Wednesday, August 13, 2014



In a revealing interview for the Atlantic, this last week, (Jeffrey Goldberg, August 10, 2014) Mrs. Hillary Clinton, attacked her erstwhile friend and former boss, President Obama, by dissing his careful foreign policy approach ("don't do stupid stuff").  She also pointed a crooked Clintonian finger at the President, claiming that it is Obama's fault that Islamic State (or ISIS) arose in western Syria and expanded into the seeming formidable force now raging through northern Iraq. The hutzpah, and gracelessness of the attack as well  as the fact that she had earlier been quoted widely as "fully on board" with Obama's Syria policy make it all the more disturbing and distressing to observe in a likely presidential candidate. But then again this is a "Clinton" we are talking about, past masters of deception, opportunism and calculation.

Equally distressing was her "beyond the pale" remarks on the gruesome and disproportionate  attack by Israel on Gaza where Israeli bombardment has killed more than 1800 Palestinians mostly civilians, trapped in what is essentially an outdoor prison camp.  Apparently Mrs. her husband...will say or do anything for a buck.  In this case she is vying for the bucks of wealthy Americans whose favor she is attempting to curry with her far-out statements of support for the Israeli extreme right...such as the one-issue Sheldon Adelsons of this nation.

On Gaza, Mrs Clinton got so far into bed with with the dour and blood-stained Mr. Netanyahu and his far right Likudnics that--were her husband,Bubba, not so  deeply involved with his string of regular squeezes--her bed-jumping might be a cause for jealous spousal rage.  In her Gaza remarks Hillary snuggled so close to the Israeli extremists she left no space for a flea, between her and Bibbi's hairy legs.  Talk of Hillary being to the right, but these comments put her in the category of Dick Cheney and George Bush.   One worry for her supporters might be that she has gone so far into Israeli territory with this interview (she voiced full and vociferous support for every far out Israeli propaganda position, even claiming that the Israelis did not bomb that UN school where so many children were killed....but only its "annex") that she seems better positioned to run for a seat in the Knesset, rather than for US President .  I would also add that were I one of her targeted monied supporters, I would be mighty suspect about her sincerity and actual beliefs. She has famously made numerous 180 degree turns...on many issues and has a "complex relationship to the truth" (a well turned phrase attributed to C.C.W. Cooke of National Review).   But I guess that is all part of being in the money making racket, and "beneficiaries" of the $200 million dollar Clinton Foundation.  We should all recall that as the First Couple, Hill and Bill went into business for themselves by selling sleep-overs in the White House Lincoln bedroom to the highest bidder. Now they have risen to the level where they (and even daughter Chelsea) pull in $200,000 for a short speaking engagement.  Not counting the Clinton Foundation coffers, stuffed with hundreds of millions of donation  money, their personal wealth has soared into hundreds of millions of dollars.

If Ms Clinton's strategy in this interview was to clearly demarcate herself from the careful and considered FP approach of Mr. facilitate her ever-present and overarching goal--a Presidential run..she has over-shot her mark and will lose a vast number of America voters who are tired of the jangling of rowel spurs, and the bulging six-gun in a low-slung-holster-approach to foreign policy.   She made the same error in 2002, when as a  Senator she positioned herself with Bush and Cheney on the Iraq War Resolution attempting to establish with voters that she was not only smart, but was a street tough too.  But street toughs don't solve problems--they do "stupid stuff" that gets them into trouble. That's what she and 77 other US Senators did to push the country into a financial and military disaster.  That was then.  Our nation is now tired of attempting to solve our problems doing stupid stuff, and wiser too. We  learned our lesson.  Mrs. Clinton seems still unfazed, mired in the past, unable to see how our perceptions of Israel and old style tough guy foreign policy concepts have changed since the Great Recession, and as smart as she thinks she is, she hasn't learned that elementary lesson from so long ago.

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