weapons and cash supplied by the CIA and skipped off to join the ISIL forces.  The program was not a success.  Early on it served only to extend the carnage of the civil war--while Obama and Clinton hypocritically wrung their hands over the "loss of Syrian lives" they were contributing to.    The CIA program probably weighed heavily in the Russian decision to intervene in Syria .  Of those so called "moderate" terrorists trained and paid with US cash  which did not defect to ISIL, the remainder wound up in Aleppo...were they were mostly decimated when the Russian supported Syrian Army swept through that city.  

In this decision Mr. Trump has upended another ill-conceived Obama era program.

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