Thursday, August 23, 2012


The problem the Republicans have is that they ARE the party of the elite, the corporatists, the oligarchs, ---the one percenters. Their natural constituency represents only a very small component of the American electorate. To persuade the vast multitude that has no legitimate reason to vote for them is very difficult for a Republican. To be elected on a regular basis these folks have had to become polished liars, obfuscators, fine fabulists, determined dissemblers, and excellent equivocators. Many, like Mitt Romney, have a well developed ability to mold themselves into prevailing public opinions and perceptions, adhering to those which garner the most votes. And as well an ability, amoeba like, to assume varying shapes and forms as needs arise. Others, like Paul Ryan have developed extraordinary facial muscular controls which permit them to speak from one side of their mouth to their constituents, and out of the other side to their financial backers, lobbyists and colleagues in Washington--with none of their home constituents aware of this ability.

Todd Aiken's problem is that he is simply too naive and honest. He actually believes what he stated about rape, which he termed "legitimate" rape. In Aiken's "legitimate rape", as opposed to non-legitimate rape, a woman's body somehow rejects the rapist's sperm and is protected from pregnancy. Thus, it follows, such victimized women, in Aiken's world should NOT be allowed to pass through the big "rape loophole" in the Federal ACA law. (Perhaps Aiken meant to use a term coined by felllow Congressman Paul Ryan. Ryan's term for this situation is "forcible rape". Though for the life of me I do not know what that term signifies. Is it analogous to "lethal murder"?) Let's be clear, Aiken simply spoke frankly, restating what the modern-day Republican Party actually believes, and has incorporated into their Party Platform, and what they say to each other in their closed door meetings. Aiken's mistake was that he missed that essential "other" meeting where Republican communication experts went over details on how to lie convincingly and obfuscate.

The people who actually benefit from the Todd Aiken fiasco are the rest of us--the voters--who have been granted a little window into the actual thinking of the present day Republicans.

Get the picture?


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