Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Last week I cringed as I watched the early Republican debates on TV. What has happened to the Grand Old Party, the party of Lincoln, Eisenhower, Nixon and yes even Reagan? The shades of those earlier GOP presidents must be sitting up in their tombs, with quizzical expressions on their faces, mumbling “Did I hear that right?”. There is no line, ever so contorted, which seems able to connect the policies of these past leaders to this new crop of hopefuls.

Here’s what I gather from listening to these men (and one woman) who represent modern-day Republicanism.

Today Republicans have no use at all for government. They have taken Reagan’s plea for smaller government to a ”reductio ad absurdum” conclusion.

They would either throttle Ben Bernanke, (Chairman of the Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System) or threaten him as “treasonous”. The FED is supposed to be a body which is indepenedent of government intervention, tasked with promoting the objectives of maximum employment, stable prices and moderate long-term interest rates. Bernanke’s past use of “quantitative easing” (QE) is one way of stimulating the economy by increasing money in the system. In effect, decreasing the value of the dollar (inflation) so as to undermine the great overhang of debt that is stifling public demand and spending. Of course, the “rentier” class of oligarchs who favor and support the Republicans are not in favor of even minor increases in inflation, since that would mean that they are paid back in dollars which have a slightly lower value than what they had invested. So all the Republican candidates would have the FED focus its policies only on what favors the rich. They want Bernanke to just keep inflation low and ignore the task of promoting maximum employment. To sustain that goal, they have not shirked from actual threats against the Chairman, such Rick Perry's comment about “getting ugly” with Bernanke were he to increase inflation.

They are opposed to almost all government spending and all taxation--for the rich. They would “broaden and flatten the tax base” meaning that the wealthy (so called “job generators”) would continue to have low taxes and those in the bottom half of income distribution would pay more in taxes. But there is no evidence at all that over the last decades, when wealth has been concentrated in the hands of the wealthy, that the rich have used those resources to generate jobs. Jobs have decreased steadily for the middle and working classes over those years, while money has concentrated steadily in the coffers of the wealthy. The Republicans of today steadfastly ignore the fact that wealth in this country has been more and more concentrated in the upper levels of income classes, so that today the top 20% of income earners control 80% of the nation’s wealth, leaving the lower 80% of the population to squabble over the remaining 20%. (In another view, the top 1% control 40% of the nation’s wealth--leaving the lower 99% only 60% of the “pie”.) The Republicans continue to repeat the inaccurate claim that “50% of the population pay no taxes at all”. This is a distortion and a lie. Those at the bottom who pay little or no income taxes are the working poor, (those below the poverty level), the indigent, very poor, or disabled. Can you get blood from a stone? However, all these low tax payers all pay state and local taxes, sales taxes, gasoline taxes, et cetera. These flat rate taxes are less just since they cut more deeply into the pocketbooks of the poor than of the wealthy. In regard to the working and middle class tax payers they pay a greater proportion of their income on taxes than the wealthy classes (who are most often taxed at the 15% capital-gains rate), while salaried workers, pay social security, payroll taxes and are hit with income taxes at a rate of 30-35%. Thus the working and middle classes are the ones who pay the most--yet they are the ones who stupidly support the Republican candidates the most avidly. Are they stupid or simply less informed?

Today's Republicans are all anti-environment, favoring quick profits for (their business clients) the exploiters of our water, air, forests, wildlife and mineral resources over the wise, clean, and long-term, multi-generational use of these resources. They would all hobble our government environment-protection agencies and pack them with business advocates so to undermine their regulatory function as watchmen over these resources. I need not state here—but I can not contain the urge—that such behavior in the former G.W Bush administration (but which continued into the Obama administration) led to the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

This crop of Republicans are all anti-science. They are unwilling or unable to distinguish between political and religious dogma and scientific fact. They would take us back in time and logical processes to before Francis Bacon’s Novum Organum in 1620 where Bacon outlines the syllogism of scientific reasoning, and before Galileo who in 1632 questioned the authority of Aristotle and the Church. Their thinking is at a pre-Gallileo “pseudo science” level where religious dogma controlled what a scientist could think, rather than what logic dictated.

New Republicans are all opposed to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security and would either shrink these popular programs to a near-ineffectual status, or do away with them all-together. They love to attack Social Security (some call it a "Ponzi scheme") which is a government run, pay-as-you-go-insurance system. It is not in trouble. I recall well all that big chunk of money withdrawn from my meager monthly checks. Amounts that I could have used to better feed and house my family. Each social security recipient paid for what he or she gets. The only reforms which are needed (and not until 2030s) are minor adjustments to future payments and withdrawls. Just leave SS alone. It works.

What all the current crop of Republicans should be looking at and which they all ignore is military spending, which has gone through the roof. Military spending eats up more than one third of the federal budget. What do we get for it? We have no existential threats out there. The Russians and Chinese are our friends now. The few hundred al Qaieda running around in Afghanistan and the borderlands of Pakistan in sandals and rags on their heads are not an existential threat to our nation, and their threat certainly does not justify an expenditure over more than $600 billion dollars annually in "defense spending". Why do we spend more on our military than all the other nations in the world combined? To believe that it is for defense is silly. Why do we need a $400 billion dollar compound the size of the Vatican in Iraq? Or the vast military and naval base we have made out of the nation of Japan? Why is Germany such a huge hole in the ground for our military dollars? Ask that same question for nearly a thousand US military intallations around the world. There are no justifiable reasons for such expenditures when we are laying off teachers, librarians, firemen and policemen here at home and when more than 16 million of our citizens are either under-employed or idle. But no Republicans care. They would like to undermine the middle class and pick their pockets for taxes before they would even talk about military spending.

They are all in favor of “old-time Christian values” as well as “freedom” and “personal responsibility” and yet forget the explicit commands of the Good Book (to which they all seem to give excessive fealty) to give succor to your neighbor, as they vote to remove or defund government programs to aid people who have for some reason or other, bad luck, accident or poor decisions find themselves poor, sick, disabled or destitute.

They are all for "privacy" but not in the bedroom where they are concerned what goes on in there.

They are pro-life to a man (and woman) for the unborn. And they ignore the right of women to determine their own reporductive future. Yet they are pro-death and perfectly happy to kill off adults (the elderly and children too) particularly individuals of other cultural and religious backgrounds, often these are muslims and of a deeper-brown skin-shade who succumb to aerial bombs, drone strikes, or other means, if these brown people have the audacity to oppose US interventionism, expansionism, exploitation and occupation of their lands. They favor taking the lives of adults incarcerated for violent crimes by legal executions too, either by electrocution or lethal injection.

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