Tuesday, April 24, 2018



The USA has a hatred for Iran.  Perhaps it is because Iran as it exists today is a constant reminder of our failed foreign policies in that region.  After all in 1953 our CIA instigated the assassination of a popular and democratically elected moderate PM— Mohammed  Mossaddegh.  (Perhaps he is just the kind of person who we would prefer today. ). He was assassinated in favor of the so-called and self-described “Shah” of Iran: Reza Pahalvi.  Pahlavi was a tool of the CIA who ran the nation for the financial benefit of himself and his family and to avoid assassination himself he studiously followed the US line on foreign policy. Under his corrupt and brutal rule the nation descended into social and economic chaos.  That disaster of US “foreign policy”  led to the 1973 revolution which in turn resulted in the installation of the “Ayatollahs”..we also love to hate.   

Today(April 24, 2018)  in a Bloomberg opinion piece by Eli Lake entitled: “Trump, Macron, Merkel have an opportunity in Iran crisis” we learn of more stupidity on Iran.  In this opinion piece, author Eli Lake suggests we neither fix nor exit from the Iran nuclear deal negotiated by President Obama, but continue the uncertainty of the present.  Lake’s third option is to “keep the deal in limbo”.  Lake argues that such a policy would  discourage foreign investment and help encourage the collapse of the Iranian government.    Lake suggests his plan would permit us to help  “insurgents in the USA” install another Iranian government we might like better.  “Just let the regime crumble” suggests Lake.  Does this all sound a little familiar?  This opinion is a bit painful to read since underscores the fact that our “journalists” have apparently learned nothing over the last two decades. 

After reading his piece, one must assume that Mr. Lake was much in favor of the tragic human, economic and political disasters initiated by, caused, or instigated in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen—creating an historically unprecedented regional arc of destruction, death, poverty and chaos.  Those wars of choice by Presidents Bush and Obama not only destroyed nations of the Middle East but they generated either directly or indirectly millions of displaced peoples and refugees who surged into Greece, Italy and central and Northern Europe where they are today causing economic and social disruptions of massive proportions. 

If there is anything wrong with the deal that President Obama signed....let’s hear it.  Let us in good faith attempt to renegotiate to a better deal...if we can.  But our best interests (and those of the world we inhabit) is certainly not another failed state in the Middle East.  

Not a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. 

Not another regional war.  

Not a nuclear war.

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