Sunday, November 13, 2011



I read yesterday (November 12, 2011) of a strange but interesting low-level occurrence of radioactive Iodine 131 detected in several central European nations. Reports came from Poland, Austria, Czech Republic and today (November 13) Hungary was added to the list. The isotopes were detected in the air, were minimal and non-life threatening according to the various nation's atomic monitoring organizations. But the cause and origin remain unknown. One report tried to blame the occurrence on leakage from area hospitals, or even more unlikely, on the patients themselves who were treated with Iodine 131 and then exude these isotopes in their breath and body fluids! That sounded far out. Most recently, the origin was attributed to a Pakistan nuclear power plant at which a leak occurred on October 19th of this year (Though half life of Iodine 131 indicates such a leak would no longer be detectable). The plant was pointed at as the culprit. But some further research indicated that the radioactive hot water leak remained within the power plant. Even if it had escaped it would have, if anything, released radioactive tritium, but not Iodine. Iodine is released by a nuclear explosion, or the meltdown of the core of a nuclear power plant, such as what happened at Chernobyl, or more recently in March of this year, at the Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant in Japan.

The geographic location of the countries reporting Iodine 131 in their air, the general east to west drift of upper-air currents, as well as the pattern of the recent upper air jet streams suggest that Japan's Fukushima plant is the source of this pollution. Yes far away Japan. Today’s jet stream map does show a branch of the mid latitude jet with a distinct north to south branch in the upper air pattern. The minot branch moves south to curve down over Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Austria. Though the half-life of radioactive iodine is about eight days...the speed of the upper air currents could account for the low level concentration and pattern over these central European nations. So please stop blaming the Pakistanis. Pakistan lies far to the east of where this is being reported and the major air currents move toward Pakistan not from it! The general pattern suggests the Japanese. Why is this not being reported in Europe by the IAEA? Hummmm?

The story also points out how far reaching and potentially disastrous a nuclear melt-dowm like Fukushima is. It’s a world-wide problem and will remain so for as long as those nuclear cores are exposed to the air. The plant needs to be encased in a concrete sarcophagus as soon as possible.

Get the picture!

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