Monday, April 4, 2016


Why support Trump?

American voters are used to going to the polls to pull a lever for a compromise. Too often we are faced with no real choice of policy change or alteration in the direction for our nation. We are forced to choose from among several less than ideal options. The American system is not a true democracy...or perhaps even a fair representative one. The recent circus-like events in both the Republican and Democrat nomination elections this season have exposed the ugly behind the scenes certainty of just how much our systems favors the super wealthy, the autocrats and oligarchs. Our founders did not favor us with a parliamentary system in which the voter has a better chance to elect a more representative government. So we often must just make do. This time, perhaps by lucky happenstance we do have actual options. Mr. Trump, though not an ideal candidate, still he provides us with a rare opportunity to change the course of government for the better.

How and why?

Trump is the non-politician that the founders may have envisioned as our representatives when they crafted our Constitution. He is perhaps the only candidate who actually has a record of achievement in the real world. He is demonstrably a successful businessman and multibillionaire. He has worked all his adult life at growing and managing a business empire. He comes with exceptional experience and skills in several areas which would stand him in good stead in both the Oval Office and in front of the TV cameras as a political leader.

Trump also "thinks out of the box". He sees problems as a businessman and has demonstrated a unique ability to craft novel solutions, unthinkable to Washington insiders. Our nation desperately needs such ability and expertise.

Most importantly,Trump gives us the opportunity to send a strong message to both parties that voters will no longer tolerate the massive and unwarranted influence of the mega donors in our elections and the evils of unlimited money in politics. Trump, who never fails to remind us that he is self-financing his campaign, is, as a result, not controlled by big money interests or the establishment types which are trained to beg for cash and take orders. He can and does "tell it like it is". He is the only one (along with Bernie Sanders) who can actually go to work in Washington for the average citizen, and give the middle finger to the Kochs, the Paul Singers and the Adelsons and their ilk, who in the past decades have had such a damaging effect on the political system and American policy, both foreign and domestic.

Trump, uncontrolled by the establishment and the megadonors, will place America, and the well being of the USA and it citizenry, in the forefront of his decision making. We can all agree that some "America First" thinking is needed in Washington. His foreign policy aims are to reduce our entanglements abroad. He will end our bloody, disastrous, expensive, self-defeating, neocon-inspired and supported adventures abroad in "unending wars" of the Middle East and elsewhere.

He sees NATO as useful but unfair to our citizens and a drain on our military and our economy. Why should the American taxpayer, who works harder, lives more frugally, and not as healthfully or as long as our German, Japanese and European allies, pay the lion's share for THIER defense expenses?

He favors renegotiating NAFTA and other trade agreements which have drained our nation of wealth and meaningful and well-paying jobs.

He favors strong border controls and limits on uncontrolled immigration which has held down middle class salaries and had devastating effects on jobs for middle and working class Americans.

He promises to "make America great again". That can only be accomplished, as Trump rightly states, by "bringing jobs back to America", and by revitalizing the middle class.

Cruz, the once "so called outsider", has somehow hypocritcally morphed into the new "establishment candidate". He is now the "Jeb Bush" candidate. Cruze along with Kasich, and Clinton would bring us only a return to the same old corrupt system of big money-megadonor-controlled, politics, foreign wars, and economic stagnation.

Think change, think of abandoning the disastrous policies of the the Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama-Bush regimes of the last decades. Unlike in recent past elections where voters could make only the meaningless choice between Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dum, this fall Donald Trump is giving us a real choice---make use of it.

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