Wednesday, March 21, 2018


The President made a pro forma call of congratulations to the President of Russia—on the eve of Putin’s electoral success.  The anti-Trump crowd were quick to attack the President about the call.  One Senator even stated: “ I wouldn’t talk to a criminal.”

The Presient was ablsolutely correct in keeping the lines of communication open to a powerful nuclear armed nation—one of our most powerful competitors—and one  with which we must deal with effectively.  President  Trump was right to call President Putin, as was former President Obama when he made a similar call.

The hypocrites in Washington who shoot off their mouths without thinking like Senator McCaine ( a bitter illogical and insistent critic of the President) are apparently supportive  with the President making plans to speak with Kim Jung Un of. North Korea, a real criminal and terrorist, but according o these “knee jerk” critics he must not speak to Mr. Putin with whom we have more potential problems and potential areas of cooperation.

Typical DC stupidity— and the reason Mr. Trump was elected.

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