Monday, November 6, 2017



Ms Donna Brazile, a DC journalist I always irked..until it was revealed that see purloined questions from her journalist colleagues to feed to Hillary Clinton prior to the Trump Clinton Presidential debate, has in part revised her reputation.

But Donna’s new book “Hacks” in which she reveals that extent of the Clinton take over of the party machinery and the blatant rigging of the Democrat Party nomination process to insure that Clinton was the winner...throws the Clintons, the Obamas, and others under the bus.  A wise move for a political party that must move on to survive.  I wish her well.  We need a viable two party system.

Clinton was the worst, most hated, most divisive candidate theDemocrats could have chosen.  Her long history of corruption, lies, and misdeeds all contributed to her loss.  No need to blame it on the Russians.  The weak and powerless DNC, and the aggressive, scheming  cash flush-Clintons who took over a national party to make it their own—who denied the nation a fair shot at a wide diversity of candidates and who practically insured the election of almost any Republican candidate—all made failure in font of the American voter inevitable...and contributed to the weakened state of our nation and both parties.

If George Bush 43 and the Clintons had never made it to the national scene I can not help but wonder—would we be in the parlous state we now find ourselves?

I think not.

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