Sunday, February 11, 2018


Mr Netanyahu does more disservice to Israeli reputation with his impossible-to-believe story of the Iranian drone that violated Israeli air space..triggering a massive response by the Israeli Air Force.  think thThe whole world knows the truth—-except for the American dummies who seem to always believe believe the blatant Israeli propaganda.

Israelis were again violating Syrian airspace when Syrian forces shot down an Israeli. F16 ——-inside Syria!  The pilot made it to the Israeli border where the plane crashed and the pilot made it safely to the ground.    But then for Israel to try to claim that it was Syrian aggression and —non existent Iranian drones violating Israeli airspace which were the so called impetus of this fiasco is just too much to swallow.   A little honesty and truth would go a lot further.  The story Netanyahu is peddling is so unbelievable it simply underscores all the other lies Netanyahu uses to hide blatant Israeli aggression.

What is needed is a bit more military balance in the Middle East. It does not advance  ME peace when there is only one bully in the ring who thinks he/she could do just anything with impunity—- then blame the victims!

When Americans understand this situation more clearly...there wil be a better possibility for peace.

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